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Posts posted by David

  1. Thanks for this everyone, this will be interesting as currently we do not know where our fosse is and as it has not caused us any problems we have ignored it. From the flyer that went with the water bill it looks like SOGEDO is going to hold a public meeting to discuss any concerns, it also looks like they are going to take the cost of  the fosse maintenance out by charging us so much a semestre on our bill
  2. We have just received our latest water bill from Sogedo and there was a Notice D'Information enclosed entitled SUR LE SERVICE PUBLIC D'ASSAINISSEMENT NON COLLECTIF ( S.P.A.N.C.). It seems to be something to do with new installations for water treatment. Has anyone else come across this and do we have to do anything about it?
  3. Hi

    We have had a mortgage with the credit agricole for a couple of years now. We took out a flexible rate mortgage with a flexible payback option. Cuurently we have had two interest rate hikes, in the last one they increased my monthly payments ( by 60 euros) and also added two years to our payback term, I was originally told french banks  dealt with any rate rises only by increasing your payback term, but obviously this is not correct. Has anyone else has a similar experience and any suggestions how I can reduce my monthly payments?




  4. We have a property between Bordeux and Bergerac and are suffering from a damp sous sol, we have tried a few things to stop it but with no success and now need to talk to a stonemaison and someone who could give us advice on ventilation. Has anyone got any contacts or advice where I could find these people locally? Or better still could recommend someone.
  5. We have an old school house in the gironde near castillon la baitaille and we are looking for someone to pop in from time to time when we are not there to turn the heating on if very cold and just to make sure there has been no damage done. We are also looking for someone who would be prepared to cut the grass from time to time during thesummer. Is there anyone in this area who may be interested?
  6. I need to find out where my fosse entranche is situated. We have an old school house in the gironde, and have never been able to get any info from the previous owner. Would the marie be likly to hold any plans which would identify the position of the fosse?Has anyone any other ideas?

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