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Posts posted by Chancer

  1. And by the way, nowhere does it say that you will need a carte de séjour as of next April even in the event of a no deal so the thread title is yet more false news and fear contagion.

    A document may well be required in the fullness of time and if so it will definitely not be a carte de séjour as currently required by 3rd party nationals because the whole thrust of the legislation that UK citizens will not under any circumstances be treated as 3rd party nationals.

  2. Sounds like most of you have been duped by an article written in English that cynically pulled one small paragraph written in the draft legislation and completey misrepresented it, yes the words were there but context is everything.


    If you cannot read or understand French then I have some sympathy with you but loads who can have chosen instead to panic and indulge even more in wallowing in despair.


    The legislation is the most positive thing that has happened to date and should be celebrated instead of being used to scare people for absolutely no reason.


    It sets out what France will do in the unlikely (in my mind, you may differ) but possible event of a no deal, it explains why it has to prepare now by drafting the legislation, if it dis nothing the following would happen in the event of a no deal.............................


    The following being the bit that was translated and presented as what will happen when it could not be further from the truth.


    Here is just a few small excerpts which should be of interest to people on this forum, the truth from the horses mouth and not misrepresentation, dont read it if you prefer to wallow in despair.


    Le Gouvernement est très attentif à la situation et aux droits des ressortissants français établis au Royaume-Uni. Le Gouvernement prendra les mesures appropriées relatives à la situation des ressortissants britanniques en France. Il tiendra compte du statut accordé par le Royaume-Uni à nos ressortissants sur son territoire.


    Afin de tirer les conséquences d'un retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne sans accord conclu conformément à l'article 50 du traité sur l'Union européenne, notamment en adaptant la législation de droit commun pour traiter les situations en cours et en prévoyant, le cas échéant, des dérogations, le Gouvernement est autorisé, dans les conditions prévues à l'article 38 de la Constitution, à prendre par ordonnance, dans un délai de douze mois à compter de la publication de la présente loi, les mesures relevant du domaine de la loi qui sont nécessaires en raison de ce retrait, en matière :


    1° de droit d'entrée et de séjour des ressortissants britanniques en France ;

    2° d'emploi des ressortissants britanniques exerçant légalement à la date du retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne une activité professionnelle salariée en France ;

    3° d'exercice, par une personne physique ou morale exerçant légalement à la date du retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne, d'une activité ou d'une profession dont l'accès ou l'exercice sont subordonnés au respect de conditions ;

    4° de règles applicables à la situation des agents titulaires et stagiaires de la fonction publique de nationalité britannique ;

    5° d'application aux ressortissants britanniques résidant légalement en France à la date du retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne de la législation relative aux droits sociaux et aux prestations sociales ;

    6° de contrôle sur les marchandises et passagers à destination et en provenance du Royaume-Uni et de contrôle vétérinaire et phytosanitaire à l'importation en provenance du Royaume-Uni ;

    7° de réalisation d'opérations de transport routier de marchandises ou de personnes sur le territoire national français, y compris en transit, par des personnes établies au Royaume-Uni.


    Dans les conditions du premier alinéa, le Gouvernement est également habilité à prendre toute autre mesure nécessaire au traitement de la situation des ressortissants britanniques résidant en France ou y exerçant une activité ainsi que des personnes morales établies au Royaume-Uni et exerçant une activité en France.


    Les ordonnances prévues au présent article peuvent prévoir que les mesures accordant aux ressortissants britanniques ou aux personnes morales établies au Royaume-Uni un traitement plus favorable que celui des ressortissants de pays tiers ou de personnes morales établies dans des pays tiers cesseront de produire effet si le Royaume-Uni n'accorde pas un traitement équivalent à une date fixée par décret.


    Le premier article comporte également une disposition permettant d'adopter par ordonnance toute autre disposition qui serait nécessaire pour traiter la situation des ressortissants britanniques résidant en France ou y exerçant une activité ainsi que des personnes morales établies au Royaume-Uni et exerçant une activité en France.


    Enfin, il précise que les ordonnances pourront prévoir que les mesures qui accordent aux personnes physiques ou morales britanniques un traitement plus favorable que celui des personnes physiques ou morales de pays tiers soient conditionnées à l'octroi d'un statut équivalent aux personnes physiques ou morales françaises.

  3. You can add to that the "fermeture exceptionnelle" signs, (anyone who needs that translating needs more than help!) that are anything but exceptionnelle [:'(]


    Our Office de Tourisme is open sans interruption yet has had the same very tatty handwritten fermeture exceptionnelle sign hanging on the door for 2 hours every lunch-time for the last 13 years to my knowledge and probably a lot longer.


    Their lunches are certainly sans interruption [:P]

  4. You are only allowed one LDD with a maximum of €12k invested, however unlike the livret A where there is a fiscal control to ensure that you dont have multiple accounts this does not happen with LDD's and I dont even think they have to notify them, so in practice there is nothing to stop someone holding several LDDs across different institutions. This was explained to me by a crooked bank manager wanting my money [:)]


    There are also other livret type vehicules such as PEA's and others whose names I cant recall.


    I post this speaking as someone who currently has accounts at 3 banques [;-)]

  5. Another load of malware has crept onto this site, every time I open a thread or go forward or backward a page a pop up comes on the screen asking me to download VDNArequestservjet.js from VDNA.exelator.com once again rendering the site too annoying to use [:(]


    Only on this site and no other web pages on this browser and I only ever use this browser for this site due again to the idiosyncracies of this site.

  6. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"] You move to pro active modern areas where people don't give a tôss where you are from and would prefer to speak to you in English so they can practice their English. I have given up on speaking French. People want to talk to me in English. It most cases, that is not rural France especially rural France that has become Brit ghettos.  But....nobody listens to my advice.[/quote]


    Taken me 14 years before finding someone who wants to talk to me in English and who is not drunk, everything comes to he who waits but I will not live long enough for the millenia that it would take for me to be accepted, they dont even accept their own kind, people from the next village are enemies, children that have moved away to become educated, better themselves (its not hard!) and make their living are treated as lepers when they return, those I have met are the only people who have any idea what its like for me as a foreigner here, and I am outgoing and make friends easily, still could be a lot worse, I could be coloured or gay, those I have met of both persuasions have all had to move to more enlightened areas.


    My new friend who wants to improve her English with me has studied in Paris, worked in Dublin 2 years then Québec for 8 years before a break up forced her back to Amiens which is at least an enlightened place but she feels a complete outcast now.


    I would happily live on the outskirts of Amiens or any enlightened French city which they probably all are if they have a dynamic economy, not within the metropole but on the boundary between it and France profonde.

  7. No consent needed because its not a devanture, just do it, asking questions and/or for permission just brings a world of grief often because the other party percieves that you are asking exactly how high and in what manner should I jump? and not do I really need to jump at all? and they will either find or create some conditions for you.


    I cut a hole in the rear wall of my apartment which forms the boundary, didnt ask anyone as they might have said no, sought no permissions but I made sure it was less than 1m2 (although that may have been wrong advice) and used obscured glass blocks, nothing was ever said and if anything were to be said I would have been "clean"


    Soon I will be purchasing the land behind and may open it up to become a porte fenetre or a proper opening unobscured glass window, I wont be seeking autorisation as it is not a devanture.

  8. I have it on good authority that the OP was not a new contributor but one who likes creating multiple identities hidden behind IP addresses from other countries, in this case talking to himself.


    If it was indeed the case I can see why the whole thread was removed and I retract my comment about its removal. It achieved its aim of winding people up and in this case opening old wounds, it brought a couple of self exiled posters back who only wanted to help but once bitten twice shy, this one certainly wont be returning again for any new posters.

  9. A real shame but somehow inevitable, the only interesting thread that brought back some absent posters to contribute and now its lost, it should have been editted not removed, I said to the OP I would give my experience this week after the weekend rush, too late now and almost certainly a new member lost and some ex contributors remaining ex.
  10. It does cover students renting elsewhere, my étudiants have to give me an attestation from their parents insurers, I have had a few but most when they ask get conned into taking out a separate Policy, more fool them but thats how things work, they get told, they believe, they get ripped off.

    I definitely have had them that have been a standard cover extension on the parents Policy and it has cost them nothing, the others probably got sold on dubious added benefits or simply lied to.


  11. [quote user="andyh4"]Mods Please get this sorted with your so called IT expert or I will be joining Chancer. I have had this on a near daily basis until today when it has been virtually on each movement up/down page back/forward, next page, reply etc.[/quote]


    Dont hold your breath, I am only back here this once to send someone a PM and the problem I left over (taking 5 minutes before I can type a posting or PM) is as bad as ever plus all the "we respect your privacy" rubbish.


    Jumping ship I have no regrets about but I do miss the few remaining contributors here.

  12. My taxes ordures ménagère come included in the taxes foncières and represent just under a quarter of what I pay, but at €219 a year for 6 apartments I aint moaning!


    That said all the tenants/renters will be already be paying for ordures ménagère at their own homes, they cannot create rubbish in 2 places at once and they dont create much rubbish at allas most eat in the canteen, even the tourists dont produce a lot and what they do, usually MacDo's or pizza boxes go in the recycling, I am still only putting out one wheely bin per week, less than the majority of family foyers.

  13. I will post just this once as you seem concerned Wooly, I stopped using this forum before being hospitalised because it has become for me at least impossible to use, several others have in the past had the same problems, it doesnt happen elsewhere so its not my computer.


    I have found a NewFrenchForum that is exactly how forums used to be before they were taken over by commercial interests, the computer screen smothered in adverts (which I'm sure is what causes my problem) and losing the bulk of the members through new and enhanced user expériences, its a breath of fresh air and I had long forgotten what a good forum used to be.


    As for my health, I came off the IV's and was released from hospital a few days ago after a week of incarceration, I am now taking really strong oral antibiotics that can only be supplied by hospitals not pharmacies. I had septecaemia and sepsis, the bacteria was staphylocoque doré, I have no cuts on my body and they are stumped as to how I contracted it, my heart was strong enough to not be affected but I am left with a thrombosis needing daily injections and hepatitus which is recovering well, I had a consultation at the hospital today and he gave me the green light to start sport again, I ran 8K with the beginners group tonight and even though I feel OK in myself its clear that I am a very long way from full fitness.


    I had a very lucky escape and it has shaken me to realise just how fragile life can be, how just a simple cut (or none in my case) can have disastrous conséquences. I think I contracted it 2 months ago when I cut the end off my thumb, there was no apparent infection and I healed really quickly like a horse, they doubt that my immune system could have suppressed the bacteria as it is very virulent but I believe thats what happened until I caught the flu, in fact I had recovered significantly the day before I was hospitalised (lab sat on the results for 36 hours before contacting my médecin).


    Anyway thats all from me, my final posting, good luck to those remaining and please will the last person out remember to turn out the lights! 

  14. [quote user="suein56"]Chancer wrote : its not his machine as there is no problem on any other site If you have cleared all the cookies for this site and done a general clean-up as per the previous poster who temporarily had the same cursor problem as you and you find that your problem is still not corrected then, as you say, you might be right that it is not your machine at fault. But I would be surprised .. as there does seem to be smthg adrift with your machine .. but finding the fault might be difficult. I use either an android tablet, a win7 laptop or a win10 laptop to access this site and can only replicate the quoting problem .. when gobbledy gook appears all over the shop .. everything else works fine and quickly with no adverts anywhere.[/quote]
  15. This is my final posting on this forum unless someone can be botherd to sort out the myriad problems, living where I do in France I have more than enough hoops to jump through every day just to lead a normal life without additional ones, I have no more paint to watch dry. Given its continued deterioration since the las new and improved user experience I wont hold my breath.


    Its a shame because (albeit with its lack of active posters) this forum has always remained a friendly tolerant place compared to others, that one of those is closing would have been a major opportunity for this one but as the software seems completely incompatible with all browsers and people cannot do even basic functions like use an emoticon, create a link, or in my case simply respond to a posting people would either have to be daft or desperate, I am not going to continue being either.

  16. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"] OH watched the French problem and told me about it. She is hardly going to make it up. [/quote]


    Unlike yourself!


    You can eat very healhily with food from nowhere else but Lidl, that is exactly what I do.


    Its true many around me at the tills have made very unhealthy choices but they just dont have the opportunity to make the really unhealthy choices that they could make in a UK supermarket or even a UK Lidl.


    All Lidl's branded products (made on the same lines as the other marques and grand distribution) are the best quality, Intermarché/Super U etc will have whole rayons of multiple offerings of just one product like a plain yoghurt, Lidl's mantra is one need one product and 9 times out of 10 it will be of equal quality to the best in the other shops, their muesli sold in the UK is superb and has won many awards better than the brand names and much cheaper, of course its far too healthy a breakfast food for it to be sold in France [:D]

  17. Yes indeed I do check between the two and they managed to get it wrong in my favor every year until the last one, its not hard, I only fill in é boxes but clearly looking through all the pages to the last page was far too much effort for them.


    The gains it made for me is the reason that I continue to submit paper returns plus being able to keep a real photocopy.

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