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Posts posted by Coops

  1. The sale of my house in Brittany completed a week ago.I have received a fax from my notaire saying that to release the funds he must pay the CGT due,but I must first send him a current council tax notice and my most recent UK tax return.

    The problem is we do not pay a tax,my husband being disabled,so no tax return.I had explained this to the notaire while seeing him in January but he seemed disinterested.

    Do you think that any other form of proof of residency will do as it will take ages to get non tax payer status proof from the tax office now.I have asked the notaire this but he does't seem to understand what I'm asking.

    Any advice


  2. I have been told that I will pay 16% CGT on the sale of my French property so long as I can prove that my husband and I are tax payers here in the U.K.

    The case is that we are non tax payers as my husband is registered disabled and I am his carer.What written proof would we have to give of our status and does the disability issue have a bearing on the rate of CGT payable.Although my husband was already incapacitated when we bought the house we have made the journey out there so few times as it has  become too much for him.

  3. I have been told that I will pay 16% CGT on the sale of my French property so long as I can prove that my husband and I are tax payers here in the U.K.

    The case is that we are non tax payers as my husband is registered disabled and I am his carer.What written proof would we have to give of our status and does the disability issue have a bearing on the rate of CGT payable.Although my husband was already incapacitated when we bought the house we have made the journey out there so few times as the duration became to much for him.

  4. Probably been answered elsewhere before but here goes

    I am selling my property in Brittany after 3 years of use as a holiday home.I have a couple of queries for which I would be grateful for some advise on

    1)Do I have to make arrangements with a French tax official with regard to the CGT that I will incur on the sale or does the notaire sort it all out?

    2)I believe it is possible to sign the compromis in the UK and post to France,has anyone else used this method.I want to elect this method as I can't get time off work and also my buyers are in the U.S.

    3)How do I go about bringing the sale proceeds back to the U.K.I used HIFX to exchange the money and send it out for the purchase.do you do the same to get the money back to my U.K account.

    All advice very welcome

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