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Posts posted by rockstar

  1. The boxes are asking if you have any income I believe.  If you have you will insert the "revenu fiscal de référence" stated on your tax avis.  On this general subject though:-     I have just returned from the main CPAM office in Laval, Pays de la Loire and I gave them all of the forms that had been sent to me duly completed.  I also took EDF bills, Foncière, Habitation (all as proof of residence), copies of tax avis 2005 and 2006, copies of passport, copies of CPAM attestation and Carte Vitales for my wife and I, as I thought they had requested in their letter.  The gentleman there took the completed forms and the copies of 2005 tax avis and informed me that he was not interested in anything else!  I pointed out the requirement for the other things in the official letter but got the "gallic shrug" and was informed that this was a "national" request being sent out and, as far as his office was concerned, they only wanted the completed form and the 2005 tax avis!  Go figure..........still it turned out to be much easier than I had expected it to be.  Fingers crossed.

  2. I currently have all of the EDF quarterly bills to show as "proof of residence" but next year, as I have opted for a monthly payment option for electricity, I will not have these bills.  Under this option I get only one bill once a year from April to April - do you think CPAM will accept this or are there any other things to prove residence such as habitation, fonciére, telephone, water, dechetterie etc?  I can't help thinking that none of these really "prove" residence as you would/could get these if it was merely a holiday home.  I am becoming very puzzled about this - can you or anyone else help please?  

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