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Complete France Forum


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Everything posted by BJSLIV

  1. As La Francaise des Jeux has a legal monopoly, France will definitely be  one of the countries that the UK lottery has in mind when it reminds buyers about possible complications if tickets are purchased when abroad. What we don't know is whether they log the IP addresses of every single ticket purchased via the net.    
  2. Transfer the outward  booking  to Limoges?  
  3. I recall seeing an item on TF1 news where a UK tourist speeding south on the motorway was left stranded. The only person in the car who could drive had his licence impounded due to excess speed. They were taken to a hotel to await the arrival of a relative from the UK!      
  4. Fares for next year should start to appear in the next few weeks.  
  5. JR   ARe those prices including or excluding taxes?    
  6. Pickles is right most of the French brands contain the Persil Bio type enzymes.  
  7. You certainly do pay taxes on taxes, ie VAT on the local taxes. The main increase on the Heures Creuse tariff is the off-peak electric has increased by 9.3%. The ordinary day rate on HC has gone up by 4.3%. If you only use about 6000 units per year then the reductions in the standing charge are sufficient to bring the increase back to the headline 1.9%. However the more you use the larger will be the average increase. This gives a comparison. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xNnXCuHLF98/So2iVYmBdzI/AAAAAAAAAHs/ZtVPNuYg7pM/s1600-h/D%C3%A9composition+bar%C3%A8mes+base+et+HPHC+EDF.jpg By the way the Edf site has always shown the rates TTC, or more accurately a typical rate TTC, because the local taxes do vary.        
  8. But if it's the other way round   Chasse Reserve   The meaning is also reversed!   IE Private Shooting!  
  9. So they have billed you the fixed charge for two visits TTC (Tax inclusive). Are you intending to do this for every visit?  
  10. Not sure that being a fine artist necessarily makes for being a good minister. Incidentally Gilberto Gill resigned from the Brazilian government last year. As for France and the UK you say there is no comparison between the two incumbents. Well they are both ex broadcasters and prominent members of the gay community......  
  11. the magistrate of the parquet floor Presumably working very closely with the bench, they look for things swept under the carpet!
  12. Guess what...??? It's a urban myth! http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/news/Urban-myth-Bristol-Zoo-parking-attendant/article-1073841-detail/article.html
  13. If anyone could give me an explain .... Brits have always had a reputation for being stand-offish. Perhaps you could try again in another part of France.
  14. No it's the other way around.. LD Lines operate the Transmanche services on behalf of and under contract to the local Council.
  15. That works out at £153 per claim. So unless people are so desperate that they are flooding the companies with very small claims, I assume that's just the admin costs involved in refuting the claims. As for the £40 per person, does that imply that there are only 1 million policies out there..... Statistics!
  16. Strange that what he admires is a result of massive state intervention. Precisely the kind of intervention that many contributors on this site consistently despise. In  France, things were different: they invested in car production, the TGV train network, aeroplane manufacture and nuclear power.
  17. I see that France must be  edging its way towards PC behaviour. Claire's recipe is headed................"   Têtes de choco - anciennement ' tête de nègre "   [:)][:)][:)][:D]
  18. I am told by my French colleagues that there will be a general strike tomorrow in France, Thursday 19th March but I have not seen it mentioned on this forum. Enjoy your extra holiday!
  19. I think the problem is that like many utilities gradually facing up to rising costs and competition La Poste was looking for ways of increasing it's income. So it came up with this idea of forcing anything other than letters to use the parcels service. Irrespective of whether or not it was legal to do this , they ignored one major problem. How to enforce it, especially if many of the counter staff probably thought it to be a daft idea anyway. So in practice it has been very easy to ignore the rule, unless you happen to encounter a counter person whop is a stickler for the rules. Once a package is in the post it's going to be even harder to enforce, short of the delivery person waiting to see the letter opened and collecting a surcharge at the delivery end. I did think of designing a letter bending machine and seeing if I could interest La Poste. The idea would be to bend each item to 90 degrees% , anything fragile would break, but there would be no right to compensation, as the goods shouldn't have been there in the first place!
  20. The rule about using colissimo for small stuff was illegal If their conditions were illegal, why did the regulator feel obliged to go via this route, making them introduce a special tariff under threat of withholding price increases for Colissimo, rather than just telling them to obey the law?  
  21. I see La Poste have introduced a special cheaper tariff for things such a DVDs and CDs supposed to benefit  Ebayers etc. This is to overcome the problems caused when they introduced the rule forcing" things" rather than letters to go by Colissimo. Mind you 1.50 euros for 1 DVD is hardly a bargain! You must attach a special label MiniMax http://www.arcep.fr/fileadmin/reprise/secteurpostal/articles-lettre/lettre65-consopostal-minimax.pdf
  22. A more equitable system than arresting foreign drivers who have no UK address to receive a summons, keeping them in the cells overnight, then bringing them before the magistrates court to be dealt with.....  From what we all recently heard it seemed as though they were already doing this........(Just in case anyoine misses SD's point) As far as this proposal is concerned it would seem to pas a "fairness to foreigners test" as it is stated that it would apply to anyone unable to prove their residence in the UK.
  23. Does a cheap Rolex copy purchased from an email Internet supplier count?????? That way everyone could be a success
  24. Many years ago I used to send money from Midland to Soc Gen. I used to be charged by Soc Gen about 100 Francs for every dollop of Francs that arrived. So I was paying at both ends. I got round that by sending money by Tipanet from the Coop Bank  to Soc Gen. They used Banque Populaire as an intermediary, which meant that when it arrived at Soc Gen it was an internal French transaction so no charge at that end. In your case I think logic  suggests that the HSBC  version of the story is more plausible CA. I don't really think that the HSBC computer would have levied a charge without something provoking it. We have all know that the French response to an unusual  query is "Pas possible".  Its quite likely that though the local CA hasn't levied a charge, one of the CA central processing computers has. I imagine that HSBC have decided its easier to waive the charge rather than waste more time trying to sort it out. It will be interesting to see what happens next time if you don't accept the charges on the HSBC form. Will they be redirected to your French account?    
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