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Posts posted by ChezMerlin

  1. Hi guys- thanks so much for all your info- I just got back from holiday and hadnt checked in- ok- i have to read that all a couple more times- but I didnt give the whole scoop.  I am a singer under euro and american management- I can work in france and get paid in the US and I have to be back in the US to work in November (under 3 months-yes)- lived here in march and april too giving things a try-you all must know how tricky it is to be trying to come together in a relationship while dealing with government stuff too- NOT EASY!  I did do the research and was under the impression i would have to apply in November from the states and wait it out. But my companion felt that asking at the prefecture might be wise- no -never under the idea that I just ignorantly moved here and would like the french govt to cater to me-that'd be something.  thanks for chimin in-and about other links to check out-


  2. I have just moved from the US to France to live with my boyfriend.  We are planning to go to the prefecture (during the massive 3 hours a day that they are open [8-)]) but would love a little info before I hear it in high speed French.   I would like to get a Visa- I have no job here yet but would like to acquire one in the coming months.  We think there is the possibility to get a Visa and then after a couple months, my boyfriend's company will put me on his health insurance plan.  Sound realistic? visa requirements for a US citizen without a job in France?


  3. Hi - I am just recently moved to the Alsace from America with my poodle, Merlin.  I am wondering about mail-order catalogs for buying pet needs like food, treats, toys, shampoo etc. Anyone know of such catalogs in France?   Also wondering about "wee-wee pad" solutions.  After living on the 20th floor in Manhattan, my dog is quite used to going on the pads which seem to be non-existent here.  He seems to be adjusting well so far...[Www]
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