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Posts posted by Rides

  1. I thought I would just let you know that after being told to naff off by the Income tax people on this issue and sending off my cheque - reluctantly, I have just received the following letter......


    Il vous a été accorde un dégrèvement de 63 euros.

    Le détail de votre nouvelle imposition est joint en annexe. (which it was)

    Si vous avez déjà paye l'impôt il s'agit et si vous n'êtes redevable d'aucune somme auprès du service du recouvrement désigne ci-dessus, la somme allouée en dégrèvement vous sera remboursée, sans démarche particulière de votre part.


    So, there is a Santa Claus after all.


    Happy Christmas.

  2. Well, that was a waste of a stamp, as I thought it might be.

    Just had a reply from my second letter which basically says we don't have a leg to stand on and we have been turned down for exemption of this tax for the following reason...

    Le 17/11/2010 le service vous a demande de faire parvenir dans les meilleurs délais :

     Les justificatifs des versements,
     Les justificatifs de votre régime obligatoire français

    A ce jour aucun document justificatif n’est parvenu au service.

    I have sent our E121's twice now.  What else do they want from me for goodness sake??   I have two months to respond.

    Help .........................

  3. Quote:  I explained before
    "they are asking for evidence of  the payments made to URSSAF, and the proof of your obligatory Health Cover"
    That is the copy of your E121, and the letter both SD and I have given you explaing that as you are not 'à la charge' of the French health system you don't need to make payments to Urssaf because the UK does it for you.

    Yes, and I explained before that I have already sent the flipping letter, with copies of our E121 so if I send it again I'll get the same response n'est pas?  So, what's the point of sending it again?  They obviously got it the first time.  I'll just go and dig a hole and stay there until next Spring.

  4. Thank you for your reply, NormanH, and the letter.  We have already sent a letter very much the same - as posted by Sunday Driver - together with our E121's and the response we've had is as described earlier.  If I send the same letter again surely I'll get the same response?   I just don't know what they are asking us to send them.  Should I write and just say that we are not on the CMU and that we are both retired and on pensions from UK or what?  It's all very confusing.  Hubby is on the point of saying just to pay it and forget it as the grief is getting to me, but I don't want to pay something we don't have to as money is tight at the best of times and claiming back something from the French is virtually impossible I think.



  5. Thank you for your reply Norman.  We don't have CMU - we just have our carte vitales plus top up insurance like everyone else.  Should I write and tell them this?  Maybe because our income is under the tax limit they assume we have applied for CMU, but we never have. 

    Do you have any suggestions as to how to word the letter - any advice would be welcome as I haven't done much in the way of letter writing in French.

    Thank you ever so much.

  6. Sorry, but I need help again.

    I sent off my letter with enclosures as kindly advised and given by Sunday Driver.  I have just received a reply which gives me 15 days to provide the following information if my appeal is to be considered.

    De bien vouloir me faire parvenir
      -  Les justificatifs des versements (CSG et CRDS)
    aupres Des Organismes Sociaux (URSSAF etc.) effectues par les personnes fiscalement domiciliees en france.
    -  Justificatif de votre regime obligatoire francais d'assurance maladie.

    So, how can I provide proof of payments of whatever CSG's and CRDS's are when we just have our pensions and don't pay taxes in UK anymore - nor have done for several years.

    Do they want to see our Attestations or Carte Vitales? 

    Also, our total pension amount is shown in column two of the avis as Sunday Driver mentioned in a previous post.  Should it be in another column and does that mean we did something wrong on our tax form?  We do not pay tax on our pensions as they don't amount to anything worth taxing.  Our zero income tax form was received some time ago. 

    I am very confused now and don't really know what they are asking for.  Can someone please help as I now have only 2nd Dec to respond as the 15 days are up from the date of the letter - which was the 17th but I only got it yesterday.


  7. My board is end grain - an original block held with long metal rods in the middle and four iron brackets on the corners.  I use it for veggies and fruit only - meat goes on another (red) board and fish on a blue board - you can tell I used to be in catering.  I always believed that wooden surfaces held on to less bacteria than plastic, especially something like walnut or beech which have natural germ killing properties.  I use only lemon or vinegar for cleaning off the boards after washing in very hot water.  I've never poisoned anyone either - even when I worked in a restaurant.  Most food poisoning comes from dirty hands preparing food which isn't entirely fresh or food not kept at proper temperatures or reheated insufficiently.  The worst is rice which should never be reheated or kept warm or used the next day.  I just wish Chinese takeaways would learn!
  8. Thank you all for your replies.  I can understand why a butcher would use something like bleach in his shop to kill the germs from the raw meat but I don't put raw meat on my block.  I've always been told that to wash it, dry it, put dilute vinegar solution on to disinfect it and then finish with a light coat of mineral oi - liquid petroleum if you like - was the best way to preserve it.  I agree that to use this oil is better than vegetable oil as it wouldn't go rancid in time. 

    In the end, I suppose it is a matter of how you would want your block to look - bleached white or wood grain.  I don't use bleach on anything so I'll keep to the oil method.  It has been suggested that a vet or pharmacy would be the place to look and that Ikea have something just for oiling wood - although that is a bit far for me in Bordeaux. 

    I'll will search until I find.

  9. It has been suggested that I try here with the woodworkers to answer my question about butcher's blocks.  I've been looking for mineral oil - the stuff which goes into cosmetics and baby oil - liquid vaseline I call it but it is the by product of petroleum.  I want to use it on my butcher's block after cleaning as I know it is the best thing to use and won't contaminate the food or rot.  Do you all think it is the best thing to use or has anyone another suggestion? 


    On another (inferior) forum some edgit said I should use copious amounts of bleach!!  Yeah, right.

  10. Thank you all for being so helpful (unlike another Forum where I seem to have attracted some critics).  I will go to the Pharmacy toute suite - well tomorrow anyway.  Merci beaucoup mes amis
  11. Hmmmmmmm.  It would appear a visit to the CPAM would be in order.  We have had our C.V.s for 5 years but as hubby is now an OAP he had to apply for a new one.  I suspected something must be amiss as it has been so long coming.   Thank you for all your replies.
  12. My husband changed from E106 to E121 last September.  Filled in all forms for new Carte Vitale and short time after the Attestation arrived.  Then received a letter asking for photograph proving he was who he said he was and copy of ID.  Sent off middle of October.  Still waiting for new Carte Vitale.  Is this normal?  Thank you.
  13. Despite the fact that only the Care Component part of DLA looks as if at last it will be reinstated - (I only received the Mobility Component as I was too stubborn to apply for the Care part)  - I have now completed the appeal form sent by DWP and it is winging its way across the sea as I write.  Unfortunatley my appeal is being sent 4 years after my DLA was stopped so I will lose out on all fronts by the look of things.  I'm not despondent though as the more pressure put on the DWP the better for all in the long term.

    Perhaps the Mobility Component will be reinstated during my lifetime - what's left of it. 

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