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Posts posted by cajal

  1. [quote user="mint"]

    Actually, Cajal, I don't think she has achieved anything yet.  Let me know when she does, won't you?


    OK here goes. Following on from the goverment clearance for the construction of the 3rd runway at Heathrow which is estimated will create up to 180000 regional jobs and £211 billion in economic benefits,she has overseen the negotiations which resulted in the following statement yesterday from Nissan. 

    "The support and assurances of the UK government enabled us to decide

    that the next-generation Qashqai and X-Trail will be produced at

    Sunderland," said Carlos Ghosn, Nissan's chief executive, adding that he

    welcomed Prime Minister Theresa May's "commitment to the automotive

    industry in Britain".

    So that will be 7000 jobs secured in the north east.



  2. [quote user="mint"]It also means the government has to divert people's attention away from Brexit to the third Heathrow runway.[/quote]

    I think you will find you have that arrse about face.

    Brexit actually diverted Cameron's attention away from what was expected to be the approval of the £17.6bn Heathrow expansion in July, with the announcement followed by a Commons vote.

    Given that the expansion was first publicly announced in 2006, and the UK has had 4 prime ministers in that time, I would say Theresa May has achieved a stellar performance in 3 months which Blair,Brown and Cameron failed to achieve in 9 3/4 years



  3. "Eurostar is expected to reveal which departures will be axed ahead of

    the new international timetable taking effect in December. If cuts are

    applied proportionately, two daily trains to Paris and one to Brussels

    will be removed from the schedules.
    Because the firm is rolling out new,

    larger trains, the overall number of seats is unlikely to be affected.

    Seems like a sound business decision to me.



  4. Does anyone know where to find the Law that changed for S1 holders.

    Original de Ruyter judgement Here

    Latest changes to the above from Jan 1st 2016

    In order to bring French law in line with the ruling the French

    government have now enshrined in statute a re-allocation of the receipts

    from social charges on investment/rental income and capital gains away

    from main branches of the social security system.

    This has been achieved by allocating such receipts to a number of non-contributory social security budgets, notably the Fonds de solidarité vieillesse (FSV) and la Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l'autonomie (CNSA).

    The benefits from these budgets do not depend on affiliation to the French social security system.


    means that non-residents and those not affiliated to the French social

    security system will continue to be liable in 2016 for social charges on

    such income.

    Although the detailed regulations have yet to be

    published, it is understand that liability will arise on rental and

    investment income earned in 2015, on which tax is payable in 2016, and

    on capital gains arising and paid in 2016. Notaires have been

    imposing social charges on property sales this year, based on the new


    Whether such a change in the law complies with European

    requirements remains unclear, and it is notable that last year Christian

    Eckert, the Minister of the Budget,  stated that: "Dire qu’il est d’une solidité juridique totale serait exagéré."


    the legal uncertainty a number French parliamentarians who opposed the

    change referred the relevant clause to the Constitutional Court.


    judges last month ruled that it was not unconstitutional, but refused

    to adjudicate on whether or not it complied with European law, stating

    it was none of their business: "n’appartient

    pas au Conseil constitutionnel de se prononcer sur le défaut de

    compatibilité d’une disposition législative aux engagements

    internationaux et européens de la France

    The court merely restricted itself to saying that the clause did not cut across the Ruyter decision of the ECJ as the new

    law only applied to social charges due in 2016, and that the government

    had agreed to reimburse social charges arising from the ECJ ruling,

    stating: "cet article ne va pas à l’encontre de la jurisprudence

    De Ruyter puisqu’il concerne les prélèvements sociaux à compter de 2016

    et que les prélèvements concernés par l’arrêt De Ruyter vont être

    remboursés par l’Etat Français."



  5. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]I would just go to Speedy.....[/quote]

    I wouldn't.....they couldn't track (parallelisme) a front set of wheels if their life depended on it following fitting a new set of tyres. 

    I'd be very wary of Feu Vert also, they can be 'sharp'. Back in the 90's following a rear offside puncture, they tried to stiff me with four new tyres as according to them it was the law in France. Yeah right.

    Our Leclerc Auto have a promo on at the moment so likely to be nation wide.

    Buying tyres these days is as easy as falling off a bike but as Dave 21478 said "What makes or breaks the experience is the fitting"



  6. I was knocked back by Tesco last Monday  even though I have a Regular Saver with them.

    I chose them, for my initial application on-line, as their current account pays 3%. When I have time I will apply to Nationwide, TSB and Bank of Scotland as their current accounts are all interest paying accounts up to a fixed ammount.

    Whether foreign residents will be offered these interest bearing accounts reamains to be seen.



  7. [quote user="jacko19"]Sorry probably should have said - are there any/what are the current rules regarding length of time in the country.[/quote]

    As has already been stated - 365 etc.

    However, if your main

    residence is located in France you will be classed as resident and

    should follow all the procedures required to be a French resident.


    your main residence is not in France, but you do spend in excess of 183

    days in France, the authorities will ignore your main residence status

    and consider you as a resident of France with all the implications that

    holds for you.

    In either case it is your responsibility to inform

    the appropriate authorities of your circumstances, in particularly the

    tax authority of the department where your home is located.



  8. "We have a property in France that we class as a holiday home but we are

    spending more and more time here than the UK. We have never been

    challenged upon this but if we were what paperwork should we have?"


    I suggest that you explain from where you expect these challenges may

    arise eg Police, Internal Revenue, Vehicle Licencing, Local Authority

    for example.. and from which country...France or UK and for what purpose

    this challenge might be made.

    If you are more explicit with your

    request for information you should ellcit more accurate responses from

    members on these boards.



  9. 'If so why the reporting of it as a win for the AfD?'

    Well, I've looked and, damn it, I've looked again & again & again............etc.  and, you know what, I can't find anywhere that I stated that the AfD won the election. I must therefore assume you must be suffering some form or other of visual impairment....perhaps a visit to Specsavers would be in order?

    The point I was making is that perhaps Merkel's sideways manoever away from the 2009 Lisbon Treaty policy on immigration will ultimately come back and bite her on her asss.

    Get a grip Norman!



  10. It would appear that she pyssed off enough of the electorate in her home state that her party (CDU), according the exit polls, came in 3rd place behind the Afd (anti-immigration party)

    And yet again a political leader who failed to 'wise up' to a nations sentiments.

    Anybody know the odds on Le Penn next year?



  11. "If I see a dog in a restaurant I would walk on by."

    Pierre ZFP

    Big +1 here.


    At present we have, as part of our family, a Brittany & a Cocker spaniel. Prior to these two we have homed 4 other dogs over the years. But all, without exception, will have at some point  licked their arrsses and nadgers prior to trying to slobber all over me. So dogs not in restaurants??? I should coco coco.



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