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Please help.......insurance quandry


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[quote user="Russethouse"]

 But we are 14 months down the line and the liklihood of getting this money returned doesn't seem that great.....and its quite an investment of time.

I think it highlights a bigger issue, do we trust the police force to use their instinct , or not ? If we do we have to accept that sometimes mistakes are made.


Not just a matter of money RH, we only started to go for that a few weeks ago. it is loss of Liberty and the flaming shambles of the whole situation.

Like Derf we exported a car in 2003 and another (the Xantia in 2004) neither seem to be recognised as exported by the system at DVLA, even though we followed the instructions given on this very website and from personal advise of a previous member who owned a Band B in Normandie with a penchant for the gee gees[:-))]

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

 I agree with Will, but I'd like to know what the Independent Police Complaints Commision made, or what was said that satisfied them.

Derf, Do you think those cops and drivers programs are all genuine ?


Well they had 2 officers who could corroborate their lies.

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[quote user="opas"]

... we exported a car in 2003 and another (the Xantia in 2004) neither seem to be recognised by the system at DVLA, even though we followed the instructions given on this very website ...[/quote]

This happens. We applied to export 2 cars in 2005 after we decided - on the hoof - to remain in France following an extended holiday. Receiving no refunds of the RFL I queried this lack from DVLA about 2 or 3 months later via email. By return I was informed no export application had been received by them. Being an avid reader of this forum I had kept copies of the forms et al that had been sent to DVLA ( bless Teamed Up) so I sent an email with full copies of both of our export applications. Sometime later we received 2 refunds of the balance of our RFLs and confirmation that both our cars had been logged as exported.


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Of the three vehicles I mentioned before, one of which is flagged as 'exported' and the others as 'unlicensed', we received export certificates for all three and RFL refunds for two, before we left France. (The third was zero-rated for RFL).

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[quote user="Will"]Of the three vehicles I mentioned before, one of which is flagged as 'exported' and the others as 'unlicensed', we received export certificates for all three and RFL refunds for two, before we left France. (The third was zero-rated for RFL). [/quote]

That is interesting; as we didn't receive export certificates for either of them, though they do flag up as being exported on the DVLA web pages.


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[quote user="suein56"]That is interesting; as we didn't receive export certificates for either of them, though they do flag up as being exported on the DVLA web pages.[/quote]You will not receive export certificates. The practice of issuing them ceased in 2005 I think when the new style V5 was rolled out. According to the DVLA you cannot even apply for one if you have a V5 in your name or that of the previous owner but you simply send in the tear off section. It's all I did. If you or the previous owner has lost the V5 then the procedure is to apply for a replacement and send the slip in from that one.

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It's the V5C that you can't apply for an export certificate with. Although it is true that the routine issue of export certificates ceased when the V5C replaced the V5, they are still issued in certain cases. If you have a V5 or V5C you need to transfer it to your own name first. You don't need  to apply for a new V5 (you can't - you would get a V5C instead). To export a vehicle with a V5C you use the export part of the V5C instead of an export certificate. If you only have the change of ownership portion of a V5, or no registration document at all, the DVLA has a special form on which you apply for an export certificate to allow you to re-register the vehicle overseas. So contrary to popular opinion, if you buy a UK-reg vehicle in France and don't have a registration document you can still register it in France.

What is very important is to be aware that the V5 (old-style registration document) and V5C (new EU-style registration certificate), despite the similarity in name, are totally different things that work in different ways. To be pedantic, there is no such thing as a 'new style V5' - it's a V5C.

And another word of caution - don't necessarily expect DVLA to follow its own procedures. Experience proves that it doesn't always.

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After the long read of this thread I'm horrified at what has happened and if it were me then I would definately chase it! Good luck with it Opas.

I think that this site is the correct way to make sure the vehicle is exported correctly!

How do I check if the vehicle we bought over from the U.K. has been flagged as export please. I have had a look at the DVLC web site and couldn't find it? If it isn't flagged and the now French owner takes it to the U.K. and gets stopped he will be a very surprised person me-thinks? It was a new Citroën C8, left hand drive that we bought before the move over. So within the first 3 months of it's life it had been regestered in Holland (where we bought it), U.K. and France!

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If it's LHD and on French plates then without checking the VIN numbers, no one would ever know that it had once been registered in the UK.

"I have had a look at the DVLC web site and couldn't find it?"

Does that mean you couldn't find the correct part of the website or that your British reg. number wasn't listed on it?

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I suspect that a French national, travelling in a LHD French registered vehicle with a French licence and carrying a French identity document might not come under quite the same level of scrutiny as a British person would.

AFAIK the DVLA site does not make available VIN numbers for routine or public scrutiny. At a routine roadside check I think plod can probably only go by the registration number hence cannot check up on a vehicle without knowing the original UK number and indeed, if on foreign plates and unless told so by a driver, they will have no way of knowing if has ever been UK registered. If in doubt they can call DVLA (not 24/7 though) or sieze the vehicle for further enquiries - but we know that don't we [Www]

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

How do I check if the vehicle we bought over from the U.K. has been flagged as export please.


If you go to this site and click on 'vehicle enquiry' on the LHS then follow the instructions as to reg no etc then you should find out the status of your vehicle - status according to DVLA that is.


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[quote user="Maricopa"]

[quote user="suein56"]If you go to this site and click on 'vehicle enquiry' [/quote]

I had this on my favourites, but they now both go to a DVLA timed out page when I click on Vehicle Enquiry.


It still works for me - just a thought but perhaps you need to clear your cache and/or your cookies.


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[quote user="suein56"][quote user="Maricopa"]

[quote user="suein56"]If you go to this site and click on 'vehicle enquiry' [/quote]

I had this on my favourites, but they now both go to a DVLA timed out page when I click on Vehicle Enquiry.

It still works for me - just a thought but perhaps you need to clear your cache and/or your cookies.


I managed to get through to the details too, but it then told me that the "Vehicle details could not be found". So as this is just a matter of interest to me I will let it rest there, but if I were still the owner of that car and I was stopped in the way that Mr O was then I would have been MORE THAN UPSET! Especially if I were then treated to 3 days of HMS hospitally! I would now be looking for someones blood!

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

I managed to get through to the details too, but it then told me that the "Vehicle details could not be found".


Our details come up as exported on one line and then unlicensed underneath; which is right if you think about it.

Because our initial export applications went awol I was more than pleased to find DVLA online evidence that our folllow-up requests had been dealt with in a satisfactory manner.


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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...
I'm back............with excellent news !

I will leave the clever ones on the forum to do the maths of how long it took , but he got there in the end.

I am not at liberty to discuss details but suffice it to say that the situation reached its conclusion earlier this week and there is a loverly big fat cheque on its way.

I do not expect to see an apology with it though
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We have all been really busy.

mr O sorting this lot out, I started my own changover cleaning A/E

Eldest has been to Lyceé and qualified as an hairdresser.

Youngest is in her last year at college.

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Hi there. Nice to see you back, we used to chat a lot offline and I havn't been on this forum for a long time either after some very nasty people began to hijack it. Glad to hear you are getting some good luck at last
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