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Everything posted by BJSLIV

  1. Unfortunately if people have been abusing the scheme other people will suffer. I suppose the only other solution will be to make all such bookings pass through the staffed tolls. In which case of visit too the loo and the inside desk is probably preferable.  
  2. Lots of info here at their website (In English too!) http://www.aeroportsdeparis.fr/Adp/en-GB/Passagers/Arrivees/PlansGuidesPratiques/PlansEtServicesPratiques.htm The station is actually underneath Terminals 2A/D
  3. This gives a pretty good idea of why and some how its done, together with a study of the benefits. http://www.pacte41.com/jacheres.htm Its really a way of making something out of EU set aside land, and surely nobody thinks that they make the country any better do they? After all set aside is often subject to rigourous weedkilling , meaning its not a real haven for wild life.  
  4. Available routes are somewhat restricted, but are reached through the green /mauve  box towards the bottom right showing "Reims, Rouen, Amiens 10Euros".
  5. you say that the advice given was diabolic Which is of course refering to the original advice in FPN.......... Edit Miki beat me to it, due to server errors.
  6. Is that the same as a ceramic hob would consume? The DeDietrch catalogue shows typical induction hobs with a load of 6kw , though some go above 10Kw, whereas their ceramics typically use 7Kw. The catalogue gives a good summary of induction cooking, and shows that wheras a pan of water will boil in 5 minutes on induction, it could take 8 minutes on gas or 9/10 minutes on other electric hobs. http://www.dedietrich.co.uk/pdf/hobs_brochure.pdf  
  7. Many induction hob suitable pans are in fact made of aluminium but with a pice of encapsulated steel or stainless steel in the base As Brian said, only ferrous material will heat up, aluminium won't so the steel is there so that it heats up.You would wait a very long time for a plain aluminium pan to heat up , ie forever.  As he said unless you have ferrous metal fingers, perhaps as a consequence of going around testing heated hobs, you can put them on the glass and they will never burn. Interpose a ferrous sheet and things get a bit hot, but its the metal that is initially getting heated not your fingers.
  8. They look the same as a ceramic hob, and as I said earlier they probably need a degree of care to avoid them getting scratched. Where they differ from ceramics is that instead of the glass itself getting hot, the coil under the glass "vibrates" the material in the base of the pan ( not literally!)  causing it to become hot, ie It  induces heat in the pan.
  9. Main benefit is that they are offer better control than any other type of electric hob . They are also probably easier to control than bottled gas, plus no need for a gas bottle under the sink!. It is very very easy to get a "gentle simmer" , something we never achieved with ButaGaz. A typical demonstration trick is to show a pan of milk boiling with the level maintained two thirds of the way up the pan for a long time. Try that on Butane! They are a bit more expensive than other types, but we find it well worth the extra expense. They may be a bit more energy efficient than other electric hobs , but it would take a long time to recover the extra capital outlay. They are very easy to clean because the glass top doesn't get very hot, and it switches off as soon as the pan is lifted. This means that you get less burned on cleaning problems. It also means less risk of burned fingers or cats paws! As far as the pans are concerned anything to which a magnet will stick will work. It used to be hard to identify which ones would work, but French pans have far better lables (still) than in the UK. Most aluminium pans will not work, though there are a few specially adapated ones. Most hypermarche will have at least one range of own brand pans that will work. Using a pan on a gas hob won't have made it impossible to use on an induction hob. All Le Creuset will work, though its better to go for the more modern types with an enamel uder surface, over time the older ones can scratch the glass surface. We were so pleased with our French induction hob that we ditched the natural gas hob back in the UK, even though we had to have a new electric supply fed from the main supply through to the hob position. They really aren't that expensive now, and it is quite easy to find them for less than £500. Money well spent in our opinion.  
  10. try putting Butter Curler in Google there are dozens of the the things........ eg http://www.blueshoots.com/products.asp?partno=TB34
  11. BJSLIV


    Terre vegetale is what you are looking for.
  12. a certain number of the population dont give a fig about other people's property There are a surprising number of people who don't even care for their own property. Friends of ours spent £30000 on a kitchen refit, but their often said that life was too short to spend time cleaning ovens and hobs. When things got too dirty they simply had new ones fitted. So how would they treat a rented property? I used to be surprised by how quickly commercial hotels deteriorated after refits, ripped wallpaper, chipped basins etc etc. I think newcomers to the game underestimate how much you need to allow for "normal" wear and tear. This must be especially true if you have done things on a budget and used domestic fittings and fixtures rather than professional quality items.
  13. Whats it called?, Oradour Sur Glane Anyone been?   Yes Worth a visit?     Yes. Very Moving http://oradoursurglane.free.fr/ http://www.oradour.org/
  14. Do you know when booking opens? I see that they are talking about bringing it into service at the same time as Poitiers Bordeaux ie 2016+
  15. You can always buy a book airside, and even a cheap portable CD . You can certainly buy such things, but you will have to leave them at the departure gate!
  16. As for John Prescot......... It looks like a man reading out a carefully honed statement , the result of much  Civil Service and political effort. It very carefully ticks every box that needs to be ticked (JP chairing committees, thanks to colleagues, TB is involved, Muslims to be consulted, praise for the police and the public etc etc) and it does it in as few words as possible. Unfortunately it comes over rather strangely as he required to put it over in a "Statesmanlike" manner in a style which is far removed from his normal manner. Its a hopeless position to be in . What more could he say?  But if he had said nothing at all, the trash papers would have been back on his case..... Where is JP? etc etc 
  17. Is this a reflection that people don't want to book with a company in bankruptcy protection I wonder? Probably just the fact that unless you are a frequent traveller or a regular Tesco customer, the other routes are still significantly cheaper.
  18. he also told me this could be done by burying stuff in the garden for a period of time or setting fire to it I thought that that was the approved method also  for getting rid of faddy kids.
  19. I'd like to try it, anybody got a quote? http://www.skysouth.co.uk/Fares.aspx They have some special offers at £59 each way until the end of August.
  20. is known to be influenced by Anglo-Saxon political thinking And has twice recently met with, and is receiving advice on campaigning from, as Jacques him, "Mon ami Tonny Blair"  
  21. The original accusation from the Sunday Times http://travel.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,18409-2251069.html The only balloon museum I can find in France is Château de Balleroy - Musée des Ballons http://www.chateau-balleroy.com/ Set up by an American.......  
  22. The traditional way is sun-dried in trays. However I think unless you can find a 98 year old local  who can remember all the "astuces", you would probably end up with compost bin fodder.
  23. I think you are being a bit unfair on this offer . The terms are for sailings in August and September. If you want to go out in September there are plenty of sailings at £19 and a few (not many) returns at £19, with plenty at £29. There is even a fair bit of availabilty towards the end of August at £29, though not many returns. A £48 / £58  return doesn't strike me as too bad, its comparable with the Fight The Pirates lot, though less flexible. And there are no surcharges lurking in the woodwork!
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