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Rose (& Greyman)

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Everything posted by Rose (& Greyman)

  1. [quote user="NickP"]If you took the trouble to read properly and understand what I wrote, you would realise that my comment  about Margaret Thatcher alluded to her being the architect and leader of the "I want it now brigade" But of course your right wing leanings wouldn't allow you to understand or believe that could be true. [:D][/quote] That's disingenuous. Her philosophy could be said to be 'I want to work for it now' as opposed to 'I want someone to give it to me now'. Guess where the latter came from. [:D]
  2. [quote user="NickP"][quote user="Simon-come-lately"][quote user="NickP"] Norman wrote: I would see the roots earlier than Blair and Brown, in the period that launched the power of the Murdoch press, and deregulated markets. Absolutely Norman, Maggie and her co-Horts have a lot more to answer for than the Labour movement. [/quote] Oh for goodness sake change the record - what utter rubbish!!! This isn't about politics !!! Get a grip....and stop making excuses..... It's about bad parenting and yob / gang / mob culture which has somehow become unchallenged in the UK. So these scum don't know the difference between right and wrong ?? B**llocks !! They want it, they want it now and they have absolutely no intention of working or paying for it !  Simon :-) [/quote] Bit like people who can't express themselves without resorting to bad language. [/quote] I thought he expressed himself extremely well, unlike resorting to sterotypes about 1980s politics. Most of these thugs weren't even born when Maggie was in power. They've grown up under handout Labour. Watched a bleater on Sky News just now saying it was because parenting classes had been cut [:-))] and yoof clubs were closing in Slough. I don't see this lot playing pool in the Scout Hut !!
  3. All this talk of those at the bottom, underclass etc is total b***ocks. They are at the bottom because they are lazy, feckless and scum. Being in a gang is not a career, robbing and thuggery is not a career. Both are lifestyle choices. This moral bleating for the poor souls is frankly sickening and some thought should be given to hardworking people whose livelihoods and homes have been destroyed by these low-lifes. My father was born the fourth child of deaf and dumb parents in the slums of the Meadows in Nottingham. His father died when he was 2 years old. He was 7 when the war started. He left school at 14. He never felt the need to join a gang, loot a shop, rob a person, assault a policeman. He brought up 2 sons who went to University. He worked hard, he had morals, he contributed to society. To hear that these 'poor' kids with their Blackberries are doing this because they have the same background as him is utterly disgusting. Theya re doing it because they are greedy and immoral and it's time the rest of society threw the book at them. They don't need policing they need rounding up by troops and putting in camps and then made to learn the work ethic. These are the children of Blair and Brown and the celebrity culture. Take what they can for as little effort as possible. And before anyone raises bankers etc. I put them in the same category, it's not an excuse for the current violence. [:@]
  4. Thanks ladies. That spec does seem to say to put the finish inwards coops so we've taken the plunge ! Loin of pork now cooking so we'll see. If it goes wrong I'll be going back to the shop to claim on the guarantee (for the glass not the pork). The restaurant is a good backup sweets, we have friends here so I'm sure we'll be visiting at least once. And at least we can eat salad on the terrace in extremis. [:)]
  5. Hi sweets. hope you're well. I passed your wishes to Rose but I'm keeping out of the kitchen just now in case another oven door explodes  ! [:-))]
  6. I'm hoping someone can have a look in their oven for me to answer this ! I have just refitted the inner glass door of my SMEG oven as the previous glass had exploded. It was all very straightforward apart from the fact that there is no clue as to which way round the glass goes. This is relevant as one side has a bumpy black surround and the word 'pyrolyse' printed on it, the other side is plain, clear glass. The oven is one of these fancy pyrolytic cleaning things where you turn it up really hot to clean it and I'm concerned if I get it wrong the finish may melt. I've emailed SMEG tech support but of course they'll be closed for the weekend now and UK is on holiday anyway. Hopefully someone has a similar finish and can let me know. Thanks,
  7. [quote user="Maryo"]Hello: We want you to know that we’re here to help you. However, it’s difficult to do that in a public forum when we don’t know who each person is or the details of their membership. We can help you better and resolve your specific queries or concerns if you contact us directly. You can do so by visiting our own online member forum where we can answer your questions. You can find the forum here: http://bit.ly/gy87cg. Once on the site please post a question and our community manager will be able to respond to you directly. Alternatively, for more information about your specific membership you can contact me directly at mary@shopperdiscountsandrewards.co.uk. If you contact me directly, please reference this forum. Regards, Maryo Customer Service[/quote] It's very reassuring to know that your company are here to help but presumably only after you have used underhand tactics to rip off customers ? This practice seems like an out and out trick to catch unwary punters who don't wade through reams of t&cs and faqs. Perhaps you could help us and others by making mention of the charge adjacent to the tick box ? Or would that mean no-one would sign up ?
  8. [quote user="AnOther"]OK peeps, on a scale of  1 to 10 what would you rate the chances of a satisfactory outcome from HMRC's own complaints procedures ? http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/factsheets/complaints-factsheet.pdf [/quote] Be sure to clearly mark the outside of the envelope and in large bold type just above the Dear Sir on the letter COMPLAINT. Otherwise the post openers will shuttle your letter off to some outlying department to be dealt with at leisure. They do take complaint letters slightly more seriously.
  9. Dinner, nice bath and hot sex on the stairs. Those were the days [:P]
  10. It's FRA sweet17. Don't start me commenting on HMRC 'service'. I'm an accountant who has to deal with them regularly. I believe they've been taking lessons in incompetance from RSI.
  11. [quote user="Albert the InfoGipsy"] I bought my TV in Cheltenham but still can't get BBC or ITV. What am I doing wrong? [/quote] It's one of those GCHQ tellies. They're watching you !
  12. [quote user="Benjamin"]So as not take this thread off topic my final comment is that until I get a seat on the FSA, the MPC and get to sit in on every fiscal policy meeting held by the (any) Government, I accept no responsibility either as an individual or as a member of Society as a whole.  [:P][/quote] Well you're not alone. Not taking resonsibility for anything is the standard response these days. Getting back on topic and segueing nicely .... did anyone see the news reaction to the attack on the Royal car. Apparantly it was the fault of the police and their security men. The thugs who did it take no resonsibility at all. If the car hadn't been there I wouldn't have attacked it would I guv !
  13. Benjamin says ... I for one have always lived within my means When I say all I mean society as a group, not each and every individual. As a society (I'm talking UK here as I don't have a lot of knowledge of the economies beyond) we have for a long time relied on unsustainable credit. It's quite possible your 'income plan' is invested in the banks so indirectly you (or other pension fund members) are the banks who caused the problems. We all (group again, not every individual) elected the politicians who oversaw this mess and as a society were happy to spend the ever inflating credit that resulted. Do you think a politician who stood up in the late 90s and said 'this bubble is going to burst one day, let's pull back now' would have been elected. Maybe you were the perfect individual who saved up a 30% deposit on their house, never took out a loan for a holiday and bought stuff on credit card. If so you are in the minority but you still stand side by side with the rest when it comes to carrying the burden.
  14. [quote user="Richardbk"] There is a sense that those that got us into this mess are paying way below even a fair proportion, let alone the full amount of what they should be paying. [/quote] Playing devil's advocate to this I also think there is a failure of the population in general to take their share of the blame for the situation e.g. my bank failed because I took out a 125% mortgage based on an inflated self-certification application or I couldn't afford to pay off my credit card after I spent £2000 on Christmas presents or I bought 3 buy-to-let peoperties because I heard on TV that prices would always go up or I used all my savings buying a second home in France. It's easy to blame faceless bankers but the fact is we have all been living beyond our means for years with no thought for how our children will pay for this. Now the bill has landed on the mat it is of course someone elses fault. I include myself in this by the way but it is time to listen to our parents and rein in the conspicuous consumption.
  15. So that will be the cost of a second half sub appearance by Wayne Rooney
  16. Not historically http://www.ecb.int/stats/exchange/eurofxref/html/eurofxref-graph-gbp.en.html. Look at the 10y EUR vs GBP graph. No guide to the future of course.
  17. [quote user="NormanH"][quote user="cooperlola"]What are savings?[Www][/quote] Money in excess of your needs, usually inherited, which you pretend  to have gained by thrift, thus giving you the moral high ground over people who have struggled all their lives to make ends meet. [/quote] or.. Money in excess of your current needs, often earned through toil and risk taking, which you have gained by thrift, thus giving you the moral high ground over people who spent your youth playing the pratt at the back of the class and down at the pub every evening, while you studied and worked.
  18. Despite my loathing of their actions I think they should have been dealt with under the law applying to any UK citizen. It would be interesting to see the BNP hold a similar demonstration e.g. Afghans burn in hell, burning the Koran on the streets etc. Would the authorities stand by and just manage it ? Would I be allowed to light a bonfire in the street ? My inclination is that these actions would provoke charges for enticement to racial hatred and civil order offences. They are entitled to their offensive views, as is Braco, but they should be dealt with on the same basis as anyone else. I do believe they weren't.
  19. [quote user="NormanH"]"we are planning a move to a more civilised part of the world ASAP" . Had you heard of the French revolution before you came here? Or the Constitution of 1793? Or May 1968? France is a country where the balance between the forces of oppression and the power of the people has a different balance to that of Britain. [/quote] I thought both were modern democracies. The left were defeated last time around so resort to bully boy tactics now, the same as Britain in the 1970s. France is no different just behind the times, it's people too used to doing what they're told by either fonctionnaires or union leaders to stomach real change. It'll be interesting to see how the left deal with the 'demands of the people' when they get in power. Will they reverse the pensions changes ? What do you reckon Norman ? My money is on them accepting it as a fait accompli and blaming Sarkozy but knowing that really this is the only option (in fact even more trimming of the bloated state machine and costs will become necessary). Britain isn't different, just ahead of the game.
  20. None of the above. They were informative and weren't selling shoddy second hand goods. A certainty for deletion by AI. Let's hope simmy reappears and tells us what's really going on at the airport and perhaps gives us a clue about next week.
  21. Well that's a relief ! My flight to UK was cancelled today due to a strike and that is the day I was due to come home. I would have been stuck in sunny England ! Every cloud has a silver lining. [:P]
  22. [quote user="ruster55"]Automatic Cat / Dog Food Is Available In The Shop And Market. You Go And Buy This. Simple. [/quote] Welcome to the forum ruster55. As first posts go and for clear and to the point advice it's one of the best I've seen. Why didn't you think of that nectarine - just go to shop and buy, simples. [:)]
  23. I knew this morning that this was a very likely outcome, being booked on the return leg of this flight. Surely RA's knowledge was greater than mine ? I was watching the Bristol airport site and actually saw it say Boarding and then Cancelled. I was sure it must have been a mistake ! Apparently Bergerac airport has been at a standstill this week due to the actions of just 5 air traffic controllers and the intransigence of the management. Who knows who is right but both sides seem to not give a toss about the passengers. [6]
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