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Posts posted by Eos

  1. [quote user="cooperlola"]Having lived in the UK for over 20 years with a woodburner-backed central heating system, as it were, I must say I'm very glad not to have one now.  There was nothing more depressing than returning home after a day's work to have to get the coal in/split logs etc and light the boiler to get the house up to a pleasant temperature....If you run your c/h from a woodburner, as opposed to just using it to make the sitting room a bit more cosy, then you become a slave to it.  It's worth thinking about whether you'll want all the hassle before you commit to a system based on a woodburner.[/quote]

    Our Hunter stove was lit last October & remained so until May this year!*

    We found it more economical on fuel to load the stove to it's capacity about twice a day, after the first "getting going" fire of the morning. Then it constantly ticked over, once "closed down" as I refer to it, doing it's thing in the background. Sometimes we'd top it up a couple of times depending on our requirements.

    Because it never went out though, just very low,  the house was never stone cold or had to be heated from scratch.

    *Weekends away etc not included.

  2. I can't help with the first part of your email I'm afraid but I can tell you of our experience with one of the larger Hunter stoves.

    We chose the larger multi fuel burner, capable of heating 14 radiators, for our sitting room having experienced the heat levels from a smaller Jotul multi fuel stove, with no radiatior heating ability in our slightly smaller living room.

    Initially I was disappointed with the heat output from the stove as it seemed  much less than the Jotul. However, I forgot to take into consideration that a certain amount of heat goes to the back boiler and once that got up to temperature, the heat output raised considerably. It still would not have the same output though as the Jotul but retains heat longer, a feature the Jotul is no slouch at either!

    We have 17 double rads of varying sizes. Although our system can work without an electric pump to circulate the water, we were advised to have two fitted, one to pump the hot water out and a second to pump the cooler water back. This is because our house is very long and the central heating system was fitted, not by us, well after the house was built 40 years ago but before the benefits of good insulation were appreciated.

    The rads further away on the circuit were rarely even warm and the cooler returning water was so cold, it lowered the boiler temp too much (Can you tell I'm not a plumber yet?!) and the hot water was cold by the time it had travelled to the furthest rad. All the snow & ice last winter was no friend to the unlagged,  inaccessible or unlaggable pipe! The pumps made a huge difference to the cosiness of the house and it's good  too that we can use the system, though perhaps not as efficiently, if the electricity is down.

    Anyway the point is, the stove performs well but our older heating system needed tweaking to get the best out of it.

  3. I have no interest in anything less than 4 bedrooms but that is because of the time in our lives we're at with two teenagers, their friends, grandparents visiting from afar etc.

    When they were in their mid 60s, my parents downsized from a 5 to a 3 bedroomed house. They enjoy being able to accommodate their frequent visitors and, as my children got older, (the only grandchildren) being able to put them in seperate rooms when they stay over night.

    My PILs opted to remain in their 6 bedroomed house in case all of their children, partners & grandchildren decide to visit all at once (hasn't happened yet!)

    Another point to consider perhaps is the case of friends of my parents.

    Both are quite seriously ill but able to remain in their house with some help. This has required both to have a room on their own to facilitate medical equipment and they are delighted to have a third bedroom where one of their children or another carer can have a comfortable night when they stay over.

    I suppose really what I think is that there is no right or wrong, just what suits.

    Re resale, I think if you love somewhere, someone else will too. Or maybe choose somewhere with potential for extending.
  4. I know of two gites, both running successfully over the past few years.

    One is of a higher standard than the other and this difference in facilities is reflected in the rental rates.

    Normally bookings start to come in from about now, with the cheaper house filling first and last year, there were a lot of one week bookings.

    This year, most of the peak weeks in the dearer house started filling from November and for mostly two weeks at a time. There are no bookings at all for the cheaper house. Even returning guests seem to opt for the dearer, saying things like their city winter breaks have fallen by the wayside so the family holiday is becoming increasingly important.

    I think the bookings are mixed between Eurozone and non.




  5. [quote user="sweet 17"]

    Oh, Eos, that is so touching and so nuts!!!!!!!

    So, do you also put the sixpence (perhaps the euro) under the pillow from the Tooth Fairy?

    And I do hope you put out the mince pie and the sherry for Santa and, of course, a carrot for the reindeer!

    LOL.  Happy Christmas!


    Oh Sweet 17, how I hesitate to add to the "nuts" summation (and so won't even go into the whole Tooth Fairy thing) but, owing to a devoted primary school teacher with odd timing, we bake scones for Santa[:)].

    Happy Christmas to you too!!




  6. My daughter suffered very badly with eczema when she was younger, hospitalisations etc and one of her triggers was tree pollens.

    Although, thank goodness, she is now much better and has relatively few flare ups, not to take a risk with her skin, we still stick with the artificial trees.

    As we seem to have built up a collection over the years, this year we have one in the porch, one in the hall, one in the living room, one in the garden room, one in the study and one in the kitchen.

    I still put these up in the middle of the night when everyone is in bed so in the morning "IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!'

  7. Imo, sometimes you just have to take what I call the Ryanair  Passenger Approach to things.

    Pick a place, a house and a price that you're happy with RIGHT NOW and then get on with it.

    Or don't.

    Either way, don't torture yourself with "might have beens".

    I sold a house 12 years ago for what was, at the time, the highest price to have been achieved on the street. Even now in these straitened times, it has just sold for about 8 times what I got for it. As I got out of it what I needed, when I needed it, I am not "sick" as one of my acquaintances suggested I might be!

    Not an "informed" response I know but an attitude that helps me sleep!

  8. [quote user="Panda"]

    I have friends in Southern Ireland who had their house valued at a stupidly high sum 18 months ago who have been warned of a 30%+ drop 


    30% is indeed a huge drop but it may not be across the board and imo, the percentage seems to depend on when the house was bought and where in the country it is situated. My house has apparently lost about 10% in value. However, I have been advised that as houses rarely come up for sale where it is, which was the case even during the height of the boom period, if I did decide to sell, chances are the percentage drop would be much less.

    I think there are still quite a few people with equity in their family homes but lower buyer confidence, a recent punitive budget and, as Sprogster pointed out, a second home tax may cause Irish people to think twice about investing in property.




  9. [quote user="jon"]buyers[from UK or Ireland...or anywhere for that matter][/quote]

    FYI, having just been presented with a very punitive budget and an extra tax on second homes, (whether this will be applied on property abroad remains unclear as yet) I'm not sure if the previously property hungry Irish will be investing en masse as in previous years.

  10. Most towns that are twinned with somewhere seem to have committees for same who fund raise. I've been to dinner dances, soccer matches, art exhibitions etc. It depends on what the localities are noted for or maybe what they have in common, I think. Local town councils may also may a contribution as it is considered an honour to represent your town abroad. At least it is in Ireland anyway.
  11. I'm not sure where the starting point for your journey is but you may find that bringing your own car with you works out cheapest.

    I think the larger companies, located at the airports etc, have year round business and their willingness to strike a deal is tempered by that. A friend wanted to hire a 7 seater for 9 weeks over the summer and was quoted almost E 3,000, a smaller 5 seater was still close to E 1,800. Maybe a localised rental firm might work out better, particularly if it's out of high season.

    Failing that, buy one to suit your pocket and that you can take a possible financial hit on when you decide to sell on after your trip is over.


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