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Free Frankie One ......


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[quote user="TWINKLE"]I am calling the SPA at 14h Quillan.  I'm asking for any news about Frankie - if you like I could mention that someone maybe interested but would like a trial run with him first?[/quote]


Bless you twinkle ..... im crying buckets at the mo I can hardly type

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]I am calling the SPA at 14h Quillan.  I'm asking for any news about Frankie - if you like I could mention that someone maybe interested but would like a trial run with him first?[/quote]

That would be fine, I can get over there this afternoon for a look and if all is OK I can take him then, if its allowed. I'll send you a PM with my details.

Pads, no problem with money, I just didn't want to turn up and look a total idiot. What was he like in the car?

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He was fine sat in the boot of our rented peugeot with the top taken off just looking out of the window .

some one had trained him well i think, also as he didnt understand english , i did a double click with the side of my tounge to get his attention , and he understood that . 

I have a lot more photos of him if you wantt some more?

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Just called the SPA but got the answering machine so I left a message.  I said that a gentleman was interested in giving him a home and I've just seen the post from Quillan so hopefully Frankie will have a happy ending. 

I'll keep tabs on the thread anyway and if Quillan can't take him I will keep asking around my friends and family. 



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Quillan, you'll find the address and a map on the PagesJaunes website (I searched for 'refuge SPA' in Carcassonne):


It's on Route de Berriac, south-east of Carcassonne.

I do hope it works out for you with Frankie - I'm only about half an hour away from Carcassonne so please let me know if I can help in any way.

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Route Berriac 11000 carcasonne


follow this road , go past the commercial estate on the right , stright over at the next big round about 

N113 towards trebes 

and there is a little sign on the left hand side of the road , about 4/5mins after round about , take the little dirt track down untill you see it on the right.

its open monday 2pm till 6pm

Good Luck

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Please do keep us informed, hope Quillan loves him!  I have a rescue and my chickens got sent up a couple of times but no one got hurt and no stress just lots of correction at the right time, now they all ignore each other, in fact yesterday they were all asleep in a big heap, weird site on the terrace!
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I'm back!

Thanks for the info on where the place is Pads cause Yellow Pages show it on the right road but the opposite direction. Shame I never saw your post before I left thats life, nobodies fault. Well thats one moan, the next is that there were three ladies and a chap there who obviously work there. While I was asking after Frankie the phone rung and rung and rung and nobody bothered to answer it Grrrrrr. If only Twinks and I could have got through it would have saved me just over a two hour round trip.

Now the good news, I don't have him, he was not there. Apparently he has been reunited with his owner who was traced via his microchip. So even though I seem to have wasted my time going, there is a happy ending. I did walk around (with a copy of one of Pads photo's from the original post) and can definitely say he is not there (well not in the public section anyway). I had a good look at the other dogs (there are loads, all different sizes and a couple of pedigrees if anyone is looking) but sad to say I didn't connect with any if you know what I mean, another time perhaps.

As I said to Pads in a PM I somewhat believe in destiny and if its meant to be it will. Perhaps I am not ready yet to have another dog especially as I still miss Sam a lot.

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Oh Quillan Im so sad for you , as you would of loved him......and for him as I think he would of had a good home with you, But Im really glad hes at home , I just hope they are nice people. I only rang 3 days ago and they had not had an answer from them at that time ........


As they say Alls well that ends well........[:D]

A Huge thankyou to you for going all that way and trying [kiss]

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Maybe the owners had been away for the weekend Pads - this happens a lot in September.  I will ring back tomorrow for more information - I've been out all afternoon but they didn't ring me back.

I did get to speak to our hero Quillan though[:)]  Funny when you actually speak to people from the forum after reading their posts for a couple of years - their voices don't connect to person you imagine.  Quillan sounds much younger and jolly than I expected him too[:D] 

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Yes your proberly right twinks although hes only been in there a week , it feels like a life time to me , Im just glad the poor soul is out of the kennels before it got really cold.

I have decided to do a bit of fund raisng here in my village for the dogs home when Im back on my feet , any one know if they can except money for the one centre or does it go into a pot for the country wide ? or would I be better buying beds toys and chews so it goes directly to the dogs ? A question for christine I think.....

Your right Quillan is a hero .... wouldnt it be loverly to meet more like him ......

I hope the power of this forum works for the next dog ........ come on people winter is coming lets get as many dogs out of those kennels as we can, and make a great christmas for them. 


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Oh God I hope my wife doesn't read all these nice comments, I won't hear the end of it. Thanks for the compliment Twinks but sorry no discount if you come to stay [;-)] . Bit like the 15 minutes of fame, I guess every chap wants to be a hero for a few minutes but chaps, its very embarrassing [:$] [:$] .

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Great news Pads.  We are all able to sleep a little easier tonight.  Thanks to Quillan and people like you we are able to help lots of Frankies but only if we didn't have to i.e. Dog for life not just for Christmas or when we go off for the weekend etc. etc.


Anyway, I won't start a rant but just pleased that you can rest easier now Pads.  On behalf of all the canine/feline community - THANK YOU

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That is such good news that he found his owners.  It would be very interesting to know how he went missing and was roaming for six weeks.  Pads, you saved his life, he was so thin and noone bothered about him.  Thanks to you it was discovered that he had a chip and he is now back with his family who must have cared about him as he was so well behaved.

Quillan, that was good of you to go all that way and a shame it was for nothing.  What about this one?



[quote user="Pads"]

I have decided to do a bit of fund raisng here in my village for the dogs home when Im back on my feet , any one know if they can except money for the one centre or does it go into a pot for the country wide ? or would I be better buying beds toys and chews so it goes directly to the dogs ? A question for christine I think.....



Pads that's a wonderful idea to do some fund raising, but I can't really answer your question as I don't know your refuge.  Personally I would prefer to give to different cases where you really help in rescuing dogs and know where the money goes.  There is permanently a need for funds to get dogs out of refuges and fourrières where they are to be put down by paying the fee and the cost of the covoiturage to take them somewhere safe.  There are volunteers who do this, but need to be reimbursed for the motorway and petrol which is more and more expensive.  I get messages every day asking for help for this or that.  Look, that dog Garou above, someone is paying 200 euros a month for boarding kennels after rescuing him from a fourrière.

Once a young girl wanted to rescue a nine year old magnificent Rottweiler from a fourrière, but couldn't take him for several months until she had her own flat.  So we all chipped in and paid his board until she could have him and it saved his life.

It is far more satisfying to really participate and follow a rescue than giving to the SPA, who already have so many donations, and not knowing exactly what it is used for.  There are so many other discreet people helping animals out there.  They are the ones who need the help.


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Quillan, what a hero!  [:-))] Shame you had a wasted journey but you could always drop in to the Mirepoix SPA to see if there are any there that might 'click' with you - sadly, they've always got loads too? 

Great news re Frankie, I hope - I wonder if the owners will contact you to thank you Pads?  It would be a nice thing to do and you could maybe arrange to see him again next time you're over (if they live nearby)?  [:D]

Jonzjob, are you going to be around on Wed pm?  We might pop in to see you [B] 'cos we're going over that way in the morning/lunchtime.  I'll give you a buzz tomorrow.

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Twinkle said she would ring tomorrow and try to find out a little more about the owners and how he got lost , so we may yet find out .....

Are dogs in kennels allowed toys chews ect.... you never see them with any ? is that because no one gives them any or because they dont want them to have them ?

Id like to hear more about the scheme your talking about , helping the helpers....

All my neighbours are rich dog owners .... if I make up some sad posters and leaflets and maybe organise a coffee morning or jumble sale ....... they will all be up for it .. they are a kind bunch of people ......

As soon as I get out of hospital I will get on to it .......



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