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  1. BritinBretagne said : You are exposing some of your true colours in that rant. Nasty dangerous stuff. What twaddle. And you are exposing a cretinous amount of HMTL. Who wants to read a whole load of ' ' It isn't difficult to remedy this. Just click on the button that says EDIT fgs.
  2. There is, in the midst of this slough of graft and incompetence, one bit of cheering news, namely that a prompt and gold-plated vaccination service at 'exclusive centres' in Brussels is already being put in place for the benefit of EU bureaucrats and MEPs.
  3. For the adjective : pharisaïque For the noun (the person) : une / un tartuffe For the abstraction : tartufferie
  4. Théière said : If they are able to distribute the test about the same speed as the vaccine dog help France HAHAHAHAHA But I cannot help but be impressed and touched by the swivel-eyed Uncle Toms who are resolutely sticking to the message that All is Fine and Dandy, and that Macron and Old Mother Merkin are really ahead of the world.
  5. Mint said: Do you mind telling me what you use? I just spit on my handkerchief and give it a rub. Isn't this what everybody does ? It works terribly well and is adaptable to all sorts of other circumstances.
  6. I think that we are all in need of a laugh. Does anyone remember this ? It is a real side-splitter of self-righteousness, virtue-signalling and ignorance. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/14/coronavirus-vaccine-delays-brexit-ema-expensive 'Brexit means coronavirus vaccine will be slower to reach the UK' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !
  7. Cajal wrote : "Their handle is, after all, an anagram of - 'f sauternes' ". Thank you for that reassurance. I thought it might have been FAT UNDRESS. Though I am aware - in this particular case especially - that the one readily leads to the other.
  8. 'Taking the OP at face value…' HAHAHA. I am so glad that you said that, Catalpa. [What I was in fact thinking !]
  9. Woolybanana : Visitors are cleaning the hull out of my house ! Yes. That is, naturally, extremely unacceptable. And (frankly) extremely vulgar. I would not have peepol like that in my house. But as a two-generation-older friend wisely said of her ghastly, abrasive, Canadian sister-in-law, 'If she wants to stick her hand down my lavatory, LET HER GET ON WITH IT'.
  10. Woolybanana : In which case it is all over Europe and further by now. EU panic by the look of it. Exactly. If it has been rife in Latin American since the spring, we can bet our last sou that it is well entrenched everywhere - even those places in Europe whose ability to sequence the DNA is less advanced than that of the UK. Poor old Italy - with the enthusiastic self-importance of a little dog trotting behind a brass band - proudly claims to have discovered 'one case'.
  11. "Si nous sommes attaqués, une fois encore, c’est pour les valeurs qui sont les nôtres, pour notre goût de la liberté, pour cette possibilité sur notre sol de croire librement et de ne céder à aucun esprit de terreur. "Je le dis avec beaucoup de clarté une fois encore aujourd'hui : nous n'y cèderons rien." WE WILL CONCEDE NOTHING. It is very rare that I commend the words of M Macron, but Well Said Monsieur le Président. And I am delighted to learn that the number of troops to be deployed for the protection of 'key French sites' is to be more than doubled to 7000. On past record they do seem to have a laudably good aim.
  12. When I became part of the movement, very well orchestrated (even here in France) to make Corbyn leader of the ‘Labour’ Party, I had no idea of the enterprise would be crowned with such success. ‘Entryism’ is one of socialism’s greatest inventions, and I am so glad to have been able to do a bit of it myself. At the moment I am particularly delighted to see that the very act of Rebutting the Charge is in itself, an admission of guilt. Poor old Magic Grandpa said (and not without justification) ‘I think that the antisemitism of the Labour Party has been exaggerated’. That (in dystopian and Woke theology) says, ‘I am guilty myself of antisemitism.’ OF COURSE it has been exaggerated. Nobody deniges of it. I myself have done everything in my limited power to augment to this essentially fictive accusation and by God it elates my spirit to see that it has succeeded to splendidly.
  13. HAHAHAHAHA ! 'A Labour Party spokesman said: "In light of his comments made today and his failure to retract them subsequently, the Labour Party has suspended Jeremy Corbyn pending investigation. "He has also had the whip removed from the Parliamentary Labour Party." Shall we all get together, perform coordinated swaying, and chauntle, 'Oh Jewummy Corbyn, Oh Jewummy Corbyn…' ?
  14. How incredibly righteous of you. The beliefs of Catholics (of which I am NOT one) have been mocked and mocked and mocked, again and again and again. And they have learned to adjust to this with good humour and resilience. The civilized world is doing no more than ask that the effing Isl*ms should learn the same degree of tolerance and accommodation.
  15. From a purely selfish point of view I am delighted that the pustulous, vomitous, pizza-faced youf of S&L are going to be kept indoors for a while. But my more altruistic side tells me that the sooner that these pimply creatures are forced (if necessary) into overheated, over-proximate nightclubs in which they can slobber over each other and have rampant and promiscuous sex up dark alleys, the sooner this infection will run its course. I, meanwhile, will continue to stay well out of their way…
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