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Posts posted by Hirondelle

  1. I did something like this as part of my degree and applied through the British Council. Take a look at their website. It isn't a "career" as such, only a temporary placement of 9 months-year but certainly something worth doing. I learned more in that year than I had in the preceding 20 years!
  2. Bookshops these days seem to be awash with these kind of things, so I don't think you'd be filling a gap in the market as such. However, clearly a market does exist so I suspect it's not an entirely fruitless exercise. In my experience, most aren't that great being neither funny nor instructive. If you can manage to make yours at least one of these, I think you'd be doing better than most.
  3. I spent the last 18 months working in Paris. Now 8 months after returning to the UK I've just received a "recapitulatif individuel des remunerations" from my former employer. What is this, do I need to keep it and does it require any action from me? Or can I just wang it in the poubelle?
  4. The previous poster is correct, the rules of the metro state that only small dogs can be taken on. However, I frequently see people lug huge wolves with no eyelids batted.
  5. Et bien, comme le dit Clair, mieux vaux pratiquer en parlant aux français qu’en écrivant. Se faire comprendre, c’est pas évident au début mais avec le temps ça va aller. L’important c’est de prendre ton courage en deux mains, peu important que tu te trompes de temps en temps.


    Il y a deux ans, a peine arrivée an France, je suis allée au bibliothèque municipal dans le but d’en devenir membre. J’avais tout préparé : mon passeport, mon adresse, tous ce qu’il faut pour les démarches administratives en France (echantillon d’urine etc etc). Au bout d’une heure je n’avais toujours pas osé parler a la dame, en fait je me suis cachée parmi les encyclopédies pour me remonter le courage. C’est bête, ça c’est clair, mais impossible de le nier : en te plongeant au quotidien dans les situations difficiles dont il faut absolument parler, tu vas faire des progrès.

  6. I think there is currently a general feeling in the UK that the country has gone to the dogs. This is largely, I suspect, fuelled by Dail Mail readers and those whose sole experiences of life abroad are from the sunlounger of a Spanish beach. Just as people view France through rose tinted spectacles, so too do they look back with fondess to a (non-existent?) utopic time in Britain's history when there were no asylum seekers, no crime and everyone had a dentist. Old fashioned patriotism seems to have been replaced by a strong tendency to complain and to adopt a very "grass is greener" approach to life. Moving abroad, especially to isolated little ex-pat communities, seems to be the trendy solution to a national malaise.

    When I broke it to my friends and families that I was off to France for a bit, several expressed the notion that if they spoke French too, they'd be off there with me. "After all", I heard on several occasions, "their health care/education system/way of life is so much better, isn't it?".  When I returned home, they were equally surprised hardly believing I would exchange a life in Paris for one in "crappy old England". I am no stalwart patriot, the UK certainly has its faults but so does France, and Germany, and Italy and any other country you care to mention.

    Perhaps the cure to this national malaise, to this erroneous view that everything is pretty merde in the UK is to  move abroad - not to eat fish and chips on the Costa del Sol and bitch about Tony Blair,  but to live the real day to day life as many of this forum do/have done. Perhaps then people would realise that the UK has actually got a lot going for it and is not in a fact an island of iniquity off the coast of some paradise called Europe.

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