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  1. Just a few corrections - the law re: declaring taxes together actually changed back in 2005 I believe, and you can now declare your taxes together straight away.  For example, if you get pacsed in April, you will each need to complete a separate declaration for Jan-April, and then a common one for the rest of the year. And the other thing is that both partners need to have the certificat de non-PACS, not just the French one. 
  2. They've been talking about this every since I've been here, so for at least five years now, with estimates of it opening in 2015.  Part of the point of the airport is to divert some of the traffic away from the airports in Paris.  It will be located Northwest of Nantes, along the N165.  I drive that road quite regularily, and there are always all kinds of signs of protest - residents worried about increased traffic, noise, etc.  I for one am looking forward to it because of the direct flights to the US that it will likely offer - it's such a pain to have to take the train to Paris all the time with all that luggage, and it would be mille fois easier if I could just park & fly from Nantes.
  3. [quote user="J.R."] Because once the ruin is done up they will not have rent to pay and will have more money to spend on themselves and their family whilst having an appreciating asset to pass on to their children, which is the number one priority of most of my French friends [/quote] This isn't quite true, once the ruin is done up, they'll still have to pay back their loan of 930€ per month until 2025.  They're only currently spending about 300€ per month on renovations.
  4. Rennes is a major student town, and thus has a very active night scene.  The "rue de la soif" is the most famous street, and starts at place sainte anne.
  5. [quote]Obama easy[/quote] Nice try but no cigar! :-)
  6. Any of the Harry Potter books - I read them when I firsted starting learning French and they were surprisingly good!  It's not something I ever would've read in English, but it works in French.
  7. [quote user="Clair"]Can I sugest this as an alternative: Ce soir, on mange de la soupe, de la viande avec des P d T, des PP et de C, puis du fromage avec du pain, et des fruits. On boit du vin et on fini avec un café. [/quote] Just one small correction, which I'm 99.9% sure is just a typo since Clair is a Real Virtual French Person :-) - it should be des carrotes, not de carrotes.
  8. [quote user="Pads"]Many thanks for that So I would reply with the nous rather than the Je ? oui? [/quote] Normally, you'd reply with "on", but you could also use "nous".  You wouldn't use "je" because in this case "on" is collective and refers to more than just yourself.
  9. Having just visited an l'Ile de Gavrinis, I can tell you that both are used in French.  A cairn is any mound of rocks, whereas a tumulus is a mound of rocks covered with dirt (and sometimes covered again with rocks).  So a tumulus can also be a cairn, but a cairn cannot be a tumulus.
  10. Is no one going to tell me what a horsepipe is???
  11. [quote] ltf wrote:If you want to borrow your neighbour's hosepipe, do not ask for a pipe. Same goes in Australia. When I first moved over, I asked my Aussie wife where the hosepipe was. She didn't have a clue what I was on about. [/quote] I have no idea what a horsepipe is either...
  12. [quote user="Pierre ZFP"]Not exactly a Faux amis but one that catches me out la moule = mussels le moule = mold I'm pretty sure I've ordered a nice bowl of mold before now [+o(] [/quote] Don't worry, it's not THAT kind of mold - it's mold as in the sense of it's something that's used to mold something into a certain shape (such as a cast, cake pan, etc).  Plus, you'd never really order just one mussel anyways (which is what just plain old une moule is), so a way to get around is ordering moules, with an S !  That way you avoid having to decide if its masculine or feminine.  *S* The other kind of mold is known as moisissure.
  13. [quote user="woolybanana"]Wait til the day.[/quote] Seriously, what a doomsday prophet. You're acting like France has never been on strike before!
  14. [quote user="woolybanana"]BIG STRIKE DAY: no public transport, no schools, no nothing as the "old" France takes on the future of France. Just the private sector paying for their lifestyles.[/quote] Be careful when making blanket statements like that - both busses & the boats will be running in my town, and about 80% of my colleagues at both the local lycée & collège are planning on coming to work.  So you can't really go around saying there will be no public transport whatsoever and all the schools will be closed - it's really going to depend on the area and whether or not each worker decides to strike.
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