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Posts posted by PNM

  1. Best advice I ever heard to couples planning to marry:

    "Love's not just an emotion, it's a decision".

    Easy to say if you've got a loving, considerate partner of course, on the other hand we all all know people with one of these but who still think the grass is greener...
  2. Shame. Felt someone feeling inside my shoulder bag on the Ramblas in Barcelona last year - they'd only have found an old lipstick and comb if they'd been lucky, I don't keep my money in there. But you expect it on the Ramblas.

    Went to Beziers last night to the feria and felt perfectly safe wandering up and down the Paul Ricquet Allee (which I call Beziers Ramblas) Maybe I was just lucky but nobody tried to put their sticky fingers in my bag and it was a great atmosphere. Shame that Montpellier's going the way of Barcelona. Just got to be careful at all times, and that includes not leaving your handbag on a chair in a restaurant as a friend of mine was relieved of hers this way.
  3. Love and War in the Pyrenees by Rosemary Bailey would be my recommendation. This charts the efforts of a few brave people who organised escapes. The efforts of the Quakers are highlighted and it also relates the harrowing tale of the hundreds of Spanish refugees fleeing Franco who perished on the beaches of Argeles sur Mer, (now a popular tourist spot).
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