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Posts posted by Kitty

  1. Any help will be gratefully received.  These CTs come round so quickly.  It doesn't seem two years since I did the last CT.  Anyway, I need a contre-visite, so I have 2 months to correct some things. Can someone explain the following terms:

    PNEUMATIQUE - Usure importante et/ou difference importante d'usure sur l'essieu. ARG.

    FREIN DE SERVICE - Desequilibre. AR.    (I've just had new brake pads so would this be because of that?)

    FEU DE CROISEMENT - Reglage trop bas. D.

    With thanks

  2. [quote user="just john "][quote user="Cathy"]  and it doesn't matter if there are too many chocolate cakes [:D].

    This is getting exciting.  I don't mind arriving early to help set things up.[/quote]

    Well how would you like to accept an appointment as the Official Plate and Chocolate Cake Co-ordinator?[I] 


    Accepted with alacrity.  But it needs to have capital letters because it is, to paraphrase Winnie, a Very Important Position.

  3. I really like the idea of a bring and share picnic, even if it is raining.  I have an easy-to-erect canopy that is fun to shelter under.  Also, with a picnic, you don't need to know exact numbers.

    Whenever I have organised shared picnics or suppers, I have always let people bring whatever they want - it is fun to see what turns up and it doesn't matter if there are too many chocolate cakes [:D].

    This is getting exciting.  I don't mind arriving early to help set things up.

  4. My 11 year old son has major tendon problems - his bones are growing faster than his muscles.  He is having physiotherapy (kine) several times per week.

    We saw a surgeon yesterday and he has given us a prescription for:

    Faire semelles orthopediques avec talcuette? viscoelastiques? (tendiopathie? Achille) - handwritten and therefore difficult to read

    Where do I go to get these made?  What are they exactly (I know that they are soles)?

    Also has anyone any experience of Achilles tendon problems?

  5. [quote user="Renaud"]Where is Maigret when you need him ... [/quote]

    ... smoking a pipe, sipping a Pastis, dallying very briefly with Madame Maigret, solving a case from his favourite bar while sporting his heavy overcoat (even in hot weather) ... 

  6. I have been chatting to the gardener at our local Mairie about this only last month.  Her displays of petunias and geraniums are always better than mine, even though she has hundreds to look after.  Yet I have always deadheaded and watered and tended them.

    She says that you do need to deadhead dead blooms.  However, the secret, she says, is to
    water only on every third day.  Starve them a little of water and they will bloom more.  So this is what I have followed and, so far, my displays have been wonderful.

  7. [quote user="cooperlola"] I  ...  have never worked out why the liquids are so popular when they're so expensive (and I hate the mess they make - I'd far rather just pop the soap dish in the dishwasher from time to time.)[/quote]

    Coops - I changed to liquid soap because of the scum circles that bars of soap make on wash hand basins.  With liquid soap, the basins just wipe clean really easily.  Aldi's liquid soap is cheaper than other makes.  Top secret (shhh, don't tell the OH or the children): I add water to the liquid soap so that it lasts double the time.

    I seem to dimly remember that Howard Hughes would wash the soap before using it?  An urban myth, maybe?

    And, right now, I'm humming the Fairy Liquid slogan: "when hand that wash dishes are as soft as your face, it's mild green Fairy Liquid".  Anyone else humming it?

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