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Power supply to new extension

Rose (& Greyman)

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We are getting devis for our new extension at one end of the house. Regarding the power supply I have been led to understand that it will be necessary to run a cable from the tableau in a 1m trench along the back of the existing house and then enter the new building, which is at the opposite end of the house to the tableau.

I am wondering if it is acceptable to surface mount this cable in conduit rather than make a trench which will destroy the path that exists along the back of the house. We will be powering 2 ceiling lights and about 6 sockets from it.

Any thoughts from electricians will be appreciated.

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Personally I would get a couple more quotes just for the electrics and see how they compare and more importantly how they intend to do it.

My first thoughts were that their route would be the simplest and best for making money. Dig a trench and in doing so dig up your path then they can charge you to put a new path in and I bet it won't be cheap.

Is there a way through the roof or via a cellar? If there is you can certainly put it in plastic conduit. Personally I have no knowledge of putting cables outside in this context.

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I second Quillan's suggestion to get more quotes.

Since the extension is part of the existing house (I assume) I can't understand why it would be necessary to go outside/underground with the cable. It's difficult to understand without seeing the situation though.

Two good suggestions there from Q about using the cellar or roof, and that's where I'd be looking.

Were you thinking of putting the cable on the outside of an exterior wall? That's certainly how things were done in the past but it's not very elegant and I've seen a similar extension supply to a workshop done this way, in a neighbouring house, just this year, and by French electrician, so it appears to be allowed. Can't say I like the look.


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Thanks for the suggestions. I will be getting more devis, I just wanted to be prepared with a suggestion that was legal.

There isn't a cellar so that isn't an option and going up is probably as disruptive as a trench as there is a newly finished bathroom right above. I'm not bothered about the look. It will be along the back of the house fixed about 50cm from ground level where there is already a line between the base of the house and the start of the crepi and anyway it's just my potager area and not visible to anyone unless they're invited there. The tableau is fixed to that wall at the correct level (the room with the tableau is slightly sous-sol) so it would be a simple case of a hole through the wall, run along about 15m in a conduit outside then in to the new extension, which is attached to the end of the house. If it's legal I'm happy.

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50cms seems a bit low to me, possibly prone to accidental damage. I've had a look in my "L'Installation électrique" bible and can't find any normes for this. That doesn't mean that there aren't any!  I'd have been thinking in terms of running the 15m at 3 metres above ground, out of harm's way, but that's just my  preference. If you ask your next electrician exactly what you want you'll get a better idea of what's practical. 
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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote user="sid"]50cms seems a bit low to me, possibly prone to accidental damage. I've had a look in my "L'Installation électrique" bible and can't find any normes for this. That doesn't mean that there aren't any!  I'd have been thinking in terms of running the 15m at 3 metres above ground, out of harm's way, but that's just my  preference. If you ask your next electrician exactly what you want you'll get a better idea of what's practical. [/quote]

There certainly is, It was a while back I did mine but I am sure it was 60-90cm covered in sand the grillage sand and earth. Shame EDF could only manage 20cm for my main power cable, at least they remembered the gaine rouge [:)]

Rather than a big excavation, how about a cable trencher? this one from Kiloutou is only 30cm but there are bigger/deeper ones around which may save wrecking a good path.


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