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Rose (& Greyman)

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Everything posted by Rose (& Greyman)

  1. It's so strange to see so many names I recognise after all these years. for those who want to see Twinks sing... here's a link to a tribute they did at the end of last year. I'm currently walking in the Picos and I played it a full volume yesterday for the mountains and the birds to hear. https://youtu.be/Vd4t1mSqMoE
  2. Hello folks Firstly... this is Rose and not Greyman... my login won't work and no matter what I do I can't login. Second I have some very sad news... some of you will remember our beautiful welsh songbird Twinkle. We became friends through this forum and when I moved to France in 2007, friends in real life too. Sadly I learned yesterday that she died. I wasn't surprised as I knew she was ill... she messaged me a little while ago to say that it wasn't looking good. Nonetheless I was stunned. She was far to young and fabulous to die. My heart is heavy but I know that she is now singing with the angels... sharing her beautiful voice in heaven. I know that many of you were virtual friends. I'm sorry to return with such sad news Rose
  3. None of the above. They were informative and weren't selling shoddy second hand goods. A certainty for deletion by AI. Let's hope simmy reappears and tells us what's really going on at the airport and perhaps gives us a clue about next week.
  4. OH and I currently wiping the tears from our eyes. Esp liked the Low Self Esteem Group.... Excellent thanks Bugbear [:-))]
  5. Much amused by this thread. Anyone expecting haute cuisine in a Wetherspoons is deluded but I was in one in Newton Abbot in Devon last night. Had a perfectly good sirloin steak cooked to my choice with chips and fresh salad and a pint of Pedigree - all for £5.69. The clientele were pleasant, not stockbroker belt material thank god but honest working people. It was a nice night out and very cheap. There was a 99p pint on - I didn't have it but it wasn't a fizzy 'Worthington' type, it was a decent ale. I've been in rough pubs all over and they're not restricted to chains. It just depends who is attracted from the local area. There's another Wetherspoons in Exeter near the Uni and it attracts students unsuprisingly. A different experience altogether but you know what you're getting as soon as you open the door.[:)]
  6. Pads, I was amused by your 'ticker' so logged on to www.tickerfactory.com to see if they would do one for the installation of our new fosse (cunningly scheduled for Mrs Greyman's birthday, hence saving the need for another embarrassingly useless gift !!). However I now seem to have become the proud owner of an Ovulation Calendar. Could I have a kir while I consider appropriate uses for this device ??? [:-))]
  7. I think it may be along the lines of moins quart....as in m'wan kar [:$]. Try saying that quickly. Similar to moins cuire as said to my OH at a market when buying bread with a slightly paler crust.
  8. Hi all, We moved to Dordogne in August and now we've settled in we would like to spend a few days in the snow (hopefully !) in February half term. The Auvergne region is within an easy drive and seems a good location but I don't know the area at all. Any ideas from locals where we could base ourselves ? We're not skiers (although my 9 year old fancies a go) but we love to 'play' in the snow, maybe tobagganning, walking etc.   Any advice welcome. Thanks.[B]
  9. Jon, You asked about PEOPLE LIKE FLY. So Clair gave you the previously posted info. about the sales in your Dept for all the PEOPLE LIKE FLY. You had clearly missed it before so she helped you out. Seems simple to me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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