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Posts posted by dordogne

  1. ...my son did the obligatory `stage` required by the Chambre de Metiers (rip-off if ever there was one) at the end of which he and his fellow `stagieres` were told that unless they put a fair sized chunk of cash in their back pockets they would be out of business in the first 18 months...I was in business for a year and my clients (mostly French) wanted to pay cash to avoid the devasting 19.6% t.v.a...I know countless French ouvriers who are paid minimum wage during the week and 15euros an hour cash at weekends...I know many patrons who do the same thing...look at Chirac, how did he get away with millions of euros (how did he get away with murder?) without being thrown into prison like the poor suckers at the bottom of the pile?...it`s not possible to survive in this country if you don`t know how to adapt to the existing system, those of you who don`t like it could always go home!!!...
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