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Posts posted by Francie

  1. As an occasional ferry traveler I wonder if I could get your opinions as to which ferry routes you prefer. Last time I traveled in August I left Sheffield at 18.20. I got the Sea France ferry at Dover to Calais some time after 2300 and drove on to our house in the South Aveyron arriving at 12.40. I slept a little on the ferry and stopped for two cat naps and two coffee/breakfast breaks along the way. Coming back was fairly similar except it took for ever to get through passport control and check in at Calais.  Perhaps you can offer some advice on your prefer route and why?    





  2. We are in the process of moving our possessions from Sheffield to the South Aveyron, in south West France. We have decided to do the removals our self and are looking for people who might be interested in moving their goods back to the UK form France with us. In that way there would be a full van going in both directions. We would like to share (some) of the costs. Over all we would all save a sizeable amount of money. We expect to make three to four trips from Sheffield to France and back to Sheffield. We probably will plan the first trip for the end of August and the rest early September but we are very flexible and could fit in around somebody elses plans. If you are interest could back to me for further discussion.


  3. A few of mine and I have recently purchase a house just west of St Affrique near Le Truel in the South Aveyron.  My friend moved from Sheffield to live down there at Easter with my help. I am spending as much time as possibly down there for now and hope to move full time later this year. We would be interested in making contact with others in the area particularly if they would like to speak French (we are fairly weak but working at improving) with us.  We are both male aged twenty nine and forty eight. We are keen foodies and love to entertain at home, visit friends for food or eat out. Otherwise we have wide interests including music (keen concert goers), reading, gardening, movies and travel. We are also keen dog owners and are very proud of our rescue (re-homed) German shepherd dog called Kimber. Kimber has already moved and has settled in very well. I look forward to hearing form others near by. Francie   

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