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Dick Smith

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Posts posted by Dick Smith

  1. [quote user="Cat"]

    [quote user="Dick Smith"]Hmmm. See here.


    Hmmm. There's something not quite right about that story.  They're saying the forum was shut down today, and if you go to the site in question http://www.ukfilmforum.co.uk/ there's a message saying that the forum will re-launch in March.  But if you compare today's site with the cached version of 26th August, they're almost exactly the same, with the same message about re-launch in March.  So the forum wasn't shut down today, it's been dormant for over a week. 

    Still thread pulled on dormant forum doesn't have quite the same punch, does it?


    It's a joke...

  2. [quote user="Will"]

    So if a scientist says he/she has seen or done something, it is fact, whereas if a 'theist' says something it's just the unprovable ramblings of a brainwashed moron who cannot reach a sensible conclusion?


    Yup. That's about right.

    It's the difference between the observable and repeatable and the imagined.

  3. To get back to the original post (and ignore some of the anti-Mac prejudice which always seems to arise from some quarters) - is it a Macbook or a Macbook Pro? My Pros have metal cases and these are factored in to the heatsink requirements. I'm not sure about Macbooks. They also heat more doing some jobs, internet and heavy battery charging use more 'stuff' I guess.

    Also - be aware - if it is an older Mac there was an issue over overheating batteries a couple of years ago. The replacement scheme has finished, but it may be worth checking.

  4. Does anyone know of any sources of railway sleepers for hard landscaping - Normandy/south Brittany? Some idea of delivery costs would be useful.

    Or is other timber just as useful for edging gravelled areas, building raised beds and so forth?


  5. [quote user="ErnieY"]No apologies neccessary Dick, only having a mildly spirited exchange of views after all, nothing personal [:)]

    Daily mail/Littlejohn or not I think you would find it hard not to concede that over the last decade or so UK has become a much less desireable and pleasant place to live and the tragedy is that there seems to be little if any will or spirit left in the population to stand up to what's been, and is being, imposed on them in the names of those three catch all bogey men, anti terrorism, 'elf and safety and political correctness [:(]

    I'll shut up now [;-)]


    No, I wouldn't. I haven't seen any of that, it isn't talked of in workplaces or pubs that I frequent. Most people are better off (despite the present drop in house prices) and no-one I have heard of has been thrown out of work. I don't, and the people I meet regularly, don't feel 'imposed upon' by anything or anybody, other than terrorists. As I live just outside of London (and was in the area on 7/7) we have opinions on being kept safe, thanks, rather than just being negative about everything.

    I just don't recognise this dismal, dispirited society you seem to think exists.

    And as for 'elf and safety' and 'political correctness' - oh do me a favour. Two fictional baddies if there ever were.

    'elf and safety' - possibly that is exactly what it is, try thinking about it for a moment.

    'Political Correctness' - usually a reaction by the prejudiced to those who object to their primitive views. Often called 'politeness' or 'good manners' of course. Sometimes people get it wrong, well we mustn't have that, must we?

    Do you remember the Daily Mail story about the school sports which were cancelled due to 'elf and safety' and 'political correctness' and 'the nanny state' (god, how the cliches flow once you start). Turned out that a farmer had promised the school a field for their sports (they had never had a playing field before) but he didn't get round to ploughing it properly, so the furrows were deemed unsuitable for primary age kids to run on. But, of course, that came out as (see previous cliches) by the time the Daily Mail was reporting it. And so on.

    I get sick and tired of it, especially when I hear it from people who don't actually live in the UK. Of course the country has faults, some big ones in some areas, but it isn't some third-world banana republic ruled by Guardianistas and sliding into a socialist nightmare. It's Britain, rather stodgy, rather conservative, a bit silly at times, generally well meaning and mostly tolerant. Like it has been for the last fifteen hundred years.

  6. Sorry, Ernie, I know you are really one of the good guys. But it really gets my goat that so many people do this 'look at what I've found in the Daily Mail and isn't Britain terrible' thing. I am just so sick of their negativity and mocking attitude - and the apparent belief that everyone feels the same way they do. As soon as someone like Littlejohn speaks they all leap in to show how this is a sign of Britain going down the pan, insanity, political correctness gone mad, Gordon Brown is an alien or whatever.

    I feel it says more about them than the society they have left/want to leave.

  7. The funny thing about this story is that the only place any element of it appears is the Daily Mail.

    Could you make it up? With Littlejohn's record? Well, that's a no-brainer.

    I wonder what the real story is? Possibly something to do with route checking and monitoring for efficiency, to get better value for council tax payers. Possibly not, but whatever, it's always easier to take the Daily Mail's word for it and mock from the sidelines.

  8. No, I got sidetracked onto something else (very fine half-lap joints, on ¼" timber...).

    Had a nasty experience today. I got a couple of Lie Nielsen planes as a retirement present from school (#62, #66) which go nicely with my LN #95 and #60½. So that I can take them over to France next week, I needed a case. As it happens we were cleaning out the loft, and I found a couple of foam-filled flight cases. Ideal, I thought. So I spent Saturday morning cutting up foam and sticking it down with hot glue, burning myself and making a shocking mess. Finished and put the cases to one side, planes inside.

    This afternoon (Tuesday!) I got the block plane out and it was rusted all over! The jack had some marks on it, a Record 077 was stained, the bronze on the #95 looked tarnished. So, a lot of work with fine emery (I thought of lapping, but I don't think a light rub will have taken the soles out of true) and some new wooden cases made!

    Not a pleasant discovery.

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