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Posts posted by cajal

  1. [quote user="NormanH"]

    Il faudra désormais indiquer l'heure de de sortie sur les documents dérogatoires


    dit durcissement des règles, dit durcissement des contrôles. Ainsi,

    pour s'assurer que les nouvelles consignes édictées par le gouvernement

    soient scrupuleusement respectées, Édouard Philippe a annoncé qu'«il faudra (désormais) dater et donner l'horaire du papier qu'on doit porter avec soi lorsqu'on sort».[/quote]

    THIS link will take you to the latest 'attestation' version, refered to above, with a section to enter your departure time next to the date.

    It is downloadable as .pdf (French), .doc(French), .txt(French) or .doc(French/English). If like me you use Libre Office, then the .doc forms are recognised and open in a printable format.

    Once downloaded the form is in 'read only' format but can be made 'editable'. The editable version now becomes interactive so you can fill in all your personal details and signature prior to printing. 

    When printed, all that is needed is to apply an X against the appropriate section you are undertaking and time and date it.

  2. I guess you might have received similar advice during WW2 although I suspect the viewing and purchasing process would have been rather more onerous. But you get my drift?

    Then, following a few years of stablisation and some hardship, Europe prospered like never before for the next 70 years.
    If it feels right in your water
  3. I must say this paragraph, from 'le monde' article, raised a smile. Or am I missing something?

    Un confinement total impliquerait un ravitaillement à domicile, qui « ne peut être organisé sur l’ensemble du territoire national, compte tenu des moyens dont l’administration dispose, sauf à risquer de graves ruptures d’approvisionnement et à retarder l’acheminement de matériels indispensables à la protection de la santé », souligne le Conseil.

    Lire aussi Vin, cannabis, coiffeurs, messe… En période de confinement, la « première nécessité » varie d’un pays à l’autre

  4. [quote user="MacOnion"]
    Form to be carried with you if you go out: https://mobile.interieur.gouv.fr/Actualites/L-actu-du-Ministere/Attestation-de-deplacement-derogatoire


    Just off out to walk the dogs. I've downloaded an attestation and duly filled it in and signed it as required ready to produce for some gendarme if requested.

    On future occasions I might just venture out just draging a dog lead and if apprehended will say 'Oh m.erde, il a dû s'échapper'.
  5. I was queuing in the bank this morning when two guys, wearing masks, came rushing in. Every one froze, for what seemed like a lifetime, until one of them shouted "This is a holdup". Whereupon everbody breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

  6. [quote user="NormanH"]
    I know what you mean about telephone numbers. I had the same with the UK last Autumn when I was buying a replacement for my mobility scooter and the only number given was an 0800 one.
    In the end I had to ask someone in the UK to phone them and get a number I couldcall.[/quote]

    If required to call an 08.......number in the UK I always check This site for a geographical number first.  Just click on the 'search to find an alternative number' (near to top left under 'Home') link, enter the company/organisation name in the box and I'd be suprised if you aren't successful. It hasn't let me down yet.
  7. [quote user="Judith-aka-Judith"]And it seems that what they doing in Tenerife reflects what they did on the Diamond Princess, and we know how that speeded up the catching it rates, don't we?[/quote]

    I watched a news report, this morning from Tenerife, where a woman and family (two children, husband and inlaws.) have very sensibly self quarantined themselves in their rooms.

    Cut to poolside: moorons laying on recliners in swimwear and facemasks.

    Cut to restaurant serving area: moorons queuing for food wearing face masks.

    Cut to dining area: moorons consuming food, face mask either hanging around their neck or perched on their head.

    Give me strength!

  8. Sorted......I'm now the proud owner of a downloaded temporary Carte Grise displaying, amonst other things, new address and new immatriculation. This afternoon I should be able to become the proud owner of new licence tags although I was quite content with the originals. Because of their age they were begining to display an element of uniqueness.

    My first mistake in this procedure was to attempt to use the services of a government agency site in the evening on a week-end as it is now apparent that all the so called 'live' links I needed to follow to continue their extra requirements were infact 'dead'.  This morning when I revisited the site I was able to click through the whole procedure within 5 minutes. I actually had longer to wait to receive an sms from the card company to enable me to pay the required €2.76 tax.

    I frequently encounter a similar 'dead' scenario when attempting to use BNP Banque on a week-end.

  9. Any help appreciated.

    I needed to carry out changes of address for our vehicles with ANTS.  No problem there, all went tickety-boo and the new address stickers arrived, via the post, within a few days.

    However, we have one vehicle which is 18 years old and immatriculated with the old licence tag format of NNNN-LLL-NN. The Ants site acknowledges the address change for this vehicle but informs us we need to update to a new Carte Grise bearing a new style immatriculation number.

    For this to happen and to receive a new Carte Grise, enabling the purchase and fitting of new licence tags, there is a fee of €2.76. The problem I have now encountered is I am unable to to find a link to enable me to carry out the required procedure and to pay for the new Carte Grise.

    My question is, has anbody already been through and dealt with this procedure and is able to point me in the right direction as required?


  10. Looming municipal elections  can prompt 'grandstanding'.  Smoke and mirrors to deflect from the pension reforms disaster?  Cynical, moi?

    On the other hand the world is full of idiots.

    "l’atterrissage d’un avion de tourisme non loin du sommet pour que deux

    alpinistes suisses n’aient plus qu’à gravir les derniers mètres, un

    Britannique qui avait monté un rameur sans réussir à le redescendre, des

    Lettons qui avaient tenté de monter un mât de 10 mètres pour y faire

    flotter leur drapeau… Les autorités ont également décidé de rendre

    obligatoire la réservation en refuge, pour lutter contre les bivouacs


    I do admit to a certain bias towards the lump of granite (Mont Blanc not Macron) as our original home was located on the other side of the valley looking directly onto the Mont.

    Full article Here

  11. Even though the first our two different periods of French residencey began way back in 1989, I would never dream of attempting to obtain French nationality.

    I feel, particularly at my time of life, that I am too old to embark on attempting to perfect 'the Gaellic shrug' gesture which surely must be a integral part of the nationality test?
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