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Everything posted by TWINKLE

  1. My bro' was here last week and he bought some newspapers - I read that lonely hearts feature - very funny! Ummm...let's see. "Fairy attractive nymphette seeks elf-centred man to run rings round.  Must know all the songs from the Sing-a-ling-a-ling Tree by heart!"
  2. Don't be such a humbug!  Wait 'til the little one is out of nappies - THEN you'll get the Christmas spirit!  No wonder you didn't enjoy your last Chrismas do - you didn't have any sparkly deely boppers[:D]
  3. [quote user="Jon D"] a couple of lines [/quote] [:-))] I don't think so Jon D!
  4. Jon! You need to visit your birthplace - and quick.  It always happens to me as well about this time of the year.   Tuck in!
  5. I have 5 cats so sorry - husband will leave me if I have anymore! Like Lou I think it's a good idea to post a photo of the cat.  We are both dying to see how ugly she is!
  6. It doesn't matter what language hairdressers speak - they never do what you ask them anyway!
  7. Hi Saffy! Welcome to the Welshest forum in the world[;-)]   Enjoy your new home my luvvly!
  8. Go to your local café and ask the owner if he knows of a paysan who supplies wood for burning.  There's always a couple in any village and you'll get the best deal. They can deliver it and will cut it to the length you require. That's what we've always done.
  9. Thanks Chris!  That's what I thought, however how on earth can you prove that they are sticking to the boundary limits?  Can you imagine calling the Gendarme and telling them that a couple of chasseurs are shooting near your garden?  I wonder what they would do.  Not a lot!
  10. Actually I was refering to the boundary limits for hunters.  There is  surely a law keeping hunters from approaching houses and gardens.   A friend of mines young daughter was about to open the shutters to her bedroom window one Sunday morning, and she felt and heard a bullet hit them.  I hate to imagine the scenario if she had opened them a couple of seconds later!
  11. That's such a sad story.   The french actually make comedy sketches about french  hunters being drunk after the mid-day meal and taking accidental pops at each other! Chris!  Or someone in the know, could you remind me what the legal limitations to private property are for hunters.  Half of our house is surrounded by fields and we have quite a lot of  land which isn't fenced off that touches these fields.  My daughter enjoys playing there with the children of the neighbouring gardens and even though we aren't invaded by hunters by any means - you never know! By the way - I found this if anyone's interested http://www.cpnt.asso.fr/chasse/chasse-divers.php
  12. Oh!  That's what it was...I thought.... OH well never mind what I thought - my husband's going to be disappointed though[:-))] Don't mind me!  I'm off back to the lounge.
  13. If you need a band for the reception......[;-)]
  14. Oh what a shame!  I don't announce my concerts - not allowed to advertise on the forum, but I like to tell people afterwards where I've been  so I can find out if any of you live nearby or maybe happened to see me by accident.
  15. I was playing at Marcillac (32) last night and when we arrived in the afternoon - before setting up - we had a coffee and an ice-cream in a lovely cafe on the main square.  They have 2 of  those fantastic vapour fans that blow  water into the air and keeps you lovely and cool!  Same sort of principle as Fredrick was talking about with his wet towel and fan - it's wonderful.   I wanted to drag them to the front of the stage while we working!
  16. [quote user="Cassis"]Still sizzling. Jude advised me to shelter from the sun in this special shelter she made, apply this suncream and moisturiser, but I'm not sure about her motives ... [img]http://www.ateabutnoe.com/images/salzburg/dog.jpg[/img] [/quote] Be careful Phil!
  17. [quote user="pads"]hope he dosnt moniter your computer[Www][/quote] Yeah - me too.  That happened to KKK once[;-)]
  18. Sorry FK I forgot to mention the thread you have to read it's title is Ladies only.  Now please don't get embarrassed and run away 'cos' we like it when you're around the forum. http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/711659/ShowPost.aspx Jay, I am bewildered as to what you are doing up at 4.30am - please reveal all.  You're not in a band so - are you a dustman (woman)?  
  19. [quote user="FurryKnickers"] Little Twinkle, Thank you for the lovely goat, he is exactly how I imagine Maynard to look! Old Mrs Tresco never got me the knitted Lemur yet! Can you imagine having a mini goat of your own? Why would you only love yours every 3 1/2 weeks though? I would love him and hug him all the time! If I ever get a girl pigamy goat, I shall call her Little Twinkle after  you. Do you remember a song back in the 60's about goats? I think it was the Moody Tunes that sang it,  It went ........since you got a goat, you better go now.... [kiss]   [/quote] Read the beginning of  this thread and all will be revealed about the 31/2 week thing! So happy you love Maynard! I gotta go now!
  20. Why aren't you in bed you lunatic?  Are you in a Rock 'n' Roll band like me? XXX
  21. I like the pygmy goats too.  I just want to pick one up and put it in my handbag and take it home with me and love it forever!  'Specially every 3 1/2 weeks!
  22. Can you come and re-point my walls Phil?
  23. My hubby is so nice to them.   He actually talks to them and I'm sure that if I wasn't screaming obscenities in the background we would now have double glazing, full central heating and 7 complete Encyclopedia collections!!
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