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Everything posted by snapper

  1. Hi I am an English female photographer living in France in Dept 86 and may be able to help you depending on what date your wedding is - congratulations by the way. My work is here
  2. [quote user="Ian"]The problem of being not quite well off enough to live off one's investments yet still too young to qualify for retirement benefits has traditionally been solved by the solution of getting a job. This radical, though rather unfashionable idea, works well in both France and Britain. [/quote] Ian, I don't know if your snidey remark is aimed at me but I do have a job here in the UK. I also have a variable income from my freelance work and if I was in France, I will still be receiving royalties from my work but at irregular intervals. I have not factored this in as it is irregular whereas mortgage payments are.
  3. Thanks for all your replies - plenty to think over. I did speak to a local estate agent here in London and he has similar properties to mine on his books for £800 - £900 and they were all nice properties so that was a bit disheartening as it would not leave much left over after paying mortgage etc. My eldest says to hang onto the house, rent it and try living in France for 2 years then sell up if I still liked it there. So I am still confused but I have a year and a bit before my youngest goes to uni so will be following this forum and researching and thinking.
  4. I have only looked on line at letting agents  here in the Uk to see what similar properties are being rented out for - between £1200 - £1400. We have the DLR being built which will be ready early next year and is just a 10 minute walk away so prices may go up.
  5. Thanks for all your replies. I have another 10 years before I retire. The mortgage is on the UK house. The French house was bought outright some years ago. I know lots of people say keep a base in the UK, rent out the house but if I do that I am worried in case there is a period of a month or more between one rental contract and the next one and not being able to pay the mortgage. My fixed rate mortgage ends in 2010 so I also anticipate I be paying more at a higher rate after then. There are not many Gites in our area - we always had trouble getting into a few in the locality before we had bought the French house. We have gotten to know the French owners of a Gite who is often booked up most of the year, mainly with French people. One Gite, owned by English is not doing as well.  
  6. Hello, I have a holiday home in Dept 86 with no mortgage and want to move out permanently in a years time on my own as my children are now grown up. I have many friends - both French and British out there. My question is funding my stay and would like advise please. 1. I could rent out my house in London to cover the mortgage and have around £400 a month to live on.  I am worried in case there are some months when the house is not rented and not being able to cover the mortgage. 2. I could sell up here, pay off the mortgage which is not too large, buy either a 2 or 4 bed gite to run and invest a sizable amount - around £100,000 and hopefully have enough income from that each month to live. Look forward to any of your thoughts.  
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