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Posts posted by Panda

  1. My OH has plumbed our new bathroom using this method, it's his first time and it was 'quick and simple' apparently, all I can say is there appears to be no little puddles anywhere and I now have a bath, can't be bad!
  2. That's me scornful then and you bitter chief, maybe we should have our own conversation!

    I am not at all scornful, I am interested, so if the prices are similar to Russethouses example, 180,000 for a 2 bed terrace, assuming a deposit of 10%, so 18k that leaves 162k on mortgage, assuming she borrowed based on 3.5 times salary means she earns in the 42k a year bracket, not bad for a semi qualified accountant in any town! 

    I expect she had more to put down or borrowed way over normal salary combinations which is sadly common these days in the UK (lets hope the prices don't crash).   I don't see that this shows that loads of 20 something year olds can step easily on to the property ladder at all, quite the opposite in fact.

    Before anyone jumps on me, I know my numbers are probably way off but it was the statement, it's easy for young people to get on the property ladder outside of London just simply isn't true and I'm not sure why anyone would ever say that it is.


  3. Hi Ali-Cat

    The more I think about it the more I think the answer is no, dogs yes as you can't take them to campsites etc without it, but perhaps with cats it's not important.  I have always been asked for the carnet de sante for the cat though so it must be something that's down to the cattery owners discretion. 

    Anywho, you should be ok form the sounds of it , you could always get them done now anyway for piece of mind, regardless.


  4. Hi ChezShells

    Your questions are tough to answer, on my last property which had  2 largish houses our fonciere was 1100 euro but habitation was low because we had a low income, as others have said it is dependent on the area, I think ex Hotels are rated quite highly I know I've seen some for sale that have been high.  If you go on a good french immobilier site they quote the fonciere and habitation per house, this could give you some idea of the 'usual' costs in an area, I believe Century 21 do quote these figures.

    An SCI I believe (I'm no expert) is only for property transactions, this kinds of set up is used for multiple buyers or to avoid inheritance issues, it's all about the purchase of property not the ongoing paying of taxes for a business, for this you would need to look at the micro or reel regime I believe, do a search on these terms, lots has been discussed on this before. 

    We would all like to work the tax system, unfortunately it generally works us, tax is not the issue but cotisations are and if you need staff to run your B&B then that could be crippling in charges. 

    You haven't said what the current turnover of the place is, this for me is the important bit, if the property taxes are only a fraction of it's current turnover then they are irrelevant, you should concentrate on working out what you potential income is rather than the tax burden in my opinion.


  5. Rumzigal wrote:

    Been through this before, Benjamin.   My "landlady" is 24.   Left school at 18, got her degree in 3 years, started earning, and here's her house.   21-year-old niece has just bought a house with her boyfriend, no degrees involved anywhere, not even A-levels.  Loads of young people (mid-20s) at work, they've all got their own houses.   

    It's probably true of London, but London's a capital city, and you would expect it to be expensive, just as Paris is more expensive than la France Profonde

    Rumzigal, you never answered the question unelss I missed it, where on earth do you rent ??  I'm with Benjamin on this, it is impossible for people in their 20's to be on the property ladder where I come from and no it's not anywhere  near London, average first time buyer is 34. 

    As an aside what has having a degree got to do with owning a house when 21, either the houses where ever it is are dead cheap or this non educated 21 year old is doing something that's bringing in a lot of money, which is it.....


  6. Hi Ali-Cat

    That is strange, but good in a way!  I remembered after I posted that I did asked the vet once what vaccinations were necessary for the cattery because my old cat doesn't go anywhere and he said there was no law stating exactly what was needed but generally the rabies was required. So sounds good, where is the cattery in the Charente, I am now in the Charente but haven't used a cattery here, I did check how far I was from you but it was over 60km otherwise I would have offered to feed them!



  7. Hi Ali-cat

    Even the type of cattery that doesn't want all the other vaccinations will want the rabies jab up to date, I'm fairly sure you will have a problem.  I did exactly the same thing and had to rush cats to the vets and wait for the 30 days clearance before they would be accepted at any cattery where I lived.  The only chance you might have is a cattery who have the option of keeping non vaccinated cats separately, even then though I think they would be breaking the law to take any animal without a rabies jab, it may be a dept thing though.

    Hope you find a solution, can someone not come and feed them for you?



  8. Hi

    Have to agree on the 'Macdo' front, every macdonalds I've been in in France is packed to the rafters with young french families.  The adults are drinking wine with their meal, that's the only difference.  I also read somewhere that the total of Macdonalds turnover in France is higher than in the UK.. I personlly think you are less likely to see a Brit in a Macdonalds (unless they are on holiday) because the majority of Brits who chose to live here with kids are making the choice to live a healthier life, it's part of why we came here.


  9. Hi

    We use Masion-Vert washing machine liquid and washing up liquid, not really because of the fosse so much but because the 'grey' water after some filtering used to go into our lake.  It's available in most large supermarkets



  10. Hi

    I would only add to this great advice that my cat who wails when driving for two minutes survived the journey here without too much issue, by accident recently when taking a trip to the vet I covered the cat basket and so she was in the dark (the dog bed had fallen on the cage whilst I was driving) I noticed she never wailed once whilst in the dark, so I would recommend the dark corner concpet discussed as I think with this she would have been much less stressed on the voyage over.

    Good luck, she will be fine and like others my cat is loving it here, she is 17 this year and still full of life and mischief.


  11. Hi AllanB

    How come it changes then based on how much your income is, this has been discussed many times before.  Mine changes with my income as I previously said, not exempted but the amount actually changes year on year.  You also have allowances for number of people living at the address etc.  If it's not income based then why is it changing?


  12. Hi

    Our bills come in November each year.  We get a separate bill for rubbish collection of around 60 euros for 6 months, again I expect if such a system exists in your area you won't see this bill until June.

    Coco, Tax d'hab most definitely is based on income, it's been discussed on here many times, mine was 300 the first year when I had made no tax return, the next when we had just started in business it was 50 euro's, this year with a full year under our belts we are expecting to return to the 300 mark.  If you check the bill your income is stated in the top right. 


  13. Hi Monaco

    Unless every person earning SMIC (minimum wage) also gets help, which would be huge chunk of the population then I would say at 19k you will not qualify. 

    Also some while back the average income per household was discussed, there is a site where you can view this online, someone may remember the post, on the site it shows many communes with per household income of around 12k, shockingly low, so your income for a single person will seem high in comparison.

    I'm no expert, someone will now the answer I'm sure.



    Your rent is also very high, around these parts you would get a mansion for 750 a month.......perhaps your signin is your home town, in which case I would guess 750 won't go far?? 

  14. Hi

    As no one has answered I will give it a go.  We have a 7 year old in a small village school in 16 near the border of 24 (about 50 minutes from Bergerac), it sounds much like your school in the UK although only 25 kids it is a mixed class.  There is one other english child in the class but as both he and my son have lived in france for 4 years they only speak in french to each other, which is natural for them having now spent more time in france than in the UK.  It would not be worth me naming the school as the villages in these parts operate a shared schooling system so come September he will be off to the next village and I have no experience of that school. 

    I agree it would be a shame to start him in one school whilst renting and then move, I suggest you get your skates on and find the house of your dreams, then you can hopefully ferry him to the chosen village/town which would be preferable to the isolation of home schooling and will ensure he doesn't miss part of the school year.  Starting him in September would be such a benefit as it is likely there will be some other 'new' kids and so he will not be the only one.

    PM me if you want any other information about schooling in general, can't help on the schools in 24 though.


  15. Hi

    It's a bit more complicated than that I'm afraid, as I understand it, to get a rate of 5.5% it must be for renovation work to a habitation older than X number of years.  I can;t really see how your furniture scenario fits in here, perhaps if it is permanent furniture replacing something that was already there (ktichen units for example), it's a bit of a grey area I would say so I can imagine the artisan might err toward charging the full rate.  We need an artisan to comment on this I feel...


  16. Hello

    I think it must depend on the airport as I was called forward for my last flight with Ryanair  with my son and we boarded after the priority but before the rest of the commoners!  I flew with easyjet this week though and we were boarded before the priority lot, there was also no charge per bag and no limit on the weight of hand luggage at all, will be going with easyjet from now on whenever I can.



  17. Hello

    We did this and when we first purchased and when we sold recently the couple did exactly this, the husband signed here and the wife gave POA witnessed by their solicitor, this worked fine and they used this for both the compromis and the final acte de vente.


  18. Hi Debra

    This is the threatened whote claw variety, ours are much daker and have bits of red, some look black in the water.  I found another half eaten one and fear that I've caused the problem as I've recently tidied up the area, they were probably harder to catch before I removed a lot of brambles.  I'm going to put some cover back over the stream.

    I have also read that crayfish will only survive in un polluted water so you were right to say it shows your lake water is in good shape.


  19. Hi

    Do you really believe that a company would take an employee to court for breach of contract in these circumstances?  I would be inclined to tell the company you will give 4 weeks, this is a fair period on both sides.  I have never heard of anyone being taken to court by a former employee for not adhering to a notice period and in my experience employers tend to avoid any action at all costs as it's time consuming and they would surely need to be able to show some material loss caused by the break of contract.

    One thing you haven't said is if you are actually in the middle of a project which you are leading, if you are and you intend to leave half way through they may have a case to use against you, for example if the project missed vital deadlines which leads to a financial loss.  In these circumstances you should tread very carefully and some hard negociations may be required.

    As Rumzigal says they could get rid of you quickly if they wanted to and if it were a case that they wanted to get rid of you would they then give you a 3 month pay out in lieu of notice?

    In Clairs post it does also say that a period fixed by law is rare so it would seem that they are stretching the truth a little.


  20. Hi Steve

    I think what I failed to put across is that in my opinion the system is encouraging kids without true academic ability to go to Uni. and the incentive is in your words 'managing to get out of  his head most evenings', is what is driving many of them.  I'm all for getting the best out of our kids but a reality check is also required.

    One of my nephews would not have been considered for Uni even 10 years ago, he scraped through his A levels and was accepted at uni with a very low score, something that is happening more and more as more places are made available.  He had to retake one year as he failed and despite all of this did graduate but his chances are slim of getting a job in his degree subject as huge numbers are taking the same subject.  So now he is doing a job he could have walked into 4 years ago, he is earning and I agree that is better than the dole but he feels cheated and is unmotivated.  With the proliferation of leisure and media courses this is a common outcome.

    I should explain that I come from a large family and currently have 8 nephews and nieces in Uni's in the UK, I just feel that Uni is not for everyone, and the ability for all to go only serves to dilute the achievement. 

    My response was related to this from an earlier post about the french system:

    It is designed to strip out the deadwood as fast as possible thus reducing the numbers as of the age 14.  These 'failing' children are then sent off to specialist schools to learn trades.  

    I'm not saying the French system is right either but some middle ground would be good whereby those kids who are not academically minded are encouraged to go down a different route rather than marched through a Uni coming out with a degree that carries little weight in the job market.

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