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Posts posted by Patf

  1. I've looked up quenelles, and realise now they're more like gefilte fish . Which I've made in the past, but a bit fiddly as the ingredients need to be minced or ground.  Formed into balls then they can be poached, fried or baked.
    Now we can buy the prepared mixture, either white fish or salmon, ready for cooking.

    The baked ones are nice cooked in a sauce of tomatoes, peppers and shallots. Also don't stink the house out like the other 2.

  2. I've never cooked crozets or quenelles, but had a look on my favourite french cookery website, 750g.
    Lots of suggestions there:
    I've never heard of crozets, I thought quenelles were basically mashed potato and egg, fried in large spoonfuls?

  3. My spoken french is probably similar to yours, Idun. I just dived in and hoped for the best.
    There was a discussion like this on another forum, which went onto fear of making mistakes. I think this is more common among men than among women.

  4. I agree about the smell Lehaut. We had a deepfryer in France but it lived in the barn where I plugged it in sometimes.
    When our eldest was in his late teens he sometimes came home late at night but we always knew when he was home (relief) because of the smell of the deepfryer as he made himself some chips.

  5. Idun you sound so energetic - I'm running out of steam when it comes to baking and cooking.
    And we don't do deep frying any more, husband has a stomach problem and oily foods make him ill.
    I do shallow-fry fish though and use a tiny bit of sunflower oil, which seems tasteless to me.
    No chips [:(]

  6. I think it depends on what type of bread you like, we all make whatever suits our taste.
    I've never used a breadmaker machine, but a few years ago husband bought a Kenwood with a dough hook which takes out all the hard work of kneading.
    We like wholemeal bread, I use Allinsons, 60% wholemeal, 40% white. And I add a tbsp of black treacle to the warm liquid. Also some salt to the flour mix. As you say essential, Idun.

    We can get fresh yeast from a Jewish bakery where we live now.  But I don't like their white bread  (challas etc.)  Too dry.

  7. I think mijoteuse is the word.
    I tried to explain to the person I was giving it to that I think you have to pre-heat it, and pre- fry the ingredients before putting them in . It must have been one of the early ones because you don't have to do that now.
    I now have a much bigger one which I use regularly.

  8. What's the name of slow cookers in France? I think it's something to do with simmering.
    I've got a small one called Cordon Bleu which I bought in France and hardly used. Giving it to someone here but need an instruction booklet.

  9. Copy and paste works for me Idun.
    I heard about these thermal treatments for french people who have a certain level of health cover from my hairdresser, ages ago. She had broken her ankle and part of her 're-education' was 2 weeks in a posh Spa. All expenses paid.

  10. French people in the Gers seemed to understand me ok. As I've said before people from NE England, Scotland (and Ireland?) have broad vowels, and perhaps a more musical intonation and rhythm than southerners.

    I could also do the gutteral 'r' which used to be part of Geordie speech, and is also used by older french people in the Gers.
    My friend came from Devon and some of the locals couldn't understand her, but it didn't matter as she 's so sociable.And she understands french well, much better than me.

  11. We wish a good New Year to you and yours, Wooly. And to all on here.
    And thanks for all the effort you put into the forum.
    As for the museum visit, I would like to see it, but we're not going down south this year. I've given up driving and husband isn't too keen either.
    ps it sounds as if your Bobo is La Nature?

  12. As well as all the gossip etc, once the french in rural France get to trust you, they're very loyal neighbours.

    A few times we asked for their help and offered to pay, but they would never accept money. It was more like mutual favours. I sometimes wondered if it was because the french tax authorities etc kept a tight watch on anything done 'on the black'.
    And they were inspected as to how their farming subsidies were claimed. With regular visits to the farm, and helicopter viewings.

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