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Posts posted by NormanH

  1. 21 hours ago, menthe said:

    I thought I was au fait with with the English language, even when it is used by Americans!😀

    As an interested observer, I have been following the speeches and debates from across the pond.  Some words such as "forgiven" as in students are forgiven their debts are easily enough translated into their student debts are written off.  OK, a slightly different interpretation of a word but perfectly comprehensible all the same.

    But now we have "Kamala is BRAT"!  Is she really?  And who says she is?

    Years ago, in my degree course, we used to say that humour is not for babies or martians.  In other words, humour is culture specific.  Or in layman's language, we might say, for example, jokes are not readily translatable into someone else's language.

    Now it seems that I no longer understand fairly basic English.  As a consequence, I am now more or less convinced that I have appeared on earth as an alien, even more at a loss for words than ET.

    I wonder if anyone else feels as I do?

    You understand English, just   not the simplified  version that has evolved in America to cater for a country where many people  were immigrants .




  2. I  have plenty of experience of coping with the real difficulties of  being old and ill as I explained in my earlier post. The difference  is that I have both first-hand experience and a command of the administration  that I can demonstrate through references to official sources. I am not interested in spinning unsubstantiated  tales or making wild attention-seeing assertions. I have enough   do  coping with reality.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Lori said:

    Sad story.  I'm' sorry for the loss of your friend ALBF.  I didn't realize Ehpad's were so expensive.  Are they all that way and do all the residents pay similar annual fees ?

    As to car leases, they are the same the world over.  READ the fine print folks.  The lease does not go away, even if you die.  Your estate (if you have one) or your next of kin will be expected to pay the remainder of the lease.  NEVER NEVER NEVER do it.


    This gives an overview of the prices etc ...as usual  a link to an official site is more useful than anecdotes  :https://www.pour-les-personnes-agees.gouv.fr/comprendre-les-prix-tarifs-et-prestations-affiches-dans-l-annuaire-des-ehpad

  4. In the second round I had the choice between the Maire's wife who was the sitting RN Deputé, the official replacement RN candidate ( as MLP didn't think that the Maire's wife was extreme enough) or LFI. Not one 'moderate' candidate was in the running.

    In the end the official RN got in with 41% in front of the Maire's wife, which means that a total of 71% of those who voted had chosen the RN..


  5. Voici la liste des ALD fixée par décret (ALD 30) (1) :


  6. On 30/06/2024 at 09:12, Noisette said:

    Well in my part of Real France views are polarised. On the one hand you've got the rag-bag of 'French'...nearly all 2nd or 3rd generation descendants of Spanish and Italian immigrants, who vote RN as a matter of principle. Then there are the 'stupid' Brits who are vociferously horrified by the apparent  popularity of the extreme right but mostly can't vote here anyway.

    Should you care to acquire some facts, towns like Tonneins, Agen and Marmande  have quite high proportions of, respectively, N. Africans and Portugese (tabac and building industries), N. Africans (agriculture) and in Marmande I'm not sure what they do but there are a lot of them.

    Just as in UK 30 years ago, the latest addition to the mix are Eastern europeans.

    Quite what all that has to do with French nationality escapes me, but at least you got a response to the wind-up 😂

    Nice to read some facts. Here in Béziers you could add Turkish and Middle eastern to the list but it makes an uneasy mix with  the large 'pied noir' contingent, one of whom is the Maire.

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 30/06/2024 at 21:24, Harnser said:

    "national priority in certain areas, in particular for access to employment and housing"

    Presumably you are not aware that in the UK, employers and landlords are compelled by law to investigate the immigration status of prospective employees and tenants? 




    I am referring to France. What may or may not be the  case in the UK is not relevant

  8. I don't see any distiction being made here between 'nice' EXPATS (spit) and nasty immigrants..


    En 2024, la « prĂ©fĂ©rence nationale », thĂ©orisĂ©e par les fascistes dans les annĂ©es 1980, reste plus que jamais l’élĂ©ment central du programme du RN. « C’est la raison d’ĂȘtre de ce parti, s’il abandonne ça, il n’est plus rien », rĂ©sume Jean-Yves Camus, politologue spĂ©cialiste de l’extrĂȘme droite.

    D’aprĂšs son programme prĂ©sidentiel, Marine Le Pen souhaite ainsi introduire dans la Constitution « la prioritĂ© nationale dans certains domaines, notamment pour l’accĂšs Ă  l’emploi et au logement » en y ajoutant « l’institution de sanctions pĂ©nales ou administratives ». Un employeur, un propriĂ©taire et un bailleur social seraient donc contraints de choisir le dossier d’un Français, sous peine de sanctions. Une menace couplĂ©e Ă  d’autres mesures, dont le durcissement des conditions d’accĂšs Ă  la nationalitĂ© française et « l’expulsion des Ă©trangers sans emploi depuis un an », pour vider la France de ses immigrĂ©s.

    Des arguments qui n’ont aucune valeur Ă©conomique

    Concernant le logement social, Marine Le Pen a mĂȘme sous-entendu qu’il fallait expulser les familles Ă©trangĂšres, en Ă©mettant le vƓu, en 2022, de « remettre sur le marchĂ© les 620 000 logements sociaux occupĂ©s par des Ă©trangers 

  9. En 2024, la « prĂ©fĂ©rence nationale », thĂ©orisĂ©e par les fascistes dans les annĂ©es 1980, reste plus que jamais l’élĂ©ment central du programme du RN. « C’est la raison d’ĂȘtre de ce parti, s’il abandonne ça, il n’est plus rien », rĂ©sume Jean-Yves Camus, politologue spĂ©cialiste de l’extrĂȘme droite.

    D’aprĂšs son programme prĂ©sidentiel, Marine Le Pen souhaite ainsi introduire dans la Constitution « la prioritĂ© nationale dans certains domaines, notamment pour l’accĂšs Ă  l’emploi et au logement » en y ajoutant « l’institution de sanctions pĂ©nales ou administratives ». Un employeur, un propriĂ©taire et un bailleur social seraient donc contraints de choisir le dossier d’un Français, sous peine de sanctions. Une menace couplĂ©e Ă  d’autres mesures, dont le durcissement des conditions d’accĂšs Ă  la nationalitĂ© française et « l’expulsion des Ă©trangers sans emploi depuis un an », pour vider la France de ses immigrĂ©s.

    Des arguments qui n’ont aucune valeur Ă©conomique

    Concernant le logement social, Marine Le Pen a mĂȘme sous-entendu qu’il fallait expulser les familles Ă©trangĂšres, en Ă©mettant le vƓu, en 2022, de « remettre sur le marchĂ© les 620 000 logements sociaux occupĂ©s par des Ă©trangers 

  10. Des centaines de milliers de travailleurs potentiellement privĂ©s d’emplois

    Ce texte vise mĂȘme Ă  « interdire l’accĂšs Ă  des emplois dans l’administration, des entreprises publiques et des personnes morales chargĂ©es d’une mission de service public aux personnes qui possĂšdent la nationalitĂ© d’un autre État ». Cet extrait en dit long sur le projet du RN qui vise non seulement les Ă©trangers, mais aussi les binationaux, soit 3,5 millions de personnes.

    L’extrĂȘme droite discrimine encore et toujours les citoyens selon leurs origines, ce qui finit toujours par se retourner contre tout le monde. « Les Ă©trangers, et donc les binationaux, sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme dĂ©loyaux d’office, et Ă  ce titre il faudrait leur interdire l’emploi public. Bon courage ! Que ce soit pour les mĂ©decins, les professeurs ou encore les Ă©boueurs, l’emploi public repose en grande partie sur des travailleurs de nationalitĂ© Ă©trangĂšre ou de double nationalité », souligne Ian Brossat

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