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Everything posted by Isadora

  1. Thank you all for your replies and the information. It is difficult to judge the size as it is not a regular shape and has many shrubs and plants there. However your replies give me more hope. Poolguy, I have PMd you and hope you can help me. thanks again- Isadora
  2. Thanks for the reply Booboo. I am here for up to 6 months (-1 day ) and have no house insurance as I sold my house before I came out to look for my next home. I do however have very good car insurance, car breakdown insurance and travel insurance which covers everything including personal liability. This enquiry is for a friend from outside the UK who has no travel insurance and no home insurance, as home was sold before coming to Europe. We are just puzzled as separate landlords have not mentioned this assurance de responsibilte civil and wonder why not.
  3. I am in the process of buying a house in 17. It ticks just about all my boxes except that there is no pool, though I have money left in my budget to install one. However I need to know that it will be possible. The Notaire is applying for outline planning permission, but I also need to know that there will be room in the garden. I understand that there is a minimum distance required from the boundaries and also a minimum distance from the fosse septique. Can anyone help please?
  4. Hello - this is my first posting! I need some advice for a friend regarding insurance. If one takes a long winter let on a gite - say for 3 months holiday -is assurance de responsibilte civil required? I have stayed in french owned gites for holidays in the past and was never asked for this. I also once took a 3 month let from UK owners and was not asked for it. Can anyone advise please?
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