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Posts posted by passepartout

  1. Good morning one and all, this 'gizmo' am I right in understanding that this is not an external edf meter. We have an internal meter and have had to call EDF for an appointment to read the meter and of course there is a charge for this, which will apprear on our next bill. If someone could give me the name of this gizmo in french I can contact edf and make the necessary arrangements for one tobe fitted. How big are they, I s'pose they are not that big if some of you choose to have them in your bedroom!

  2. Polremy, thanks for the info, just need to know a couple of things, what sort of speed are we talking with the internet, is it SLOW Cooker or QUICK stir fry, et voila! Is the internet/phone reliable, (excluding  bad weather, when everything goes to POT) hubby needs tobe contactable and have a reliable source of communication.

    Sorry to keep on, but this is the last bit, what does one need to open up one of these accounts, apart from an address in France....

    Thanks for taking your time to answer....


    PS, weather here in West Susex is 'orrible

  3. Hello, we are considering getting a tel line and internet, but, we are not living at our home in france full time, and I thought I read somewhere that you could have a line installed, and then whenever you visit your home you contacted the provider and they plugged your line in ! then on departure they unplugged it, not explaining this very well, does anyone understand what I am trying to explainConfused [8-)], or am I getting confused with some other utility provider.

  4. Hi there everyone

    Have just returned from our home in 47, and hubby is seriously considering packing it all in over here in the Uk and retiring early to 47, lovely, but we have to take into consideration our £££, and has this query if any one can help, does any one know what the average GROSS salary in the area might be, or where could I get this info?

  5. Boiling a frog, I wonder, would an expert de batiment be any good for our situation, we had a mason do some work on our home, make openings in stone walls and fit corner stone reveals, we are far from happy with the workmanship, he is siret registered, but says that his work is excellent, and refuses to budge on doing anything about it, would an expert de batiment be able to assist, how does one go about finding one, and are they expensive?
  6. Good morning folks

    was reading this and thought I had better invest in some  of these flea smoke bombs/ fumigate can someone advise what they are called in French and where to buy them,thanks

  7. Hi, we found a very good timber yard in Libourne (well we thought it was) on the road from Libourne to Fronsac, just on the other side of the bridge (from Libourne) follow the road and you can't miss it, its on the right hand side.

  8. Hi, my husband and I live at the moment in W Sussex, we have about 1/2 hectare of vines, at our home in Duras, and need for these tobe tendered, we have been introduced to a young viticulteur who would look after the vines, harvest the grapes etc, he is prepared to pay us Euros 125 a year, not a lot but at least we keep the vines in production. Now here are our 2 questions,firstly, we do not have to produce any tax accounts for france at present as we are living and earning in the Uk, would accepting this offer of 125Euros, mean that we would have to make tax return in France, and if it does would we be better just letting the viticultuer look after them free of charge.

    Secondly, he has asked us to sign a letter stating that he is looking after these vines, which we don't have a problem with, BUT what about his use of our land as a living and not being able to reclaim the land as ours when we want, and then having to maybe pay compensation to him. Does anyone get the gist of what i am trying to say here, we read somewhere about letting your land out to locals and ending up having to pay them compensation for loss of earnings.... and now can't find the info. Sorry if this sounds a little dis-jointed, or if you already have answered this.

    Much appreciate your words of wisdom....

  9. Hi, pity you are so far away,we need to get rid of a bees nest that is in the stone wall of our house,not the first nest we have had, the last was between the shutters and the window, we are having a devil of a time finding someone interested in coming to collect the queen, if we don't have any luck our artisan is going to have to get rid of them in other ways, as his pointing of the stone is getting close to them, does anyone know of a bee keeper around Duras that would like to intervene, have tried the yellow pages, but to no avail.
  10. Sweet 17, sorry about the 16 there. Thanks for the info, will read the thread about raisins. We are not yet living permanently at our home in Duras, and when we are down, Winston loves his freedom, spends hours trying to catch lizards that disappear into the stone work, and sometimes is left with a wriggling lizard tail, much to his surprise, I am forever calling him back to make sure he is around, generally he stays close by, though not always in sight, so as soon as we can we'll get some sort of fenced area sorted out for him. Hope doggy is feeling better....thanks all
  11. Hi sweet 16, pleased to hear that your Spaniel is on the mend, but what a fright, I would be mortified if I found my Winston in such a state. Can someone tell me what are ASPICS, and also Plum stones are they dangerous to dogs, we have a huge Plum orchard, and Winston goes off walkies on his own, and returns looking very pleased with himself, also are dried up grapes on the vines dangerous for him. There were we thinking that he has all this space to roam to his hearts content, never thought that it could be dangerous for him.

  12. Yeh, thats what we thought, we needed them for the center island, we went to all the electrical outlets and they looked at us as if we had just landed from Mars, even Legrand do not have them in their catalog, so we swallowed very hard, and are pleased with our decision...Even the other half eventually agreed that it was money well spent...
  13. Hi, I may be placing this in the wrong section, but as it is to do with vehicles, hope someone will be able to help.

    My husband has purchased a 60's citroen fourgon and is needing to replace the 6 volt battery, but have not found anywhere that can help with reasonable prices, does anyone know of somewhere in the vicinity Duras
  14. Hi, yet again hubby has asked if anyone in the environs of Duras has a lock up garage that we could rent for his old citroen, we are having major work done at the house and we need to move the car to a dry and safe garage whilst we have demolition work done this summer. merci.
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