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Christine Animal

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Posts posted by Christine Animal

  1. [quote user="Russethouse"]

    What happened to the scheme where people used to volunteer to get dogs from point A to B and someone else from B to C etc ? Petrol prices too dear ? Insurance issues ?


    It still goes on all the time RH, maybe not on here, but with French rescuers.  I'm just amazed at the trouble they'll go to to save a dog's life, even from Spain or Romania, or taking dogs from France up to homes in Germany, etc.  We rescued some oldies from Romania this Winter (where some die from the cold or buried under the snow) and J-P went all the way to Roissy to collect them (quite an emotional moment when they arrive off the plane after all they have been through).

    If anyone would like to help a dog from Romania, just let me know!  They are all so incredibly soft and gentle.  Just Google "dogs Romania" and you will see the lives they have if any! 

    Sorry, got a bit carried away there on the wrong thread!  Didn't mean to swamp in any way.   [:D]   [8-|]


  2. Jeudi soir, à Bâle, en Suisse, des policiers interceptent un livreur de pizzas au cours d'un contrôle de vitesse. Les agents ont alors constaté sur son permis que le pizzaiolo devait obligatoirement porter des lunettes mais n'avait pas respecté cette obligation. Il n'a pu donc continuer sa route et achever la livraison.

    Se doutant que le client devait avoir faim, les policiers ont décidé subitement de se substituer à ce livreur et amener les pizzas encore chaudes pour les amener au client quelques rues plus loin, non sans avoir verbalisé le pizzaiolo.

    On imagine la tête du client qui a vu des hommes en uniforme lui amener ses pizzas à la place du livreur habituel. Il n'a pas osé avouer à la police qu'il avait commandé une pizza ... au poulet !



  3. Oh non, not her again, waking us all up when we're fast asleep!  She'll have us on the trampoline next!

    Welcome back Katie.   [:D]

    Please say hello to Twinks, hope she is feeling better and if we're really lucky she may be back too!   [8-|]




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