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bill k

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Posts posted by bill k

  1. has anybody out there had problems sighning up to orange's new deal. which has all international calls, television and internet included? i have to this date had bills for nearly 200 euros and loss of internet for 3 weeks, also no phone for 2 days after they disconnected and reconnected my line( a bill for 55 euros) . if anybody can give me advice on how to get any sense from the english speaking helpline i would much obliged. i now have internet and phone, after 6 weeks, but am disputing the bills.
  2. i must say i have had a few worries about the delay. i also have another problem, i have a letter , dated 18-10-07 saying i will receive a bill from URSSAF to make my payment for health care up to march 2008. This bill has never arrived and after ringing the english helpline 4 times and speaking to CMU, in person, on several occasions still nothing. All i am told is that i must wait for the decision to be made by the goverment. I do not want to send a cheque without a bill as the cheques seem to get lost.

    Has anybody else the same problem?

    bill k

  3. no there is nothing for contesting it and yes i have tax returns since 200 and a carte de sejour. this unfortunately ran out and i have been unable to renew it. I was told at my marie and the prefecteur that they are no longer issued as the are not required by EU citizens.
  4. just to let you all know out there i have today received my letter to say i have no health cover from march 2008.

    i have been resident in france since june 2000 so obviously the 5 year rule does not apply.

    has anybody else had a letter?



  5. I don't know where you live, we are in Vienne near Civray, but we have a book exchange at our house once a month. It is totally free and all you do is bring your read books with you and swap them with the other people there. We also have a selection of books that are available to swap. This is also a kind of club so you also meet new people. Another advantage is that you are not commited to go every time.

    best of luck

  6. Welcome

    bit of a sombre note here about reregistering a car. when you do reregister or buy a car it is very impoprtant that you register it in you and your wifes name. this is where the sombre bit comes, if you unfortunately die then the car becomes part of your estate and therefore your wife will not be allowed to drive it without the inheritors written permission.

  7. I have lived in France for the past 15 years and have been in the health system for 8 years. It seems that i am about to lose my Carte Vitale and be forced to return to Engaland as I have a heart condition and cannot get private insurance.

    From 18th Oct there are to be many demonstations thoughout France to protest about the new governent rules. Instead of just sitting back and taking this rubbish perhaps it is time to join the system properly and join in the protests that the French people are known for.

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