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Posts posted by Granvillec

  1. Hi Ty (it rhymes!)

    Very encouraging for me -  see my posts under postbag (general discussion). If it means making my French wife happy and enabling her to go and live back in her own country I will shovel s**t if necessary!!

    I agree a lot with what you say -  I thing the following may apply - "If you can't change your circumstances then change your attitude"

    I am now working in I.T. supposedly a "good job"  clean - warm - shirt /tie - car etc..  but looking back over the years and the jobs I have done some of the happiest times I have had whilst working have been in the casual jobs.

    So what you are saying is that even though you have only basic French if you are prepared to take on any kind of work you can survive financially in France.

    What do you mean grass stops growing in winter - are you are gardener or something?

    Is an agence interim like the employment agencies we have here in England?



  2. No never worked in France

    It seems to me that we have a kind of catch22 situation here - you need to be in work to get a Carte de Sejour and you can't claim any kind of benefits without a Carte de Sejour which means you have to have been  working.

    Ils ne sont pas con les francais !!!

    Thanks Ron for the tip about not being elegible if you are moving permanently might be best to rent for 3 months give us a chance to get sorted.



  3. Hi Everyone

    Thanks for the replies - I suppose my main concern is - is there a safety net in France as there is here in England and Ireland - something like Social Security payments?   Don't get me wrong I am not a dole dosser or looking to scrounge - I have worked since leaving school at 16 - now 50 and paid N.Insurance ever since but I am concerned because I know I would need at least 6 months realistically to get up to speed enough with the language to have any chance of self-employment or getting a job. I'm O.K. around the dinner table but would need far more language skills to work in I.T. as I do now.

    Anyway thanks everyone any advice gladly accepted.







  4. Hi Everyone

    Great site just joined. Could anyone help please?

    My wife is French but has been living in England and Ireland with me for the past 21 years, still has French citizenship passport etc. she is now thinking of returning to live in France and nice girl that she is, would also like me her British husband to go with her - how lovely!!

    Anyone know what my status would be - have I a right to live in the country if I am married to a French woman or is there some beuracratic nightmare awaiting for us?

    Is there any such thing as Income support or financial assistance while I / we are looking for work?

    Many thanks




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