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Everything posted by Colandhelinfrance

  1. Does anyone know if it is possible to go directly above the local Marie? If you read our original entry (Problems with local Marie) placed a few days ago, you will understand why we ask this question! Is there a procedure for sidestepping the Marie I would take it. We did indeed get our planning permission & the work is nearly complete but, after talking to our French builder, we have found out that the Mare has tried to block every single step of our building work. Low and behold, we now find ourselves with a  one off TAX that nobody has ever heard of: It is a "Tax EXIGIBLES, payable to the Tresor Public for the sum of 1866 euros. Of which 1435 goes to the local department & 431 goes to the C.A.U.E (whatever that is) Reading the document, it appears that we are paying for the pleasure of making our commune a better place by renovating a run down building  WHAT!!!! Any guidance please!       
  2. Many thanks for all your comments, could you tell me who the DDE is please.and who the best people to contact for side stepping the marie are. As a footnote to some of your comments, my wife does speak French, so I don't think it is a misunderstanding. This Maire has said that if we sign a letter he will prepare, he will end (the non existent) contract. Our notaire has told us to sign nothing & that he has no claim on the field whatsoever, as it is less than a hectare. Indeed, whilst we were waiting for our planing permission, the notaire drafted a letter for us, it basically told the marie that "if he continued to trespass on our land we would have the right to take him to justice (we of course have not sent this letter as yet) When we asked the notaire if this was a problem sending this sort of letter to a marie, he clearly said NO. I have a few more details on this matter, but I don't want to overload everybody with everything at once. 
  3. Hello good people. I wonder if anybody can help us. We purchased our house three years ago, it consisted of two buildings joining each other with a 2acre field. At the time our field was being cut by the local farmer (who happens to be the local marie also) we ended all contracts for cutting our field upon purchase. Everything was going smoothly until we told the farmer/marie that we would allow him to continue to cut the field, but would not accept the 55 euros he was paying once a year, and that he could cut it for free (he needed to cut the field to build up his subsidy from the government) and when we actually wanted to turn some of the field into a garden he would have to stop. He then turned, saying that he had a contract and would continue. We approached our notaire who assured us that" he was laughing at us" and that he had no right whatsoever to be on our land. We had to put in for renovation to our property, (which when previously discussed with the marie, were told that we could do what we wanted to the front of the house and just to let him know) he has attempted to block our renovation and has been extremely obstructive every step of the way with our French builder. He is also best friends with our less than friendly neighbour, who are also being very obstructive. we feel that this marie has a conflict of interests where we are concerned, and that we are being treated very unfarely. Also he is backing his friends (our neighbours) to the point of abusing his powers. Can anybody suggest any recourse, or action we can take. The whole situation is spoiling our place in France, its a real shame.    
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