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Everything posted by fulcrum

  1. [quote user="J.R."]Actually went there today for the first time in a year and it was chock full of hardwood and oak front doors from a very nice one on promo at E229 to ones with sidelights at over E1000. I think that I did look last year for their website to find how to get there, that was all that it did but at least they had one! [/quote] Do you have a picture of the one at €229.00.
  2. I have the problem of being on Windows 2000. IE7 isn't supported and so Firefox is for me. Microsoft said that they will support Windows 2000 till 2010 and so I won't/can't be changing.
  3. [quote user="Ron Avery"]Fulcrum said "Are you saying that, although THEY recognise the same card at each store, that THEY don't hold one account. My understanding was that THEY do add up all the points for any store visited"  Bloody hell talk about confusing!!  Who are THEY ?? If you mean Leclerc --WRONG  see other posts explaining this , if you mean Super/Hyper U --You are correct [/quote] I was meaning Leclerec by my use of "they". I thought that Leclerec was the subject of the thread even though other stores were mentioned. Appologies for any confusion.
  4. [quote user="Ron Avery"]Not sure how Intermarche works but at Leclerc it is "cash" back against your shopping bill, you have a bank type card or a small bar code card which is read each time you shop and you have to put in your personal code at the card reader, BUT,   BUT it ain't a Tesco card and you only get the money earned at the shop that you spend it at, so if you have three Leclerc's that you use,  you have an account at each, they are NOT interchangeable..  They will tell you how much you have and you can keep it or have it knocked off your bill. SuperU/ Hyper U are different again you can earn points but as with Leclerc not on fags or petrol, but these points can be gained at any branch of U and are exchangeable against a catalogue of gifts. [/quote] Are you saying that, although they recognise the same card at each store, that they don't hold one account. My understanding was that they do add up all the points for any store visited.
  5. I wish you ****** people would ****** well ****** grow up already!!!!!![;-)]
  6. [quote user="Will "] Imagine any English person who came to France talking like the proverbial vache espagnole landing a job like that. [/quote] I wish that most French people would understand yhat as a rule we are more tollerant in UK for people coming there and not knowing the language. I was in central London a few years ago and a French couple came up to me to ask directions. I sensed that they were French and even though my French was crap I tried to direct them in French. They were very appreciative that I knew any French but I wonder if the even appreciated how much effort I had put into speaking the small amount of French that I had used.
  7. Testing a nine volt battery on the tongue can kill!? I thought that was the only way to test them.
  8. [quote user="PaulC"]Glad it's not just me.... most of the route to the southwest is sorted with the great new autoroute extentions but Rouen is still the one that leaves me in a cold sweat.  rubbish signs, bad roads, free visit to the rail yard with every trip... after two years of driving it I think last week was the first time we did both direction without getting totaly lost ! (Also the GPS gets really confused so dont think that will get you out of the place ether !) Paul   [/quote] You're right Paul. We actually decided to have a look around the centre one of the many times we got lost. In spite of the huge industrial estate and the crappy looking (well mostly) buildings along the route in and out, we found it to be a town with a lot of character. So if you do get lost and you have the time then stay in a hotel and make an evening of it. You may be surprised.
  9. I'm sure I posted this yesterday but it seems to have disappeared. The road to ruin is how we used to refer to Rouen. We got so lost one year that we drove right to the end of the cobbled industrial estate road and ended up crossing the river on a small car ferry. It was a very interesting experience and I can only say that it was a good job we weren't in a hurry.
  10. fulcrum


    [quote user="Chris Head"]... My way of coping when I'm awake at 2, 3, 4 is first of all to recognise the pattern and say to myself 'Ok I'm not going to sleep right now, let's use the time positively'.   [/quote] Chris I have always done exactly what you suggest and I find it works very well for me. I am very fortunate in that I can sleep anywhere anytime but occasionaly I do wake up in the early hours.
  11. [quote user="Haventgotone"]Hi everyone, We are currently out of the blue chemical for our porta potti and have searched every shop we visit for another bottle - they all seem to sell the pink deodoriser but not the blue. Please, please does anyone know where we can buy it - we are getting desperate now!!! I wondered if we could use a tiny amount of the stuff you put in the fosse septic - would this work? We live in department 24 near La Coquille Thanks in advance for any help Val[/quote] I found something called "Water Fluid pour WC Chemiques" at an Intermarche. It comes in a small pink container with a blue lid. It has a feint blue tint to it but works well. Mr Bricolage have stuff for chemical loos too. I have just noticed that you mention finding deodoriser but Mr Bricolage sell the proper stuff.
  12. [quote user="JJ"]We have a glut of various plums this year, have made loads of chutney but quite fancy trying to make some prunes. I have checked the internet, but no real success apart from one site suggesting that one dries the plums for 18 hours in a hot air oven. So, can anyone suggest how it is done,or is the above mentioned the only way? Many thanks. [/quote] The prune factory near us in 47 shoves them through a hot air oven. So I guess it is the way it's done.
  13. Christine Meerkats are more complex than Lemurs in many aspcts but their main difference is that there is always at least one Meerkat on lookout duty. Looking the other way than the main bunch or gang. They have a lot of similarities to early humans as we know them and their social order is extremely complex right down to social behaviour. Actually if you look at your picture of the three in a basket. They are looking in three different directions. Thats one for the left and one for the right and one for the sky.
  14. Do a google search of Meerkats. You will find them as loveable as Lemurs but even more interesting.
  15. [quote user="FurryKnickers"]Morning Mr Fulcrum, I can't get the video clip to play, it goes for a few seconds showing a woman with strawberries! [/quote] If you let it run. The strawberries will disappear and the next item will be the one you want. The strawberries is just a filler from ABC. I've just tried it and it works. Thank you to Christine for finding the clip.
  16. As an animal lover. I thought this was a nice story. There is a movie clip out there too but I'm not sure how to get at it at the moment. http://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/2006/06/ll_the_cool_kid.html Tried to post another link but it's too long for the page. Yes, I know I can shorten it but I've forgotten how. Quite a cute animal.
  17. Angela If you look at you main power switch you will see a small round window (1/4inch diameter approx)) that shows a number. If you are in fact on 12kw then this number is 60. It might be worth checking this as I suppose that it's possible that the supply hasn't been set to match what EDF are charging for.
  18. [quote user="londoneye"]my trusty flymo lawnmower blade is behaving strangely since other half had a go at sharpening it - now more akin to spinning washing machine than mower. i deduce therefore that a new blade will be required - have looked in bricolage but they dont seem to have any 30cm blades and wondered if anyone knew where to source flymo spare parts in france, rather than have to get blade sent to someone to post on etc from uk. thanks [/quote] I have a Flymo 330 and have had to take the blade off and straighten it a couple of times. When you refit it, turn the blade by hand to check that it's level. I used a vice and hammer to do the straightening. I don't believe the blade is flat but has a kink at each end but I don't think it's that critical as balance is the main thing to consider.
  19. [quote user="Chris Head"]Why do you lot hide behind other names? My name is Chris and I don't feel the need to hide. Chris [/quote] I think anonymity is a must for forums. However  I feel that a couple of names would be nice. One for serious discussion and one for saying something flippant (if you know what I mean).
  20. In spite of what many may say about Wanadoo/Orange (I'm with them). You can at least find someone to talk to if you have a problem, by going into a France Telecom office, and won't just be on the end of a phone line.
  21. Donna I attended a one month intensive course with Alliance Francaise in London many years ago. It was for one month and I feel it was worth the money as it was then subsidized by the French Consulate and we were not allowed to speak English unless absolutely necessary. The instructor spoke even the course instructions in French. Of course if you really didn't understand something then they would say it in English. I found the whole experience very useful as it gave me confidence to speak French even if I wasn't sure of what I was saying. They made sure that we spoke out loud when we read from books etc.. For me it was good.
  22. Can anyone confirm that the views heading in Private Messages means that the intended recipient has viewed the message? Or are there others with viewing privileges? It's just that on one of my PM's I had 8 views and 1 reply.
  23. [quote user="Christine Animal"]... or try asking someone like this http://www.harnesshorse.co.uk/   [/quote] Thanks for that.
  24. Thanks for all the replies. It would seem that horse tack/harness may be it's most likely origin. It is quite heavy and is solid brass. I particularily liked the colour and so I won't be cleaning it. I just wish I knew what sort of horse harness would have used such a nice piece of brass as most of the harnesses I've seen are made of steel. Maybe someone else may know.
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