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mutuelle plans before affiliation to CPAM


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Further to my post about health care from day one.

I've dug out an info pack that I got from a company called EXCLUSIVE HEALTHCARE, apparently a French company with English staff.

They have healthcare insurance for people not yet affiliated with CPAM, which one can take out for up to a year. For something like a hospitalisation only i.e no GP/prescriptions etc it's about 54€ each p/m 20€ child, so about 129€ (£88)pm for the three of us.

For their normal Plans Complementaires, the same type of plan is about 49€ (£34) for us three.  You also have to pay upfront 3 months as deposit if paying monthly.  This 'entry' plan all seems a bit expensive to me, but then I have no experience of any other plans.

I wonder if we should just fork out £264 for the 3 months, and hope our E106 comes through (I have already applied).

It looks like their full cover plan works out about 94€ pm (£64)for us three, that does not seem too bad, does it?

As usual, I value all your opinions.



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Don't know whether this will help because I have an E121 but we pay 744 euro per year for a top up policy with Groupama here in France. I receive 100% reimbursement anyway because I receive Incapacity Benefit from the uk and have the E121, but my husband was only getting 65% remimbursement. Now he has had a heart attack we took out a top up (aged 40 to 50) we pay the above. However our doctor has recommended to the French Security Sociale that he receives 100% because he has a life threatening medical problem so for all his heart stuff we will pay nothing. We will get cover for dentists and glasses for him on the top up policy though so it was worth taking out and he will not always be nearly dead. Joke!

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Hello Carol,

I hope you are looking after the old man! And that he up and running about. Thanks for the e-mail info.

This plan with Exclusive would be 810€ for a couple aged 45 - 49 for full difference on , but on hospital accom & food charges, it says 'full refund'.  Is yours for 'full difference' on everything? (Dont mean to be nosey, just trying to get comparisons).

I am right that full difference means nothing to pay regardless how much above tarrif de convention am I?

Starting to get some quotes now so will see.




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It was explained to us that normally there would be nothing to pay once CPAM and Groupama sort everything out when you have an incident of some kind. Apparently you always end up paying something for glasses and even our french neighbours do not know why that is.  Groupama explained that hospital, laboratory and chemist charges are met direct but you pay upfront for doctors visit, glasses and dentist and then claim it back. So we shall see how it all works eventually. It is really abit scary but we are finding the systems do work! We feel alot safer now we have this top up in place despite the doctor putting Nigel on 100% reimbursement anyway, you just do not know what can happen in the future.

On saying all this France is a great place to be if you can cope with all the paperwork, which can give you stress and then you end up at the docs anyway!!!!!!!

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