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Posts posted by britgirl

  1. Wow! Your description of afternoon teas brought back many memories of cream teas on Dartmoor. Huge fresh baked scones, loads of clotted cream and homemade strawberry jam.  There were huge debates as to which you put on your scone first. I don't think it was ever resolved. Me? Definately cream first. Happy days.

  2. Well I've ben going through some bits and pieces that I found in the attic and  haven't found that edition yet. Mind you I've not seen his truncheon and handcuffs for some time either. I wonder where he hid them?

  3. Wow! Now I'm really scared. My computer is my lifeline to the rest of the world. Luckily my other half installed  'firefox' (what ever that means) and I've had no problems at all. My knowledge of all things mechanical is legendary. I knew a man who fixed things for me but.....

  4. It's not just about money!!!!.

    My husband died 29/10/2007 (he was 55 and I was 53) and life is hard. I have no money worries-thank goodness- but it is the everyday things that get you down. Yesterday the lawn mower packed up. Today the hoover finally decided not to work. Thankfully the tractor is still working so I can mow the field. I have problems with the computer because the man who' fixed  it' is no longer around.  I have very good friends who would do anything to help, because he would always help them, but at the end of the day I have to sort out every day problems my self. It's very hard to do in a country where you are out of your comfort zone .

    I have decided to return to the U.K. where I will be in my 'comfort' zone, and try to rebuild a life for my self. I am so thankful that if nothing else that we were lucky enough to fulfill our dreams. For that I have many happy memories and no regrets.

  5.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE8lL3YTVpM

     I have my 22 month  grandson staying with me and think I have broken my toe playing Footie . Any ideas what I can listen to in the bath later on to take the pain away.......Surgery  etc etc is not neccessary!!!1.

    18.41.. Just realised the link hasn't worked. It was supposed to be Me and my Shadow'  Robbie Williams and Jonathan Wilkes.

    No wonder I got no sympathy . C'est la Vie

  6. I would hate to be a killjoy, but I have no faith in the A.L.D and the hope that it would allow you access to the french health system. I can only speak from personal experience, and appreciate that everyone's circumstances are differant

    My husband was issued with an A.L.D. from 20/04/2007 for a 'tumeur de rein droit'. This proved to be cancerous.

    I received the 'official kicking out letter' in November of last year. At that time I did not feel able to contest it,. It was dated the day he died and I received it the date he was cremated.


    At the present moment I am no longer able to stay legally in France from the 31/03/2008, unless I am able to obtain Private Health Insurance.This is something that I am investigating, as I know that I have sufficient income from my husbands local authority pension (he was a policeman who served his full 30 years) At the end of the day I have to have trust in the system. and that the goalposts are not moved at a later date.

    In  spite of all this I am so thankful that we were able to follow our dreams.- however being a widow at 53 was not one of them. I can only re-iterate that for the very short time (20weeks) whilst he was treated he had the best care possible.

    I only hope that my experience is the exception to the rule.

    Brit girl

  7. Thankyou Cooperlola for your prompt reply.

    I have one more question which I hope you can help me with. It is not personal, so may be of interest to others.

    I am returnig to live in the U.K. anyway. At the moment I don' t know when, as I have to sell my house first, and that could take some considerable time. Assuming that I'm not allowed to stay in the C.M.U. I could be back living in the U.K.  from April  and reregistering with them for health cover etc.and using this house as a holiday home, until it is sold.  I will naturally inform all relevant  French authorities of the change of use to the house. How long can I visit this house, without incurring the wrath of the French Authorites. I know that all bills for utilites and Habitation taxes etc have to be paid. I live in a fairly rural area so I know that it would be very easy for people to check on how often the house is being used

    Thank you

    Brit girl

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