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Everything posted by Wen4699

  1. Wen4699

    My cat's scared...

    Hi, sorry to hear about your troubles with Pig.......further to the cleaning issue, someone mentioned using biological washing powder... I totally agree however it doesn't quite stop there!! It pains me say this but.......you then need to rub down the area with an unscented alcohol......vodka does the trick....this neutralises the any smell left by the washing powder (without the volka he thinks another cat has been there). Yes, I know you may think it a waste of a good drink but believe me it works. I saw this tip shown on TV by an English vet......I could have kissed him at the time. Friends of mine have also tried this technique with good results.
  2. Ron, you question how thorough is that IB examination? - well, my question would be how many quotas have to be filled by those doctors  to fail claimants by end of week to meet government guide lines. Some years ago I had my routine follow-up IB examination (after the government ruled a clamp down on all claiments) and by the time he finished with me I had to be taken out of the room and to my car in a wheel chair. He failed me. I appealed the judgement and eventually was re-assessed (some 10 months later) and was informed that I should never have been failed in the first place. So as I see it, it's not how thorough the examination but what do the government actually want.  
  3. We've just sold up in Florida  at a bad time, due to exchange rate!! to follow our dream in France. But I disagree that it is a bad time to buy - there are great deals to be made. Our agent over there told us that if you get a buyer hold on to them with your arms, teeth and legs so as not to loose them - because they have soooooo much choice. Plus as a UK buyer the exchange rate is excellent. A few cautionary notes if you go ahead with the Florida idea - there are many insurances to pay i.e.Flood, hurricane and wind and general property insurance (contents may not be covered unless it is occupied more than 6 months of the year). And as we found, an insurance company can drop you on renewal for no reason at all even if you have never made a claim and then you have to hunt high and low for someone else to cover you (this happened to us twice in 13 years).  You will probably need to budget for maintenance e.g. general house maintence, lawn cutting, sprinklers maintenance,pool maintence (if there is one) etc. When selling your property in Florida you will find that being a foreigner the government will withhold 15%  of any profit made (there appears to be no sliding scale on the length of time you have owned the property relating to Capital Gains tax, as in UK) whilst they sort out how much you owe.  For this you will need to employ a Florida taxman to deal with (not cheap). Notary fees for signatures on official forms in UK are not cheap - which is probably the way you will have to do it if selling your Florida dream all the way back in England. All paperwork has to notarised (very cheaply done IN Florida) so you will need to budget for this (£150 a throw).All of this on top of  6 - 7 % estate agent fees. We had a wonderful time in Florida spending a weeks out there every year - would we go out there on holiday again - yes, would we OWN a property out there again - no. Sorry, I don't want to paint a bleak picture but they never tell you about the things tat turn a great deal into an expensive white elephant in the long run.    
  4. Hi There, Just a quick note to say a huge thanks to all those who contacted me re my post. We have now found a suitable place to stay and are now looking forward to our move. If you see a couple walking round with a very friendly Irishwolfhound (Logan) then it may just be us. Approach with caution as you may just be licked to death! Many thanks again Wendy
  5. Thanks re your last email - I'm looking forward to looking aound this town sounds EXTREMELY interesting. Doesn't surprise me that they will be very approachable. The vast majority of potters I have spoken too have been wonderful and generous with their knowledge and info. Think I might have found a supplier (or agent) in Toulouse, a company by the name of Ceradel-Socor, so I'll be hunting them down when I am next over which I am hoping will be very soon!! Wendy
  6. Hi There, Can anyone help me with details of a clay supplier. I am a hobby potter in the UK hoping to move to France permanently within the next 12 months. Not wanting to ask my current supplier to courier my clay I was hoping I might find a supplier closer to my relocation. I have checked out the internet to no avail so any help on my quest will be much appreciated. Many thanks
  7. Hi There, Looking for long term let, 6 months or longer, commencing October 2007 in the West Lot or South Dordogne area. We require 2-3 bedrooms and outbuilding or workshop to accommodate my pottery hobby. There is just the two of us and our very friendly, very well behaved house-trained dog. Whilst there we will be looking around the area for a place to buy on a permanent basis. Thanks for any help you can offer.
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