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Dog bite


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Unfortunately I was bitten by a neighbours dog a couple of nights ago. Is there anything I should do. The owner was present, so is aware. I have seen the dr and there is inflammation of the wound.

TIA Suey
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Coincidentally, OH was attacked by a big boxer dog which bit his fingers on Tuesday.

The owner is a mentally challenged man.  Keep an eye on the wound and go back to the doctor's if you don't think it's healing.

I am dressing OH's wound daily with the bandages and stuff that the doctor prescribed.  He is taking antibiotics but there was no tetanus injection offered.  I wasn't there so I couldn't ask about that.  Fortunately, his wounds seem to be healing well.

As I didn't want to have the dog removed or worse, destroyed, I didn't go to the police but I gave the maire all the details.  He is going to talk to the owner.  This is a "méchant" dog and the narrow passageway onto which their house opens is used by young and old.

Hope your wound heals nicely.

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Not only do I believe that you should declare this to the CPAM, BUT you should have done a declaration with your insurer too and you have a small window to do this.

This would be perfectly normal procedure in the olde days, and it looks like nothing has changed.

(that link should be live)

ps I realise that it states that you have 15 days for the CPAM,  but insurers want you to be quicker off the mark... or at least used to. This way the CPAM claims the money for any treatment from the insurer.

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Yes, I know about that.  However, in our case, I doubt the man has the means to pay.  He works for the dustbin people, lives in a small rented house and is none too bright.

I think it's counter-productive and OH's wounds are healing.

It would be like suing a bankrupt.

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IF this man is renting then he should have insurance, if he isn't then he does not need to be insured.

What I would say is that everyone in France should have insurance for la responsabilité civile because if such things happen then they are covered.

Frankly, if this went through, I would imagine that it would be your insurance that pays........... because that is the way it often works. But that may gall, and it certainly did me when my son had his teeth knocked out by another kid, and that was a sports accident during training. But when it boils down to it, WHY should the CPAM pay when this is an unnecessary accident or with S1's the NHS????

I am now bearing in mind that health care covers all sorts of betisse which are just down to human nature being what it is, but when it comes out of this bracket, then it should not.

And remember even in the UK the insurance companies pay the NHS for the medical bills for accidents, I know this because I have discussed this after a family member was in an accident.

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On the few times we've been through A&E with minor injuries, however they've been caused, I've always said they were accidents in my home.. then there's no long discussion about who might be liable to pay the bills, which have never been more than a few Euros. (OH knocked his head on the concrete beam under our house while he was working and cut it.. A&E asked what he was doing..we said looking for the cat!) I contribute to my healthcare and that paid for it..it doesn't make my own insurance costs any more or any less.

The only time I would say different would be if someone physically attacked me.

Why make life more complicated than it needs to be.

Unless the dog bite was so severe it needed stitches then the cost is usually limited to a course of antibiotics and some antiseptic so I'd probably do what Mint did and just forget about it.
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I'm not even sure this mec pays his own rent.

Dull as they come but he even has a copine who, naturally, continued to smoke and showed no interest when OH was dripping blood outside their front door.

I have heard from my neighbour since the incident that that dog also bit the facteur's ankle.

There are just people who it's not worth persuing.  I told the maire the full details so now it's up to him to sort it out.  I immediately thought of the elderly and children where the consequences might have been a lot greater.

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The thread asked should I do anything more?


If the OP was concerned that the dog might attack and maim even kill a child then absolutely but with the Gendarmerie not the hospital, unless the owner encouraged their dog to bite me I see nothing to gain by exposing a neighbour to years of grief with L'Assurance Maladie and their insurers, all it would achive around here is to have my hôtel burned down.


i'm with lindal, always say it was a diy accident working on your own home, you have nothing to gain and could become involved in a long procedure which will bring you nothing, if you were working on the black for a registered company that was negligent then maybe, just maybe you have something to gain but remember that you will probably be in your dwelling when it catches fire.


My commercial fire alarm system developed a problem with one smoke detector yesterday, replacing it is my highest priority (I have rigged the rest of the system to operate in its absence) peopel who own aggressive dogs are not usually the most understanding or calmest of people.

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We have done more insurance declarations than I can remember.


Because french people had the good sense to tell us to!!

And a couple of things ended up with follow up treatment that literally went on for years AND the CPAM and mutuellist would not have covered the bills by a long shot and not just hundreds of euros.

In these particular cases the Maires have been informed and should follow the laws..... the dogs owners should have informed the Maire too.

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There is no official rabies threat in France. I say official because the fox population in parts of France is still AFAIK still being regularly fed inoculated meat to ensure that rabies is controlled and cannot spread.

However the big flaw in your argument is that if a dog has rabies an analysis of its blood will show the antibodies for Rabies.

If a dog has been inoculated to prevent it having rabies it too will show antibodies for rabies in the blood sample.

Ergo the only test for rabies is quarantine and if the dog is still alive after 4 weeks it does not have rabies.
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I didn't know that, Andy.

Another thing - the Maire can tell the owner to keep the dog enclosed. I once complained to our Maire about a huge alsation that came charging at me if I went anywhere near, and the owner had to fence off her land.

Another time, when we lived next to a pilgrim route,  we had a collie who tried to round up the pilgrims (he was a very difficult dog.) One of them complained to the Maire and he told us we had to fence off our land.

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Surely the collie was doing the Lord's work, rounding up the sheep, and should have received a canine beatification.

I have little time for dogs that bite in public places; they should be firmly enclosed or destroyed. Dogs which bite when people are on the dog's territory are another matter. They should be controlled and kept well away from danger points such as young children.
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 It was funny in a way - the poor folk would be huddled together in a little group, not daring to move, as he kept circling them and barking loudly.

But eventually he was killed while trying to herd a car.

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image: http://www.poetry-archive.com/palogo2.gif



by: Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774)

      image: http://www.poetry-archive.com/g_pic.gif


      people all, of every sort,

      Give ear unto my song;

      And if you find it wondrous short,--

      It cannot hold you long.


      In Islington there was a man,

      Of whom the world might say

      That still a godly race he ran,--

      Whene'er he went to pray.


      A kind and gentle heart he had,

      To comfort friends and foes;

      The naked every day he clad,--

      When he put on his clothes.


      And in that town a dog was found,

      As many dogs there be,

      Both mongrel, puppy, whelp, and hound,

      And curs of low degree.


      The dog and man at first were friends;

      But when a pique began,

      The dog, to gain some private ends,

      Went mad, and bit the man.


      Around from all the neighboring streets,

      The wondering neighbors ran,

      And swore the dog had lost his wits

      To bite so good a man.


      The wound it seemed both sore and sad

      To every Christian eye;

      And while they swore the dog was mad

      They swore the man would die.


      But soon a wonder came to light,

      That showed the rogues they lied;

      The man recovered of the bite,

      The dog it was that died.

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