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Everything posted by loopylurcher

  1. Thank you very much Will for the website, "Sunday Driver" for helpful comments. We have decided, because it is so complicated, to make an appointment with our notaire in Montmorillon as soon as possible and go through the issue in detail. Best wishes to everyone.
  2. Does anyone know, please, the criteria for exemption from CGT based on what the French call "invalidity"?  I cannot find any detailed information as to what may constitute exemption if a person is disabled (in this case has become disabled with a serious neurological illness since the house was purchased as a maison secondaire 4 years ago)  I wondered if the criteria was "terminal" illness. Any advice or help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  3. Hi Bob. Look in the classified of French Property News. Several ads and contact numbers which may help. We also have a house in Montmorillon by the river. Have we met?     Best wishes. LoopyLurcher (Jennifer and Paddy)
  4. Thanks. Yes, I thought it was somewhere near there, alas, after searching still cannot find it but will persevere. LoopyLurcher.
  5. Does anyone know PLEASE of any salvage yards in the Vienne/H. Vienne/Charente or possibly Deux Sevre. We are in Montmorillon Vienne and really struggling to find reclaimed materials for our (hideously part modernised) old house. Found a few items in Depot Vente in Lussac but generally it is difficult. Someone said they thought there was one south of us in the Charente but unable to locate it?    Best wishes. LoopyLurcher
  6. Dear Opalienne. THANK YOU so much for this advice. It is an absolute revelation. I will speak to the Mayor first, after which, I will find myself a Huissier. The Mayor may point me in the right direction. You have no idea how relieved I feel to know I can do something constructive as I have received so much negative conflicting advice from others which made me feel helpless. I so wanted to use a French builder rather than an English one that I actually waited a year for him to commence work but feel sad at the way he has treated me. Never mind. It could be worse!  Thank you again. [;)] LOOPYLURCHER
  7. What is the best course of action if the builder you have contracted who has worked in 'stages' and have paid in full but upon inspection on arrival in France has been found not to have completed the job?  He subsequently promised faithfully to complete but the arranged days have come and gone. He is not communicating. He will not respond to phone calls at all. His work is excellent. We have windows, for example, which are installed but none of the finishing has been done. Now, I have other tradesmen waiting to commence work but, alas, where is the wall on which to hang the radiators etc.......This has been ongoing for 18 months and since last April he has none very little. My question is; should I write a letter to the Mayor explaining (as the house is in a prominent position in a medieval town in a conservation area, the plans went to the batiment de France, and everyone is watching) hoping he will give him a nudge or should I do something more heavy without entangling myself legally as do not wish to go down this route. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I feel VERY fed-up and disgruntled with French builders.[:'(] LoopyLurcher  
  8. Hi there. I don't suppose anyone is travelling out to la Vienne soon with a van has room for a part-load consisting of tools, paint, light-fittings etc. (not furniture) to Montmorillon, Vienne?  Our chemin is fairly narrow in parts so couldn't be a big van. We live in  Lincolnshire near Louth and are willing to share cost. Thank you.
  9. OOOPS! what a well-off person I am - that's six houses.........I really must get some lessons on how to work this thingy.
  10. Own scruffy abode on bank of River Gartempe in Montmorillon Vienne (86) - Considering buying an even scruffier fortified farm between Couhe and Rom.  But  realised the new TGV will pass the door in ten yrs. Just retired before its usually allowed. Loopylurcher and Dogsbody (that's 'im indoors)
  11. Hi Simon and Liz. This is a good start! Very many thanks for that information. They sound professional.  Although our requirements are not in your league they may be interested as we are in town. We have decided to go it alone and be independent despite the lack of confidence. It will probably do us good. You are going to be very cosy in your barn next winter padding about in bare feet........oooooh bliss indeed! Very best wishes to you. Jennifer
  12. Having just been let-down YET AGAIN (third time) by a so called "hand-holding" agency (I must have DESPERATE tattood on my forehead) I really really would appreciate it if anyone in this area may know of a plumber and an electrician to do all works in a smallish house in the town of Montmorillon. We have only felt obliged to enlist the "help" of, and pay through the nose to, these apalling people because our French, although we try hard just is not up to scratch where detail is essential. This has been going on for 2 years and I am so fed-up. It is like wading through treacle. Thanks Jennifer - definitely LOOPYLURCHER
  13. Very many thanks to everyone for their comments. The general consensus is that it is more or less the going rate and I will accept the devis - I think we did not fully appreciate the work involved as you pointed out. (if you say it quick it doesn't sound much does it!)  And, Ian your website is an education. I hope it warms up for you in the coming weeks. All that mud..........   Only the Brits would do it. 
  14. We have a small old house and have waited patiently for over a year for the French maconnerie to commence work.  He has done a good job of renewing the roof and has also carried out some fairly heavy interior works satisfactorily.  We have experienced extreme difficulty getting a French builder such is the demand in our area (Montmorillon Vienne) and, we know we have paid more than the going rate but were desperate. Now  "phase 11" and his devis has just arrived. He is asking 2.500E for demolition for an aperture for standard size French Doors with the necessary lintols and making good. The price does not obviously include the actual French doors. Adimttedly the wall is stone but is not very thick. Does anyone with past experience think this is a little steep or should we just bite the bullet and get this job done? Any advice much appreciated.  LOOPYLURCHER
  15. Has anyone taken their MOTABILITY car with them when going to live permanently  in France.  I understand that DLA can be paid but on a discretionary basis if reason stands up to scrutiny, for example, not just because one prefers the climate (as it helps with painful joints etc)  Any help or advice appreciated.   Loopylurcher
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