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Posts posted by Fantine<br><br><br><br>Susie

  1. There are several 'Horsey' magazines available, both aimed at adults and children. I have no idea which are 'popular with the Brits' though. You should go to a decent Presse and have a look at them, perhaps you could judge by the content which is best for your target market.
  2. Have you tried scanning through the pages jaune looking for female christian names of the doctors. It doesn't take long and most are obvious. Sadly, there aren't too many female generalistes here.
  3. I find this subject quite interesting. Whether you are commuters or holiday home owners, when you decide to buy abroad, you really cannot rely on current transport links on a long term basis. Business is business and if an operator 'needs' or wants to change their routes/timetables then you really cannot expect them to start giving you discounts on other routes or pandering to your needs, they are running a business and will make changes to it to the benefit of the company's profits which might not necessarily benefit all the customers (and staff come to that). I certainly would not rely on a transport link when making a major purchase such as a home, especially if I was intending to live there but work in another COUNTRY!
  4. Can I join in?

    Pre-Christmas weight = roughly 180lb's (sorry - don't usually 'do' kilo's unless required by medics). Has been that for about 6 years.

    Post Christmas weight = 188lbs (oops!)

    Have stopped drinking alcohol, am drinking loads of water (though still less than the required daily amount), and eating sensibly without picking or nibbling.

    So far, in less than two weeks, have lost 5lb - yipee.

    Target weight - not sure yet, but I reckon to get to my ideal weight for my height (5' 6")/build I need to lose about 40lbs.

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