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Posts posted by Caussenarde

  1. As an aside, did

    everyone know that all cats can be shot in France if they are more than

    200 metres from a house? This is regardless of whether they are

    domestic, wearing a collar etc.

     I didn't know that domestic cats were 'chassable'...  Are you sure, because wild cats (not to be confused with feral cats) are protected I think.

    Is the domestic cat included in the list of 'nuisances', like foxes are apparently ?

  2. He broke it sprinting after La Poste; his daily duty as he sees it. 

    He was mended by an excellent veto surgeon who found that Sammy's knee was the worst he had ever seen for arthritis. Total cost of knee repair  is approaching 1000 Euros...

  3. Here is Sammy le po...

    a chien trouve, and now, after watching Chabal in WC Rugby, he has a broken cruciate ligament...

    A Labrit pure race, abandoned and found...and slightly wilful.....


  4. Heavens above !!!  Don't even think about using

    Babelfish if you are dreaming of sounding remotely credible....

    I have just revisited the website of a local traiteur

    who has used BFish to turn his nice French into Eeengleesh and I have cut and

    pasted a couple of examples for your delectation and delight !

    This is how you could come across with your Fameuse

    Official Letter if you don't watch out!   Check out the Dept of Dormouse and

    Expensive not to mention plus the Dept of Lot.

    Sorry but it looks like you need to get your head down and translate yourself !!


    Un dîner en tête à tête ou entre amis, un repas

    d'affaire ou de famille, les occasions de se retrouver autour de la table sont

    des moments délicieux à partager mais souvent délicats à organiser. C'est

    pourquoi, je vous propose mes services.

    A vous le plaisir de recevoir, à moi de vous

    rendre cet événement inoubliable.

    Offrez-vous les services d'un chef de cuisine à


    Turns into:

    A dinner at the head with head or between friends, a

    meal of business or family, the occasions to find itself around the table is

    delicious to divide but often delicate moments to organize. This is why, I

    propose my services to you.

    With you pleasure of receiving, me to return

    this unforgettable event to you.

    You offer the services of a chef to


    And this,

    Dîners ou Déjeuners

    entre amis, en famille ou d'affaires...

    Menu à 3 plats au choix à

    45 euros  

    Salade  de gambas aux


    Fricassée d’escargots à la crème d’ail

    Guacamol épicé et grecini

    de parmesan


    Suprême de volaille à la crème d’ail

    Roulet de filet mignon

    de porc aux parfums  Provençaux 

    Parmentière de canard

    Chaud froid de fruit de


    Moelleux au chocolat 

    Tarte tatin aux épices

    Turns into :

    between friends, in family or


    Finely with 3 dishes with the choice with 45


    Salad of gamba to citrus fruits

    Fricassee D’snails

    with the cream D’garlic

    Spiced Guacamol and Parmesan grecini

    Supreme of poultry to the cream D’garlic

    Roulet of

    filet mignon of pig to the perfumes Provençaux

    Duck Parmentière

    Cold fruit heat of season

    Marrowy with the chocolate

    Tart tatin with spices

    And finally


    Votre nouveau

    chef de cuisine à domicile dans votre région, le Lot.

    Mon parcours professionnel

    commence  il y a 14 ans par quatre années d’apprentissage en cuisine et


    Je commence à faire mes armes dans la

    région, à Rocamadour, puis à Padirac, deux sites magnifiques.

    Des le début de ma  carrière, j ai eu le

    désir de voyager et d'apprendre au contact de grand chef.

    Tout d’abord en région parisienne et en

    Relais et Châteaux

    Par la suite en Aveyron, la corréze, les

    Alpes ( Courchevel ) et le Loir et Cher.

    Puis a la demande d’un de mes anciens chef

    de cuisine, je suis parti pour la Suisse, à Lausane pour deux


     A mon retour, je suis recruté par le

    Châteaux de Roumegouse ( relais et chateaux ) au poste de chef de cuisine.

    Aujourd'hui, je prends plaisir de vous faire partager mon

    expérience en vous proposant mes services de chef de cuisine à


    Turns into.....

    Your new chef in residence in your area, the Batch.

    My professional course begins it there A 14 years per

    four years D’training in kitchen and pastry making.

    I start to make my weapons in the area, in

    Rocamadour, then with Padirac, two sites splendid.

    Dice the beginning of my career, I test the desire to

    travel and the need to learn in contact with big bosses.

    Any access in Paris area and Relay and Castles

    Thereafter in Aveyron, Corréze, the Alps (Courchevel)

    and the Dormouse and Expensive.

    Then the request of my former chef has, I left for

    Switzerland, in Lausane for two years.

    On my return, I am recruited by the Castles of

    Roumegouse (Relay and Castles) at the post of chef.

    Today, I take pleasure of making you share my

    experiment by proposing to you my services of chef in


  5. There is no point in writing to Mme Gaillard.

    She is a spokesperson, press officer or the like. She does not control policy. She is not the decison maker.

    The situation is under review by an 'etude juridique tres poussee' involving the Minister in charge of Social Security.  This study will conclude at a date 'non-fixee'.

    Mme Gaillard will not know the outcome of this study and the political direction the Minister will take until it is finished, and evidently she does not know when this will be.

    If you want to try to influence events and decisions you could write to the decison maker, the ministere herself rather than venting your spleen (and the rest) on Gaillard.

  6. A letter received today 3 December, from the Director of CPAM Lot and dated 28 November which helps set out what is acually going on.

    For context we are 5+ years residents whose CVs will run out in March.

    .......Je comprends l'émotion que cette mesure a suscitée non seulement chez vous mais également auprès de ressortissants de la Union européenne, dont certains demeurent dans notre pays depuis plusieurs années.

    A défaut de pouvoir répondre favorablement à votre demand, je vous informe néamoins, qu'une étude juridique très poussée est en cours auprès de la Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie et du Ministère en charge de la Sécurité Sociale.

    Des assouplissements sur lesquels je ne peux toutefois m'engager, devaient pouvoir être apportés en vue de corriger les difficultés d'application constatées.

    Dans l'attente de la parution des textes réglementaires
    à une date qui n'est pas fixée, je demande à mes services de conserver votre dossier afin de pouvoir vous faire éventuellement bénéficier des dispositions plus favourables qui pourraient être décidées.


  7. It is just algae in the water.

    Add a good amount of chlorochoc to the skimmers and pump non-stop for days, cleaning the filter as you go.

    Sweep or 'vacuum' the bottom to get the gunk in suspension and through the skimmers and into the filter.

    Then get the pool ready for winter, and quick !

  8. Hi Cat

    Just an observation...

    On the "Changes to Healthcare... "  thread page, you can see that the sticky at the top was last updated on 29/09/07 which, as everyone knows who's following this terrible saga, is a long time ago.

    For that reason I for one have not looked at it since September. But now I look at it today, you obviously updated it on 5/11/07.  Can you make the sticky say when it was actually last updated to make it obvious that it is current? Then there's no need for an update in other threads.

  9. Hello Glyn,

    Re : 'are we saying...':    Yes. And plus, there is, in general,  no provision of private health insurance in France, although some companies may chose to regard this problem as an opportunity and may quote for some cover, which will not be comprehensive. Pre-existing conditions are un-insurable.

    re:  : 'against some law..'  maybe, but they have done it in any case.

    Happy days.

  10. [quote user="cooperlola"]One of my French MEPs (Bernard Poignant) has just written to me to say that he will sign the Honeyball declaration.  He has also sent me a copy of a letter to the French health minister - intervening on our behalf.[/quote]

    Well done...  this is good news.  At last a step forward for all involved, in engaging the authorities that really matter i.e. the French ones!  And in clear and accurate terms too.  Could you post Bernard Poignant's letter in French please? 

  11. The link is :


    I'm sure 'assurance maladie-maternite' just means the whole assurance maladie, which covers you for maladie as well as maternity! 

    It's under the heading 'Demande facultative de carte de sejour'. So if you apply for an (optional) carte de sejour they will be able to check that you have assurance maladie.

    Under the heading 'Droit de sejour' is just refers to 'an assurance maladie-maternite' i.e. no use of the word 'complet'.

  12. Because of the wording of Article 7 of EU Directive 2004/38EC we're all talking about the need for comprehensive sickness insurance cover. And the French health issues web site Q & A page has:

    Q.  It seems fair to me! 

    Surely everyone can get insurance?
    A.  The requirement is for those affected to

    have "comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the

    host member state" (Article 7 of EU Directive 2004/38EC).  It is

    well accepted that insurance companies will not cover "pre-existing

    medical conditions".  If this remains the insurance industry's

    position, how will people in that situation obtain

    "COMPREHENSIVE" cover?  They will not be able to meet the

    requirements of the law even if they try.  What happens then to those

    persons already resident in France who will be excluded from state

    health care and from private cover?

    And sure enough, in French the EU Directive says:

    'une assurance maladie complète'  i.e. comprehensive.
    But I've just noticed that the French Govt's servicepublic.fr site refers to the medical insurance' that EU inactifs must have as:

    'assurance maladie-maternité offrrant un certain nombre de prestations'

    which to me says it doesn't have to be comprehensive. In other words, it's OK if it covers all the conditions you haven't got and doesn't matter (except to you) that it doesn't cover pre-existing conditions.

    This page has recently been updated
    to make the distinction between actifs and inactifs. Have they moved the goalposts to remove the arguments of those who can't get 'comprehensive' cover? 

    I'm not sure whether this is a new observation, but to me the French Govt is interpreting (changing) the meaning of the EU directive to meet its own ends.  At a stroke they've removed the need for comprehensive cover.

  13. Dear Chaps,

    I am sorry if we give the impression that we are naive in this issue bt we are well aware of all the points made by our respondents and have been for a good while.

    We are sure your points are well based and we agree with the apparent conflict between the CMU issue and our entitlement to permanent residency and associated rights.

    But the argument is rather sterile when limited to Brit websites:  it is the CPAMs that need to be convinced, not us.

    For that reason we posted the Fact that our CVs will be withdrawn next March when we will have lived in  France for five and a half years, notwithstanding all our agreements within these sites.  We posted because this is valuable for any who may be 5+ years resident and in CMU who have had 'the letter' and who are trying to make sensible decisions.

    We will of course continue our discussions with CPAM Lot, but frankly it is hard to imagine that they will decide to rescind a written decision and reverse their position. We do not see at this time any factual wriiten position from the authorities to support the views that our CPAM will reverse its policy.

    We will of course communicate any further developments as or if they occur.


  14. Hard Fact:  We are resident in France since August 2002 and have Cartes de Séjour which date from 7 January 2003.   We have our letter today from CPAM Lot to say we are in CMU until 31st March 2008 when we have to return our CVs.

    They say that we "do not fulfil the condition of the Article L.121-1 du Code de l'entrée et de séjour des étrangers et du droit d'asile qui stipule, entre autres conditions : que tout ressortissant de l'Union Européenne, de L'Espace Economique Européen, ou de la Conféderation suisse, a le droit de séjourner en France pendant plus de trois mois sous réserve qu'il dispose d'une assurance maladie". 

    They don't refer to the five year residency at all. And there's no reference to what happens to us after 31st March or what we must do. We will challenge this but our view is that the rumoured five year get-out is wishful thinking.

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