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Is YOUR département under curfew from Friday midnight?


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From a purely selfish point of view I am delighted that the pustulous, vomitous, pizza-faced youf of S&L are going to be kept indoors for a while.

But my more altruistic side tells me that the sooner that these pimply creatures are forced (if necessary) into overheated, over-proximate nightclubs in which they can slobber over each other and have rampant and promiscuous sex up dark alleys, the sooner this infection will run its course.

I, meanwhile, will continue to stay well out of their way…
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Tancrède, looks like you are ahead of the game!

Parties in which young people try to catch Covid-19 to gain immunity could become the norm if the virus is not eradicated, a Cambridge professor has suggested, prompting others to caution that the long-term effects of infection are not yet known.

From the Guardian today.

Bit like the "pox parties" of our youth.
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Norman, yes, I am very surprised about Ariège.  The bits of it I have seen consist of small mountain villages, wilderness and none but hardy types on the mountain paths.  But then I didn't go for the bright lights.

Tancrède, you seem to have an intimate knowledge of the fleshpots of L & S, considering you claim to avoid them?  Or do the bouncers turn away someone of your not inconsiderable age?

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I think that the figures for the  Ariège are skewed by those from Foix and Pamiers, the two main towns,  which have reported 'clusters'.
Even in Mirepoix, the 'Dordogne' of the Département from the number of 'ex-pats' Brits who live there, has a bar closed because the owner has Covid..

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Well of course our department has been under curfew from the beginning.  I don't go out at night to see if anyone is disobeying or not.

I do notice that all the restaurants, cafés, etc. are open as normal during the day and very very few follow distancing rules.  People pack in them each day to drink and/or eat.

Also, very few people wear masks in the park (where signs are posted that it is required).  From what I see, there is a large percentage of people who just don't care (of all ages).  And, as usual, no one enforcing it.  I've seen plenty of police out writing parking violations, but not saying one word to unmasked people walking just beside them (in mask required zones).

Also, in a bid to get some fresh vegetables and fruits and avoid a crowd, I went to the market at 7h30 day before yesterday.  This is an indoor market (masks required) with about 30 vendors working it.  I saw one vendor wearing a mask, just one.  They put them on when more people begin to arrive. 

So, the 40,000 case number does not surprise me at all.  Before long, we'll be at the same level as the U.S. 

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Some good news, perhaps: It seems that the Oxford vaccine works well with, thus far few side effects. The drug company which is backing it, Astrazeneca has taken a chance with this and is producing milions and millions of doses at its factory in Belgium, 24/7.

So, maybe light at the end of a long tunnel at last.
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