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Posts posted by Lou

  1. Quillan said :

    with most French house insurance you get 'new for old' with something

    like a €100 excess. We have two washing machines and basically get a new

    one every 18 months fro €100. Same with the dishwashers and drying

    machines. This year we got a new American fridge/ freezer, only paid the

    €100 excess on that as well, saved me around €800.

    Apologies to the OP for going off-topic, but, Quillan, I'm confused - do you mean you claim on your house insurance every 18 months for a new appliance? Surely something has to be damaged/broken/flooded etc for the insurance to cover it? And don't all those claims push up your premiums?

  2. For employment, it depends, as has already been said, on his language skills, where they intend to base themselves and if he has any special skills or qualifications (IT, marketing, engineering etc).

    I speak and write French fluently, worked for a French company here for 7 years til "la crise" and for the last 18 months have been "trying my luck" signing on with Pole Emploi; in short it isn't easy.

    French employers seem to me to be very very rigid in what they are looking for - if you don't tick box A straight off then your CV's already in the bin, never mind if you would tick boxes B, C and D subsequently. The concept of "transferable skills" doesn't seem to have occurred to them (in my experience anyway)

    It could be an equally (or even more) miserable year looking for a job in France, with the addition of not knowing anyone, (maybe) not speaking the language and/or not understanding the system/culture.

    France is not likely to be the solution if what they're essentially looking to do is simply escape their lives in the UK.

  3. I don't have any experience in renting out properties, but as someone who has rented holiday lets in the past, I think it's pretty simple.....you get what you pay for. If the rental price is lower then people will be ok with less fancy furniture etc. We've always rented small properties, not been interested in pools and expensive fittings (always more worried about breaking something then!) and ended up staying in some interesting places at great value - some more eccentric than others!. There will be some people who won't give your place a second glance, but some that will be actively searching for a smaller/cheaper property.

    Don't under-estimate the need for spare bedding etc and the work involved in changeovers, even in a small property.

    As to whether its worth your while.....some money coming in has got to be better than nothing hasn't it? Why not try advertising it and see what happens - if you get a few weeks booked than you'll have a better idea perhaps of how it might work (or not) for you.


    EDIT you asked what essentials are required - somewhere to sleep, somewhere to sit comfortably, somewhere to eat, decent supply of hot water, option for heating if evenings are cold, enough equipment to cook and eat with (and in some places we've stayed in this has been limited to a hotplate and microwave - and we've managed though I wouldn't say this was ideal). Never been bothered with things like dishwasher or washing machine or tv, though with only two of us its not hard work perhaps these things are more important for a family.

  4. Our situation isn't exactly as you describe, but may be helpful.


    husband has a work pension (not yet state pension age) which is

    declared in France and on this he pays social contributions. I work, I

    have both salaried and auto-entrepreneur income - on both of these the

    social contributions are taken "at source", and thus when we declare our

    mixed joint income for the tax return, only his pension results in a

    further social charges bill. So there is, it would seem, the means for

    distinguishing between different kinds of income on the same tax return

    for social contributions.

    I hope that makes sense (and is some help!)

  5. [quote user="Lehaut"]The aim of my initial question was to find out why cat owners think its OK for their pets to upset other people. There are many examples of people exhibiting this strange behaviour of "it does not bother me, therefore I don't care if it bothers you". Smoker who smoke in non smokers presence, throw their butts on the floor. Or "its only a little bit of my cats poo in your garden", its only a little scratch on your car, I have only taken a little bit of money etc My aim was to try to understand why people think like this. IMO its this malaise that creats many of the problems we have today - eg Taking my fat bonus does not cause me any problems, so why should I care!

    Could a cat owner explain why they should be exempt from any responsibility because their cat did it?[/quote]

    Well, I guess we're quits then, because I cannot understand why anyone would get so angry about cats in their garden (or indeed a scratch on their car, or a smoker smoking...) that they think it's ok to kill.....

    To answer YOUR questions, I DO/WOULD care if my cats upset people. Perhaps I am lucky in one sense where we live at the moment - we have an acre of our own land plus fields to three sides, and our closest neighbour on the other side is also a cat owner.

    If anyone in our village had come to us and complained about our cats then I would have done my utmost to stop them doing whatever it was. As said before, they are all neutered, all wear fluorescent orange collars with our phone number on them, and they even have radio-wave locator tags on them so we can keep track of where they are - and we check regularly. Eight disappeared cats and the ninth shot - and NOONE has ever complained about our cats.

    In my case, this isn't about cat poo or whatever, it's about a nutter shooting whatever he feels like - in my opinion THIS is the kind of attitude causing problems in the world today.

    Incidentally have you ever spoken to your neighbours about their cats coming into your garden? And by "spoken to" I mean in a friendly, lets-try-to-sort-this-out kind of way, not threatening to take them to a tribunal........

  6. I think the relevance to the original question/topic is that anywhere where there are people with guns, there are bound to be incidents and accidents. And you only have to look at the stats and newspaper stories for humans injured or killed by hunters (using their guns as individuals or within a group) to see that there are many every season.

  7. Frankly, Lehaut, if you feel the need to resort to killing cats with poison or a gun because of a bit of poo in your garden - you've got big problems. God help any of your neighbours who REALLY get on your nerves.

    Neutered cats don't spray/smell - all my cats have been neutered and don't spray. No, I can't guarantee that they don't poo in other people's gardens...... the hedgehogs poo on my gravel path and I've even found rabbit droppings in my veg patch - but I'm well-balanced enough not to feel the urge to kill them for it.

  8. In our 8 years of living here we've lost 8 cats - completely disappeared without a trace...cat number 9 went missing, and turned up a few weeks later with lead shot in his head, he lost an eye but survived. The vet told us that due to the pattern of shot, he must've been shot at close range.

    I reported it to the gendarmes (its illegal to shoot cats unless there is an official cull of strays), who tried their very best to put me off and did nothing whatsoever about it (not that I expected any different). A letter (complete with images of the cat and his x-ray) sent to all the houses in our village had more effect - we have been told that words have been had in certain places and that it won't happen again.

    Now of course we strongly suspect that this is what happened to the other 8 cats.

    Strangely enough I'm not against the hunt per se, I do believe that we have an individual who hates cats rather than an "organised" hunt of them, but the fact is that people in our village know who did this and, until we really kicked up a stink, weren't bothered enough to do anything about it.

    We keep a very close eye now on our current cats and I try not to wonder too much which of our neighbours might been the guilty one :-(

  9. Heard and saw the first cranes this morning - always for me the first signal that winter is coming (even though we still have temps of 25 degrees during the day at the moment!)

    I just love the sound and sight of them. We're lucky enough to live close to the lake at Puydarrieux (Hautes-Pyrénées) where more and more of the cranes (as well as other birds) are choosing to over-winter rather than continuing on further south. The cranes become a twice-daily sight from now til March as they go back and forth to the lake and feeding in the nearby fields.


  10. They are foul things....

    My marker was that my old cat, who would eat most things (including half-rotten mice etc), would sniff the bit of andouillette given to him by my husband (who loves them) and look up at him in horror with an expression that said "no, those are the bits you DON'T eat..." and refused point blank to even try a lick.

  11. Crucial info to find out  - are they taking you on with a contract, CDD or CDI (temporary or permanent); is it salaried or just commission.

    More often than not an "agent commercial" is expected to be independent - eg autoentrepreneur - and thus you will be paying your own cotisations.

    Beware that if commission only you can end up paying out a surprisingly large amount in petrol etc to visit properties - and don't get a penny unless/until you sell something. Be aware also that you won't get your commission until the "acte authentique" point of the sale i.e. right at the end which is usually 3 months or even longer since the day you showed the property and got the offer.

    Bear in mind also that the property market is not exactly booming at the moment - depending on where you're based of course.

    (apologies if you are already aware of any/all of this)

    Some good info on the Pole Emploi site


    Good luck

  12. I've just caught up with last Sunday's episode and am more confused than ever!

    SPOILER...if you haven't yet watched it

    Is Pierre really part of the gang who appear to have killed Victor and his family?????

    Lena's injury is getting rather gruesome....is it Camille sucking the life from her, vampire-style?

    I'm hoping that the knife-wielding returned brother (can't remember his name) is going to help her rather than add to her heap of problems by knifing her!

    I'm really hoping that the series has a "good" ending - by that I don't mean "happy ever after" but a well-written one to match the series (so far).


  13. There was a grammar test on the BBC website a few days ago - I can't quite recall the story behind it now but think it was a new test to be taken by primary school children in the UK.

    My husband scored 2/10, I scored 8/10 - not because I was taught English Grammar at school (I wasn't) or because I'm inherently more intelligent than my husband (I'm not), but simply because I applied the French grammar I was taught whilst learning French to the sentences in English and (mostly!) it worked.


  14. I've just recently read the book "Under an English heaven" by Robert Radcliffe, which seemed to me to be a fairly "true-to-life" story of the real feelings of bomber crews (in this particular case, Americans) - none thinking of themselves as heroes at all, just ordinary men doing extraordinary things in extraordinary circumstances.

    The vast majority of us now don't know (and hopefully, won't know) what those circumstances are like, nor how we'd react to them.

    My husband's uncle, who died a few years ago now, was a navigator in Bomber Command, and despite having flown many missions and having been given several awards, was unfailing modest about what he did and what he was part of.


  15. Well, welcome to the forum - I'll go first on this one, you'll get some (ahem) interesting replies as this is (though no particular reason for you to know as a new member) a topic which frequently comes up and frequently gets some acerbic replies!

    The basic reply is - how long is a piece of string. It depends on so many things, impossible for someone else to tell you, only you know your life-style.

    Basically, these days, don't bank on anything being cheaper here than in the UK, so as a rule of thumb - could you live on this amount if you were doing so in the UK?

    If you would really struggle there, then my guess is you'd struggle here.

    Many people - both French and foreign - and including many people on this forum, live on considerably less than the sum you've asked about. It all depends on how you want to live your life.

    Good luck


  16. [quote user="NormanH"]Strange you should ask that as this article is in MidiLibre today



    Interesting....though what's not often clear to the "there's too many holidays" brigade is that there's no system (as far as I know anyway, certainly wasn't where I used to work) for having days in-lieu if the holiday falls on a weekend or a day when you don't normally work. So in other words the days not worked will vary from year to year. If I recall correctly my "jours fériés" varied from 7 to 11 days each year, depending on what day of the week they fell - and I never benefited from Easter Monday for example as I never worked on a Monday.

    I can't help feeling that in order to make the economy more productive there's lots of other things they could/should look at before worrying about jours fériés!! The thing that drives me absolutely wild is the opposition in so many companies/govt offices to pass on queries or dossiers to another person if that person is on holiday or off sick - I wish I had a euro for every time I've been told on the phone "oh it's Mme Machin-truc dealing with that, she's not here til next Monday can you ring back then?"


  17. I saw a report on Fr3 news last night, interviewing a number of young people and asking them why the 8th May was a holiday........a large number didn't have a clue at all (lots of Gallic shrugs and the french equivalent of "dunno, it's just a holiday innit")

    There followed a report about (at least) one school trying to teach the children about WW2 by taking them on a trip round local monuments and museums (think it was in Lyon).

    I suppose I thought that in France everyone would know what 8th May stood for BECAUSE it was a holiday.....does that make me naive?

    Next question I suppose is should it still be a holiday??


  18. Hi

    Form 2042 CK is mainly for any additional/unusual income (eg capital gains), or if you are taxable for ISF, or (and this is probably the bit relevant to you), gives you the section to enter your UK pensions etc for them to be taxed for CSG and CRDS - back page, section 8 "Revenus d'activité et de remplacement de source étrangère".

    (Assuming you are not of state pension age and receiving healthcare via an S1, in which case you don't pay CSG/CRDS)

    Hope that helps


  19. Hi Richard

    Have a look at the CESU website which sets out the

    rules and regulations - my understanding is that if someone works for

    more than 8 hours a week on a regular basis OR for more than 4

    consecutive weeks in a year, then they have the same rights as a

    "normal" employee. A written contract is recommended though not

    obligatory in these cases.

    I know of someone who came to an

    agreement with her employer that although the "official" end of contract

    paperwork would say that she had been paid an indemnity, she wouldn't take the payment.......no idea if this kind of thing is allowed officially but that's how they worked it out.

    The CESU website had lots of useful info (under the Information tab), including models for end of contract letters etc.


  20. Hi

    We have "assurance décès" with MMA. Insured for 20.000 euros, pays out on death from illness, doubled to 40.000 payout on death from an accident. Also has a "perte totale et irreversible d autonomie" element which means it pays out if you become severely disabled in an accident, can no longer work and need constant help with day-to-day living.

    I (in my forties) pay 6 euros a month premium, my OH in his sixties pays 28 euros per month.

    The payout amount could be changed if I recall, I think it's only valid/available up to age 70.

    There were questions about our health when we set it up - any recent tests/operations etc.

    Hope that helps.


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