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Beautiful German Shepherd girl, Deux-Sèvres (79)

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Lizzie is just five years old, spayed and microchipped.  Her English owners are moving next week to a smaller house where they say they cannot take her.

She is quiet, well behaved and walks well on a lead.  Lizzie was living with another dog which they have rehomed and four cats.  They also say she loves children.

I just don't know how people can dot it, but there you are.  It's no good pondering on that, the most important is poor Lizzie, through no fault of her own.

These photos were taken yesterday evening.


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I have to say Christine Animal, I am definitely with you on this.  I simply can't fathom the mentality of people who will part with an animal they have had for so long, except for in the direst circumstances.  I would live in a cardboard box before I would part with my pack.  In fact I would need them to look after me if I lived in a cardboard box, so would be even less likely to part with them.  Anyway, I hope you have some luck with finding her a new owner, she sounds like a lovely dog.  It helps such a lot to have so much information about her.  I re-homed Mossie my German Shorthaired Pointer as a stray.  Absolutely nothing was known about her (except that she was a hooligan) and I can tell you, it has not been easy but I wouldn't be without her now.

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She looks so sad [:(] she must be missing her friends that have gone already, like you say how can people do it , it breaks my heart to even think of being in that position [:(]

Some one please find her a good home , german sheapherds are great loyal friends I have had 2 in the last 21 years they are fantasic dogs if you give them love and kindness they will repay you 10 fold.

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Yes, they really are marvellous dogs.  We rescued one some years ago, I already told you about her once Pads.  She was at the veterinary clinic as her owner had died and the family wanted her put down, but knowing what a lovely dog she was and having known her for years, they couldn't do it and called me.  She was already fairly old and we only had her for a few years as she developed a tumour on her chest, which we had removed, but it came back again.  She was really a good friend, one of the special dogs I shall always remember.


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I second what has been said ...

She looks so sad... double sadness I can imagine, having lost her dog friends and her human family.. ..

We all feel the same I think, we d all love to open our homes to her...

I hope someone will soon be able to give her some comfort and lots of cuddles ...

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Oh Christine I would love to have her so much- but we are waiting to sell in England its just not happening yet[:(] looks like it will be spring nowbefore we come permanently... I have always had German Shepherds, we lost our old boy earlier this year and decided to wait till we come over to look for another one... she looks so much like my last girl Flora- please someone give her a lovely home, they are fantastic dogs and will give you so much pleasure
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Ditto everyone else.......................what a lovely girl. I just love GSD's, please someone give her a home - she looks so sad [:(]

I always try not to pass judgement on people who re-home their pets, but I am really struggling with this one.[:@]


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For the past 22 years I have always had an alsation bitch in the household - always older rescues - and I must confirm the previous comment made about them being very loyal and faithfull creatures!

My last one died 18 months ago at the age of 14 and I must confess that the two little rescues I have at present do not fill the gap left by my shepherds - not that I'd part with them of course!  However, if I lived closer to her, I am sure that she'd be in my car and have a home here without hesitation.  Come on someone, please take her in or I may be forced to take a long drive from Bretagne to fetch her myself!![:(]

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She's very definitely non-dominant?  and not likely to be a problem to a meek 13yr old spaniel or a bolshy but non-doninant 11yr old male yorkie?  Oh the temptation is definitely there and we have ample space for her here......... [;-)]

Last week I babysat a friends 17yr old female alsation while she went to the UK with no problems at all...... 

Sorry for all the questions but a dog is for life so better to ask beforehand as she's likely to be with us for the next 9 years.


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I was just trying to show you a photo of how un-dominant my last german shepherd was but can you beleive I cant ruddy find it................ its the one where the fires lit and the poor old boys bed would be placed in front of the fire to keep his old joints warm only our smaller dog had pushed in front of him and was using him as a pillow and the 2 cats were asleep on top of him using him as a pummeling cushion !! soft as marshmellow, ..............

Go on  spanielle give her a try at least, home is never the same when you lose a german shepherd. I lost my  poor old chap in Febuary and I still cant except it....[:(]

The photo im on about has been posted on here before but I just cant find it      

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I can't know all the ins and outs of her character.  I am sending you the owner's number by pm.  They say she barks at other dogs at the fence, but most dogs do don't they.  She was with another dog who they have rehomed and a couple of years ago they ran off and were found somewhere with the other person's gundogs, who she was with without any problems.

It's sure that you are quite a way off if ever it didn't work out, but honestly we have so many dogs pass through here with our lot and if you know how to integrate the new one, there are rarely any problems.  Is your garden fenced?


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Christine's PM rec'd and response sent. Unfortunately I can't take her until after 11th December due to a pre-arranged trip to the UK but if something can be sorted for her in the meantime and I can work out some means of moving her here, then she has a permanent home offer here with us!  [:D]
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I've spoken to the owner this morning.  She still has the dog at present.  A gentleman phoned last night enquiring and is presently consulting his wife.  The offer was left in her hands.  I have said that Lizzie is priority and she should decide where the dog would be happier rehomed.  The other caller lives closer than I do too. 

I should like to add that the owner seems a very caring person and is absolutely devastated in parting from her dogs but realises that they'd be happier elsewhere than living in a tiny 1 bedroom, 1 lounge house with little or no garden.  My sympathies are with her.

So, luckily all seems to be ending well for Lizzie anyway!

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[quote user="Spanielle"]

I've spoken to the owner this morning.  She still has the dog at present.  A gentleman phoned last night enquiring and is presently consulting his wife.  The offer was left in her hands.  I have said that Lizzie is priority and she should decide where the dog would be happier rehomed.  The other caller lives closer than I do too. 

I should like to add that the owner seems a very caring person and is absolutely devastated in parting from her dogs but realises that they'd be happier elsewhere than living in a tiny 1 bedroom, 1 lounge house with little or no garden.  My sympathies are with her.

So, luckily all seems to be ending well for Lizzie anyway!


It was me who phoned last night (and I'm no gentleman[:D]) and My wife phoned again this morning. We have left it that you take Lizzie and if you have  a problem we'll take her. If you can definitly give her a home then you should have her. Us having her would be dependent on her getting along with an elderly dog we already have. But I would work around any problems rather than she be put down.


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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Pimpernel, did she mention the possibility of having her put down then ?




Yes, she said that if she could not rehome Lizzie she would have to go to the pound and she believed that they only held them for a few weeks before putting them down.

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Well really, I can understand how "devastated" she must be.  She also told me she was led to believe (by our vet) that we would take her, so it's almost our fault if when she contacts me at the last minute we can't.  I tried to explain that we get calls like this every day, that we are at the end of our tether, probably in a far mor difficult situation than they are.  You know they are only going to this smaller house for a year, before going to a larger one again.

I also tried to explain that Lizzie would be far happier in a smaller house with her family and walks every day than being abandoned.  But what can you do?  Now it's only Lizzie who counts.  Thank you all for her interest in her.


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