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Comparison of mutuelles


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Hi All!

As someone getting more and more confused about the level of cover we need to take out for our mutuelle, I thought you might be interested in the following website: www.devismutuelle.com.

It explains, fairly simply, (but in French) the levels of cover available and what they mean in terms of how much you end up having to pay for a treatment.

You can then select the levels of cover that you need for your circumstances (it actually suggests what you may need for particular family and health situations) and it will give you about 12 options for cover.

You can look at the detail for each policy suggested and more importantly, it gives you specific examples of "the bottom line" ie what you may end up paying for each type of treatment including dental and optical if these are covered by the policy.

It makes it easier to understand the 100%, 150% etc levels of cover and even if you decide not to go with any of the recommendations, it helps when you are looking at other policies because you have a better understanding of what you are looking for.

Hope this may be of use


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