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Complete France Forum


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  1. Made using French flour and instant yeast .... twas Yummy !!!!..
  2. Made using French flour and instant yeast .... twas Yummy !!!!..
  3. Made using French flour and instant yeast .... twas Yummy !!!!..
  4. Made using French flour and instant yeast .... twas Yummy !!!!..
  5. He never did return but I now have a bead curtain, amazing he was only a few feet away.
  6. Hello and Help Please If the weather is warm like it is today like a lot of people the door to the Garden is open but today I've had a visitor "Twice" can you believe a "SWALLOW"   I have checked and it is definitely a swallow, blue black, white breast, red face and the long forked tail, my worry is if he wants to make his home here and I want the door closed he/she is going to be in trouble........ as beautiful as it is and to be so close I'm a little concerned I don't want it harmed, thinking of fitting up a bead hanger in the doorway to stop it entering, any thoughts? Many thanks  
  7. [quote user="idun"]Of course these plats prepare are cheap and many people haven't got much money.[/quote] They may not be expensive but they are not that cheap, only from what I have glanced at, you would not find me eating any of it. An onion, couple of carrots, stock cube, 500g cheap beef, cut up small and minced up or whizzed up in food processor, 2 kg Potatoes plus a bit of seasoning, oh and of course.....a bit of effort,   enough to feed a family of FOUR (4) easy Cost against buying 4 prepared cottage pies, Hachis parmentier. I would guess at least half price plus the added bonus................you know what your eating. Me, I've always made my own mince and I tend to mix meats pork and beef which I think gives a better flavour.
  8. Handle them?????????????????????????????????? Eat them...........yummy 
  9. Hi Sweet Since the 2 forums where combined it seems to have lost that something it had before : ( If your worried about handling chillies wear rubber gloves, easy peesy Take a look at my new avatar I grow these little devils, enough to keep me going for a year : )
  10. Hi Paul How you keeping, thought you where popping in for a curry, I'm about to start up a secret curry restaurant, if your interested give me a shout All the best Stephen
  11. Christine Try this link: http://www.m6bonus.fr/videos-_missions-4/videos-100_mag-2260/emission_du_09_02_2012/video-boulangers_patissiers_font_ils_vraiment_tout_eux_meme_-106126.html I keep watching it as I've fallen in love with the presenter :) regards Stephen & Max
  12. Hi Folks Save your money and make your own Harissa, this is a typical recipe, there as many different "recipes" as Algerians :) 10-12 dried red chili peppers or fresh (then omit the soaking) 3 cloves garlic 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground caraway seeds 1/2 teaspoon ground cuminPreparation:Soak the dried chilies in hot water for 30 minutes. Drain. Remove stems and seeds. In a food processor combine chili peppers, garlic, salt, and olive oil. Blend. Add the remaining spices and blend to form a smooth paste. Store in airtight container. Drizzle a small amount of olive oil on top to keep fresh. Will keep for a at least month in the fridge or use then freeze the rest . If you want it Hotter use more chillies. Bonne chance Stephen
  13. Hi and A Merry Christmas to one and all. :)
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