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Hospital Vocabulary


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Hi Norman

I missed your latest list of useful hospital/medical vocab as my printer wasn't working. Now I can't find it even with the search function.

Could I ask you to post it again so that I could run it off, please.

I want to familiarise myself with the terms in case of need!

Thanks in advance

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So sorry to hear you are in hospital Norman, as you have been so strong and helpful to so many people on this forum I am sure everybody will wish you a speedy recovery. Many sympathies on the 'gruel' diet I can only sympathize knowing as to what you are going through, I guess it is slightly better than nil by mouth.[:D]

All the best Norman, and hope you are home soon.


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Thanks both.

Rushed in on Monday morning last as the weakness left in the abdominal wall where my old stoma had been had lt a bit of bowel protrude then pinched it so I had a blockage...

Emergency op  stomach pump nil by mouth and now I am f a r t i n g for France and people are pleased[:-))]

cos it's shows I am nearly unblocked.

They are not very sophistacated here.

Last night the consulaant said as soon as he has a cr A p he can go home [:D]

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I was about to post to say where is our dear barrique dweller and thinking that it was most unusual that you haven't responded to posts in which you would normally have  had an interest.

Well, get out of there soon and be sure you come back better and stronger[:)]

BTW, will your Normanmobile be ready for you to use?

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So you are really on the mend NH, maybe you'll have to consider changing your  board name to 'peter'?[:)]

I don't suppose it is appropriate but my immediate thought was je creve de faim, ofcourse there is  j'ai une faim de loup. Cannot think of much else to say when affamée apart from affamée [Www]

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[quote user="NormanH"]Donne moi quelque chose à bouffer pU tain de meR de je crève de faim là   was what I actually said...


LOL [:D] Crikey Norman you must have been suffering to have spoken like that - just not your kind of vocab at all.

Hope you are liberated soon.


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