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Posts posted by Panda

  1. My point is this, please leave the title as it was at the start so that everyone who is interested in the demontage issue knows that is what it is about, changing the title to 'are you a school teacher' will hardly get you an army of followers. 

    You can discuss one subject for years if you want but don't go drifting off on to another subject in the same thread and think that's ok as long as you change the title.  

    For a new topic just start a new thread, if everyone did what you've done on this thread no one would be able to follow the forum at all, simple really. 

    The forum works when the subject of a thread and title match, if you keep changing it no one knows what the topic is...  That is why the moderators are always asking people to stick to the original topic, not sure why they have yet to jump on you but your time will come..

    Any moderators out there who can better explain my point, please be ready to called a traffic warden though

    Just for clarity this thread has had all of these titles:

    Article on Montauban publicity combat ............

    New 'démontages'

    good reading ........

    Johnny come lately..........

    I like the french.......

     On the other hand the french' you wrote..........

     I'm from the south - east..........

     On the other hand the french' you wrote.........


     Are you a school teacher?


    See my point yet....



  2. Hi

    We had an old meter in an appartment that had been turned off years before, the EDF said that it could not be reconnected without a vist form the consuel who inspects such installations.

    In your case you could ask for the electricity to be made available just for the renovation work, a similar set up to the electricity they run to a new build.. Then you can run your tools from it and get the full link up when all is safe. 

    We just used the electricity from the appartment next door and made the upgrades, the consuel came and signed us off all is well now.  We had a new meter fitted at the same time as it was ancient.


  3. Paysages de France

    Stop changing the title of this thread, it's annoying, I think each time someone (else) has added a new thread when instead it's an old one being continually dragged up!

    If it's a new topic start a new thread if not, don't, just add to the same one with the same title then we all know to avoid it if we have already read it and were not interested in it in the first place!

  4. Hi All

    We were driving along the road when my OH saw 'something' on the road, we turned around and went back and it was a huge salamander, about 6-7cm long and bright yellow and black, a beautiful creture but it wouldn't move off the road.  I didn't really know for sure what it was so didn't really want to pick it up but also could not bear the thought of it being run over.  I went back to the car found and envelope and carefully lifted it up and put it back on the verge (which was the edge of the woods).  I resume it was so slow as it was cold??  Fantastic to see all the same!


  5. We've got swallows swooping on the lake in the evening.. fantastic to watch.  We've also got some Black Red Starts (brown females with red under tail, black and white male with red under tail), probably got the name wrong, nesting in an outbuilding, we had a lovely set of babies in our last house so I am really glad to see them here. 


    just saw a kingfisher....wow

    EDIT again, following the example set by bugbear I checked the rspb site and yes this is what they are..


  6. ours are a bit of a nightmare at the moment as they really are free range, in our last house they were confined to a very large apddock, here we have no fences and you can't turn your back or one will be on your bed!    They do move like dinosaurs, the scene from Jurrassic park in the kitchen with veloceraptors is what mine look like when they leapt on to the table in the middle of a barbeque!


  7. Hello Tenniwitch

    I've had to do this a few times my french is now good enough to handle the call but the first time I was nervous like you.  I did manage it by phone and they came about a week or so later.  I would just call the number on the bills and ask for a rendex-vous, they will ask why and you need to practice being able to say plus d'amp or something close, they may even put you thorugh to someone who can speak english... As for when not sure what you mean, you can book an appointment for when it suits you..


  8. Hi

    My neighbour recently told me that if you have chickens running free you won't see snakes, great I think as I walk on down to the chicken house the same day, think what's that bowl doing here in the chicken house I'll take it back to the house, nearly die on the spot as a large snake looks at me for disturbing his sleep!  The moral don't believe old French wives tales when regaled by your friendly neighbour!  The snake just slithered away,  no idea what it was, hopefully a grass snake the chickens didn't even bat an eyelid. 

    Saw my neighbour agin today and told him what happened, they must be english chickens he says and not used to snakes\z\! 

  9. Hi All

    We have a small stream running through our property and at dusk I've seen a number of crayfish in a small pool formed by a little waterfall. How can you tell the difference between the european and the introduced signal?  I've searched the web but can't find  a comparison.  I also found a couple of dead ones, eaten just the tail and shell left, any idea what might feed on them? 


  10. It's interesting that you say the LM must be handwritten, all the jobs I've seen ask you to email your CV and LM so writing by hand is not an option, I think that most large employers would accept (and expect) a type written letter these days...
  11. Hi Marmite

    There is a retired achitect who still does drawings in St Romain - M Emperor (number in telephone book), he did our plans for a complete ronovation but I would have thought he could also do smaller jobs. 

    He is the architect for the new salle de fete in Passirac (although the amount of time they are taking to build it you have to wonder what on earth they are doing)


  12. I'm sure someone will say that technically it's wrong but I've crepi'd a huge outbuilding with good results and it's still on the wall after 2 years, it's cheap and in my opinion does the job.  It's not fun to apply though, takes a bit of getting used to!
  13. Hi

    I agree to some extent with Jo53, the school does reflect the area but the same applies where ever you live.  In an Australian 'back water' school do you imagine there are world beaters?  The same goes for the UK, I grew up in a small gloucestershire village where many people had never left the village, it's the same everywhere.  What you have to decide is what you want for your kids.  We wanted to have more time for our son and we do now, we were working stupid hours which meant our son would be raised by others, we now pick him up and drop him off everyday and we do lots together.  The Brits are choosing remote villages and some are expecting to find prep schools, it's not going to happen nor would it if you decided to live anywhere in the world deep in the countryside.  It's up to the parents to instill the attitudes to life they want from their kids and we intend to continue to travel and show our son as much of life as possible. 

    We may move again but know very well we need to do this before he enters secondary school to avoid problems, NZ looks interesting for our next adventure!

    We do know we don't want the secondary system where we came from in the UK where almost all kids go to Uni (or some updated poly) then leave with a degree in an obscure discipline and find that there are no jobs that will make use of the degree, they are 24k in debt and working in telesales.  I have 2 nephews in this situation and they are very miserable. 


  14. Hi Brit

    We used to live near you (recently moved) and when we had a problem with the signal for our satellite we went to the TV aerial shop near the Intermarche in Chauvigny (in the row of shops before the supermarket), I think they are called Pro something or other, they are franchised so you may have one in St Savin.  A young man came along with his sat finder and fiddled for about 2 minutes until we told him we had the right signal strngth etc as described by dogwood.  It didn't cost much (certainly a lot less than brits in french news will charge).  We never had another problem with it after that.

    good luck




  15. Hi Junebaby

    I think age is key here, at 6 your daughter has plenty of time to get used to the french way of doing things and which ever school you chose she will have a much better chance than an older child.  My son is in a small village school and is very happy, the teacher is fantastic and he really does care.  The teacher was born in the village and is keeping his village school alive, he is interesting and the children like him. He does rule with a firm hand, something that I am glad of and as my son started in the french system from the outset he is used to it.

    To Caroline: I hate to sound negative but to bring a child to another country at 13 after having him privatley tutored really does sound strange, it was always going to be hard, so much of what the exams contain will have been missed and the poster doesn't say how good his french was, I'm assuming not great.  I really cannot understand what would drive a parent to make such a choice, I really am not being dismissive of your choice, but I really do find it hard to think of a reason that would make me make the same choice.  Sadly if you search the forum there are lots of stories of people bringing older kids over and wondering why they are struggling....

    one last thing on the hours issue, I think some of the teachers who post here might have something to say about the 'hours the state are paying for being used for private tuition'.. I believe that they are only paid for the hours they do and they sometimes end up doing 19 hours in one school and say 15 in another, some distance away, I don't think they could  be said to be earning on top of their state pay..I could be wrong though


  16. Hi LouLou

    You haven't said why you are reluctant.  I work on a contract basis with UK based clients and am set up as a micro, this does restrict your earning potential (up to 27k euro max) and so you need to see if this will suit you, for me, as I currently work part time it's been fine.  As far as cotisations and tax go, I pay pretty much the same now as I did in the UK,tax here is much lower, NI equivalent much higher, but if you add it both together and see it as how much you pay out it's about the same for me.  If you search you will see that others have come to the same conclusions on a percentage of earnings basis. 

    Explain about your reluctancy...


  17. Hi Rusheslake

    I presume you have a lake seeing what your login is, do the goats go in?  We have a small lake (1 hectare ish) which will border the area for the goats, does that present any issues, I don't really want to have to fence on that side if it's avoidable. 


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